86 research outputs found

    Effects of GLP-1RAs on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: review of real-world data on target populations from diabetes registry in Russian Federation

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    RATIONALE. Over the past 20 years the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Russia has more than doubled and reached 4.43 million people in 2020, while the growth rate keeps increasing. Most patients with T2DM are at a higher risk of developing major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) associated with significant mortality. There is a strong evidence base that the drugs belonging to GLP-1RA class contribute to reducing the risk of cardiovascular events and renal outcomes. At the same time, the current prescribing rates of these treatments in Russia are quite low - only about 0.1% of patients are prescribed GLP-1RAs, according to Diabetes Registry data.AIM. Review the results of several randomized clinical trials (RCTs) concerning effects of GLP-1RA treatments on prevention of primary and secondary cardiovascular events and estimate the number of diabetic target population.MATERIALS AND METHODS. We examined the data from clinical trials on GLP-1RA treatments registered in Russia and used in routine clinical practice (ELIXA, EXSCEL, LEADER, SUSTAIN-6 and REWIND) and data from two meta-analyzes published as of December 1, 2020. The task was to evaluate the inclusion criteria, patient profile, and the clinical efficacy and safety profiles of  the studied therapies. Also, the analysis of clinical information from the Diabetes Registry (DR) was performed to estimate the number of target T2DM patients meeting RCTs inclusion criteria that could benefit from prescribing of GLP-1RAs.RESULTS. The reviewed clinical trials demonstrated a statistically significant reduction (p <0.05) in the risk of serious cardiovascular events in patients treated with Liraglutide [RR 0.87 (95% CI, 0.78-0.97)], Semagltuide [OP 0.74 (95% CI 0.58-0.95)] and Dulaglutide [RR 0.88 (95% CI 0.79-0.99)]. Meta-analyzes utilizing data from 6 RCTs with the total number of 56,004 T2DM patients, also, confirmed a statistically significant reduction in the risk of developing MACE (by 12%) in the studied population, and a 17% reduction in the risk of combined renal outcomes [RR 0.83 (95% CI 0.78-0.89), p <0.0001]. The DR patient population that met the RCTs inclusion criteria amounted to 538.6 thous. subjects in case of REWIND and 432.4 thous. in case of LEADER and SUSTAIN-6. The key differences between FDR patients and patients engaged in RCTs included gender and age characteristics. The DR patients were generally older and the bulk of them were women, which has to do with overall Russian demographic trends. The proportion of DR patients with established CVD was 26%, which closely matched the profile of patients from REWIND study (31.5%). According to DR data, the number of patients in whom the treatment was intensified following prescription of basal insulin was 7612 per year, which is close to a potential cohort eligible for alternative treatment with GLP-1RAs.CONCLUSION. All the drugs belonging to GLP-1RA class are clinically effective in reducing the risk of cardiovascular and renal outcomes, while demonstrating a favorable safety profile including with respect to lower risk of developing hypoglycemia. The decreased risk of complications was recorded both in patients with existing cardiovascular risks and patients with established CVD. Of all GLP-1RA treatments available in Russia at this point, the greatest clinical effectiveness is achieved by Liraglutide, Semaglutide and Dulaglutide. The estimated patient population from DR, meeting RCTs inclusion criteria and matching RCTs patient profile was over 500, 000 people with the largest number of patients meeting the REWIND criteria. The target population of patients with T2DM who may potentially benefit from the administration of GLP-1RAs is over 500, 000 people. Out of that number at least 7.5 thousand are patients, whose treatment is intensified following prescription of basal insulin (with an aim of improving glycemic control, but without consideration of cardiovascular risks).Currently, if we take the real world clinical setting in Russia, the number of patients receiving GLP-1RA treatments is substantially lower than the estimated figures (less than 1%), which requires reconsideration of the approach toward their prescribing as is recommended by state-of-the-art clinical guidelines prioritizing prevention of cardiovascular risks

