58 research outputs found

    Differential diagnostics of the syndrome of the dyspepsia of the infectious and noninfectious genesis

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    Timely and correct differential diagnostics of dyspeptic syndrome was and remains serious interdisciplinary problem. The greatest complexities appear with the development of the reasons for the development of diarrhea and ab-dominal pain in patients with the komorbidnoy pathology. Understanding the mechanisms, which lie at the basis of the formation of syndrome of diarrhea, they will make it possible within maximally short times to manufacture adequate diagnostic tactics and to determine the necessary therapeutic measures. In the article the typical defects of diagnostics of the diseases, which are accompanied by the syndrome of diarrhea, are analyzed, in the prehospital and hospital stages of rendering to medical aid and they are proposed to the way of their warning and correction.Серьезной междисциплинарной проблемой была и остается своевременная и правильная дифференциальная диагностика диспепсического синдрома. Наибольшие сложности возникают при выявлении причин развития диареи и абдоминальной боли у больных с коморбидной патологией. Понимание механизмов, лежащих в основе формирования диарейного син-дрома, позволят в максимально короткие сроки выработать адекватную диагностическую тактику и определить необходимые лечебные мероприятия. В статье проанализированы типичные дефекты диагностики заболеваний, сопровождающихся синдромом диареи, на догоспитальном и госпитальном этапах оказания медицинской помощи и предложены пути их предупреждения и исправления

    Ozone observations and a model of marine boundary layer photochemistry during SAGA 3

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    A major purpose of the third joint Soviet‐American Gases and Aerosols (SAGA 3) oceanographic cruise was to examine remote tropical marine O3 and photochemical cycles in detail. On leg 1, which took place between Hilo, Hawaii, and Pago‐Pago, American Samoa, in February and March 1990, shipboard measurements were made of O3, CO, CH4, nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC), NO, dimethyl sulfide (DMS), H2S, H2O2, organic peroxides, and total column O3. Postcruise analysis was performed for alkyl nitrates and a second set of nonmethane hydrocarbons. A latitudinal gradient in O3 was observed on SAGA 3, with O3 north of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) at 15–20 parts per billion by volume (ppbv) and less than 12 ppbv south of the ITCZ but never ≤3 ppbv as observed on some previous equatorial Pacific cruises (Piotrowicz et al., 1986; Johnson et al., 1990). Total column O3 (230–250 Dobson units (DU)) measured from the Akademik Korolev was within 8% of the corresponding total ozone mapping spectrometer (TOMS) satellite observations and confirmed the equatorial Pacific as a low O3 region. In terms of number of constituents measured, SAGA 3 may be the most photochemically complete at‐sea experiment to date. A one‐dimensional photochemical model gives a self‐consistent picture of O3‐NO‐CO‐hydrocarbon interactions taking place during SAGA 3. At typical equatorial conditions, mean O3 is 10 ppbv with a 10–15% diurnal variation and maximum near sunrise. Measurements of O3, CO, CH4, NMHC, and H2O constrain model‐calculated OH to 9 × 105 cm−3 for 10 ppbv O3 at the equator. For DMS (300–400 parts per trillion by volume (pptv)) this OH abundance requires a sea‐to‐air flux of 6–8 × 109 cm−2 s−1, which is within the uncertainty range of the flux deduced from SAGA 3 measurements of DMS in seawater (Bates et al., this issue). The concentrations of alkyl nitrates on SAGA 3 (5–15 pptv total alkyl nitrates) were up to 6 times higher than expected from currently accepted kinetics, suggesting a largely continental source for these species. However, maxima in isopropyl nitrate and bromoform near the equator (Atlas et al., this issue) as well as for nitric oxide (Torres and Thompson, this issue) may signify photochemical and biological sources of these species

    Unified (q;α,β,γ;ν)(q;\alpha,\beta,\gamma;\nu)-deformation of one-parametric q-deformed oscillator algebras

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    We define a generalized (q;α,β,γ;ν)(q;\alpha,\beta,\gamma;\nu)-deformed oscillator algebra and study the number of its characteristics. We describe the structure function of deformation, analyze the classification of irreducible representations and discuss the asymptotic spectrum behaviour of the Hamiltonian. For a special choice of the deformation parameters we construct the deformed oscillator with discrete spectrum of its "quantized coordinate" operator. We establish its connection with the (generalized) discrete Hermite I polynomials

    A novel glucagon-related peptide (GCRP) and its receptor GCRPR account for coevolution of their family members in vertebrates

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    The glucagon (GCG) peptide family consists of GCG, glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP1), and GLP2, which are derived from a common GCG precursor, and the glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP). These peptides interact with cognate receptors, GCGR, GLP1R, GLP2R, and GIPR, which belong to the secretin-like G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family. We used bioinformatics to identify genes encoding a novel GCG-related peptide (GCRP) and its cognate receptor, GCRPR. The GCRP and GCRPR genes were found in representative tetrapod taxa such as anole lizard, chicken, and Xenopus, and in teleosts including medaka, fugu, tetraodon, and stickleback. However, they were not present in mammals and zebrafish. Phylogenetic and genome synteny analyses showed that GCRP emerged through two rounds of whole genome duplication (2R) during early vertebrate evolution. GCRPR appears to have arisen by local tandem gene duplications from a common ancestor of GCRPR, GCGR, and GLP2R after 2R. Biochemical ligand-receptor interaction analyses revealed that GCRP had the highest affinity for GCRPR in comparison to other GCGR family members. Stimulation of chicken, Xenopus, and medaka GCRPRs activated Gαs-mediated signaling. In contrast to chicken and Xenopus GCRPRs, medaka GCRPR also induced Gαq/11-mediated signaling. Chimeric peptides and receptors showed that the K(16)M(17)K(18) and G(16)Q(17)A(18) motifs in GCRP and GLP1, respectively, may at least in part contribute to specific recognition of their cognate receptors through interaction with the receptor core domain. In conclusion, we present novel data demonstrating that GCRP and GCRPR evolved through gene/genome duplications followed by specific modifications that conferred selective recognition to this ligand-receptor pair