    Cognitive tests in zebrafish (Danio rerio): T-and Y-mazes

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    T-and Y-shaped mazes are traditionally used to assess spatial learning and memory of zebrafish. In the installation of the T-shaped maze, the fish are taught to swim into the desired sleeve and not swim into the “wrong” one using both posi-tive (for example, food reinforcement) and negative (for example, electric current) stimuli to form more persistent reflexes. The Y-shaped maze is based on the principle of spontaneous choice. Spontaneous choice behavior describes the tendency of animals to change their direction of rotation in a series of successive turns. Each choice statistically depends on the previous one, which indicates its mnestic origin. Unlike other types of memory tasks, testing in the Y-shaped maze does not require prior training or reinforcement (as in the T-shaped maze). Both aquatic mazes are becoming useful tools for assessing zebrafish cognitive phenotypes. © Authors, 2022.Saint Petersburg State University, SPbU, (73026081)Funding source. The work was carried out with the support of St. Petersburg State University (State assignment, project No. 73026081)

    Spontaneous and induced secretion of the pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic foot syndrome

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    AIMS: Investigation of spontaneous and induced secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and the anti-inflammatory chemokine C-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 18 (CCL18) by monocytes isolated from blood of patients with long-term type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), both with or without foot ulcers and the effect of the course use of the combined metabolic drug Kokarnit as part of complex therapy on the dynamics of the severity of symptoms of DSPN and the cytokine phenotype in patients with long-term non-healing ulcers of the lower extremities MATERIALS AND METHODS: 121 patients with T2DM, 79 without diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) and 42 patients with DFS were included. CD14+ monocytes were isolated from patients’ blood and stimulated by interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and interleukine-4 (IL-4) for induction of pro- and anti-inflammatory monocyte activation, respectively. The concentrations of TNF-α and CCL18 in the culture medium were measured using ELISA on day 1 and day 6 after cell stimulation in all patients before taking the combined metabolic drug Kokarnit. Then they were randomly allocated either to the control group (57 people), to whom Kokarnit was added to standard treatment, or to the comparison group. After a 9-day course of application of Kokarnit, the dynamics of indicators was evaluated on a TSS scale. Assessment of cytokine status was carried out in 18 people with long-term non-healing ulcerative defects of the lower extremities, on the first and ninth day of treatment. RESULTS: A correlation was found between HbA1c and levels of stimulated secretion of TNFα (r=0.726, p=0.027), CCL18 (r=-0.949, p=0.051) in patients with DSPN. In all patients with different duration of VDS, an increase in secretion of TNF-α and CCL18 was observed (p<0.05). However, stimulation of anti-inflammatory activation was not observed in patients with ulcerative defects lasting more than 6 months (p=0.033). The use of cocarnit in these patients had a decrease in stimulated secretion of TNFα and an increase in CCL18. Throughout the entire observation period with the therapy, the score for the symptoms of polyneuropathy on the TSS scale in patients of the control group was statistically significantly higher. CONCLUSION: Against the background of therapy in patients of the main group, a statistically significant dynamics of indicators on the TSS scale was established. The cytokine modulating ability of Kokarnit to switch the cytokine status into the category of anti-inflammatory

    Modeling the drug withdrawal syndrome in zebrafish (Danio rerio)

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    The central pathological link in addictive states is the drug withdrawal syndrome. Usually, severe manifestations of the withdrawal syndrome are associated with reduced sensitivity of postsynaptic receptors (desensitization), lower den-sity of receptors and impaired transport of neurotransmitters, and the rebound effect. Zebrafish is an effective tool in the study of classic withdrawal symptoms and special cases of withdrawal of other selected psychoactive drugs. © 2022, Eco-Vector LLC. All rights reserved.Saint Petersburg State University, SPbU, (73026081)Funding source. The work was carried out with the support of St. Petersburg State University (State assignment, project No. 73026081)

    Modeling depression in zebrafish

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    Depression is a widespread, severely debilitating mental disorder characterized by low mood, anhedonia, fatigue, decreased attention, suicidality and psychomotor retardation, accompanied by neuroendocrine and molecular disorders. Zebrafish have neuroendocrine and neurotransmitter systems similar to humans, as well as high genetic homology, and are rapidly becoming popular model organisms for modeling depressive-like conditions. Here, we discuss modern behavioral, pharmacological and genetic models of depression in zebrafish, their methodological applications and translational implications. © Authors, 2022.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka, (075-15-2022-301)Funding source. This work was financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Agreement No. 075-15-2022-301)

    Epidemiology of fractures in Armenia: development of a country-specific FRAX model and comparison to its surrogate

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    Summary: Fracture probabilities derived from the surrogate FRAX model for Armenia were compared to those from the model based on regional estimates of the incidence of hip fracture. Disparities between the surrogate and authentic FRAX models indicate the importance of developing country-specific FRAX models. Despite large differences between models, differences in the rank order of fracture probabilities were minimal. Objective: Armenia has relied on a surrogate FRAX model based on the fracture epidemiology of Romania. This paper describes the epidemiology of fragility fractures in Armenia used to create an Armenia-specific FRAX model with an aim of comparing this new model with the surrogate model. Methods: We carried out a population-based study in two regions of Armenia (Ararat and Vayots Dzor representing approximately 11% of the country’s population). We aimed to identify all low-energy fractures: retrospectively from hospital registers in 2011–2012 and prospectively in 2013 with the inclusion of primary care sources. Results: The differences in incidence between the surveys with and without data from primary care suggested that 44% of patients sustaining a hip fracture did not receive specialized medical care. A similar proportion of forearm and humeral fractures did not come to hospital attention (48 and 49%, respectively). Only 57.7% of patients sustaining a hip fracture were hospitalized. In 2013, hip fracture incidence at the age of 50 years or more was 201/100,000 for women and 136/100,000 for men, and age- and sex-specific rates were incorporated into the new “authentic” FRAX model for Armenia. Compared to the surrogate model, the authentic model gave lower 10-year fracture probabilities in men and women aged less than 70 years but substantially higher above this age. Notwithstanding, there were very close correlations in fracture probabilities between the surrogate and authentic models ( >  0.99) so that the revisions had little impact on the rank order of risk. Conclusion: A substantial proportion of major osteoporotic fractures in Armenia do not come to hospital attention. The disparities between surrogate and authentic FRAX models indicate the importance of developing country-specific FRAX models. Despite large differences between models, differences in the rank order of fracture probabilities were minimal

    Demonstration of a parity-time symmetry breaking phase transition using superconducting and trapped-ion qutrits

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    Scalable quantum computers hold the promise to solve hard computational problems, such as prime factorization, combinatorial optimization, simulation of many-body physics, and quantum chemistry. While being key to understanding many real-world phenomena, simulation of non-conservative quantum dynamics presents a challenge for unitary quantum computation. In this work, we focus on simulating non-unitary parity-time symmetric systems, which exhibit a distinctive symmetry-breaking phase transition as well as other unique features that have no counterpart in closed systems. We show that a qutrit, a three-level quantum system, is capable of realizing this non-equilibrium phase transition. By using two physical platforms - an array of trapped ions and a superconducting transmon - and by controlling their three energy levels in a digital manner, we experimentally simulate the parity-time symmetry-breaking phase transition. Our results indicate the potential advantage of multi-level (qudit) processors in simulating physical effects, where additional accessible levels can play the role of a controlled environment.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Consensus position of endocrinologists and pathologists on coding causes of death in patients with diabetes mellitus (expert opinion)

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    Coding of the causes of death of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) in the Russian Federation is one of the long-discussed problems, due to the comorbidity of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and a number of contradictions in the key regulatory documents regulating the statistics of mortality in this category of patients, which acquires particular relevance in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, due to its negative impact on the outcomes of the course of COVID-19 and mortality risks. In pursuance of the decisions of the Minutes of the meeting of the working group under the project committee of the National Project «Health» on identifying patterns in the formation of mortality rates of the population dated January 20, 2021 No. 1, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation T.A. Golikova, experts of two directions - endocrinology and pathological anatomy, prepared a Draft of agreed recommendations on the Rules for coding the causes of death of patients with diabetes, causing the greatest problems in terms of the use of ICD-10 when choosing the initial cause of death, including in the case of death from CVD and COVID-19