303 research outputs found

    Apparent finite-size effects in the dynamics of supercooled liquids

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    Molecular dynamics simulations are performed for a supercooled simple liquid with changing the system size from N=108 to 10410^4 to examine possible finite-size effects. Although almost no systematic deviation is detected in the static pair correlation functions, it is demonstrated that the structural α\alpha relaxation in a small system becomes considerably slower than that in larger systems for temperatures below TcT_c at which the size of the cooperative particle motions becomes comparable to the unit cell length of the small system. The discrepancy increases with decreasing temperature.Comment: 4 pages 5 figure

    Anisotropic s-wave superconductivity in single crystals CaAlSi from penetration depth measurements

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    In- and out-of-plane London penetration depths were measured in single crystals CaAlSi (T_{c}=6.2 K and 7.3 K) using a tunnel-diode resonator. A full 3D BCS analysis of the superfluid density is consistent with a prolate spheroidal gap, with a weak-coupling BCS value in the ab-plane and stronger coupling along the c-axis. The gap anisotropy was found to significantly decrease for higher T_{c} samples.Comment: 4 page

    Evidence for Strong-coupling S-wave Superconductivity in MgB2 :11B NMR Study

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    We have investigated a gap structure in a newly-discovered superconductor, MgB2 through the measurement of 11B nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate, ^{11}(1/T_1). ^{11}(1/T_1) is proportional to the temperature (T) in the normal state, and decreases exponentially in the superconducting (SC) state, revealing a tiny coherence peak just below T_c. The T dependence of 1/T_1 in the SC state can be accounted for by an s-wave SC model with a large gap size of 2\Delta /k_BT_c \sim 5 which suggests to be in a strong-coupling regime.Comment: 2 pages with 1 figur

    Evidence for High-frequency Phonon Mediated S-wave Superconductivity : 11B-NMR Study of Al-doped MgB2

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    We report 11^{11}B-NMR study on Al-doped MgB2_2 that addresses a possible mechanism for a high superconducting (SC) transition temperature (TcT_c) of ∌40\sim 40 K in recently discovered MgB2_2. The result of nuclear spin lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 in the SC state revealed that the size in the SC gap is not changed by substituting Al for Mg. The reduction on TcT_c by Al-doping is shown to be due to the decrease of N(EF)N(E_F). According to the McMillan equation, the experimental relation between TcT_c and the relative change in N(EF)N(E_F) allowed us to estimate a characteristic phonon frequency ω∌700\omega \sim 700 K and an electron-phonon coupling constant λ∌0.87\lambda \sim 0.87. These results suggest that the high-TcT_c superconductivity in MgB2_2 is mediated by the strong electron-phonon coupling with high-frequency phonons.Comment: 6pages, 3figure

    Superconductivity in a new layered triangular-lattice system Li2IrSi2

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    We report on the crystal structure and superconducting properties of a novel iridium-silicide, namely Li2IrSi2. It has a Ag2NiO2-type structure (space group R-3m) with the lattice parameters a = 4.028 30(6) Å and c = 13.161 80(15) Å. The crystal structure comprises IrSi2 and double Li layers stacked alternately along the c-axis. The IrSi2 layer includes a two-dimensional Ir equilateral-triangular lattice. Electrical resistivity and static magnetic measurements revealed that Li2IrSi2 is a type-II superconductor with critical temperature (Tc) of 3.3 K. We estimated the following superconducting parameters: lower critical field Hc1(0) ~ 42 Oe, upper critical field Hc2(0) ~ 1.7 kOe, penetration depth λ0 ~ 265 nm, coherence length Ο0 ~ 44 nm, and Ginzburg–Landau parameter ÎșGL ~ 6.02. The specific-heat data suggested that superconductivity in Li2IrSi2 could be attributed to weak-coupling Cooper pairs

    The Role of Arabidopsis ABCG9 and ABCG31 ATP Binding Cassette Transporters in Pollen Fitness and the Deposition of Steryl Glycosides on the Pollen Coat

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    The pollen coat protects pollen grains from harmful environmental stresses such as drought and cold. Many compounds in the pollen coat are synthesized in the tapetum. However, the pathway by which they are transferred to the pollen surface remains obscure. We found that two Arabidopsis thaliana ATP binding cassette transporters, ABCG9 and ABCG31, were highly expressed in the tapetum and are involved in pollen coat deposition. Upon exposure to dry air, many abcg9 abcg31 pollen grains shriveled up and collapsed, and this phenotype was restored by complementation with ABCG9(pro):GFP:ABCG9. GFP-tagged ABCG9 or ABCG31 localized to the plasma membrane. Electron microscopy revealed that the mutant pollen coat resembled the immature coat of the wild type, which contained many electron-lucent structures. Steryl glycosides were reduced to about half of wild-type levels in the abcg9 abcg31 pollen, but no differences in free sterols or steryl esters were observed. A mutant deficient in steryl glycoside biosynthesis, ugt80A2 ugt80B1, exhibited a similar phenotype. Together, these results indicate that steryl glycosides are critical for pollen fitness, by supporting pollen coat maturation, and that ABCG9 and ABCG31 contribute to the accumulation of this sterol on the surface of pollen.X1133Ysciescopu

    Theory for phonon-induced superconductivity in MgB2_2

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    We analyze superonductivity in MgB2_2 observed below Tc=39T_c=39 K resulting from electron-phonon coupling involving a mode at ℏω1=24\hbar \omega_1 = 24 meV and most importantly the in-plane B-B E2gE_{2g} vibration at ℏω2=67\hbar \omega_2=67 meV. The quasiparticles originating from π\pi- and σ\sigma-states couple strongly to the low-frequency mode and the E2gE_{2g}-vibrations respectively. Using two-band Eliashberg theory, λπ=1.4\lambda_{\pi} = 1.4 and λσ=0.7\lambda_{\sigma} = 0.7, we calculate the gap functions Δi(ω,0)\Delta^{i}(\omega,0) (i=πi=\pi, σ\sigma). Our results provide an explanation of recent tunneling experiments. We get Hc2ab/Hc2c≈3.9H^{ab}_{c_2}/H^{c}_{c_2} \approx 3.9.Comment: revised version, accepted for publication in PR

    Indução da carcinogĂȘnese mamĂĄria experimental em ratas com 7,12-dimetilbenz(a)antraceno

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    PURPOSE: To test an experimental model of chemical mammary carcinogenesis induction in rats. METHODS: Twenty young virgin Sprague-Dawley female rats, aged 47 days, received 20 mg of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) intragastrically by gavage. Afterwards, at 8 and 13 weeks, their mammary glands were examined. At the end of the experiment, the animals were sacrificed, and the mammary tumors were measured and weighed. Tumor fragments were analyzed using light microscopy. RESULTS: Eight weeks after DMBA injection, 16 rats presented at least 1 breast tumor (80%). After 13 weeks, all of them (100%) developed breast carcinomas that were confirmed by histopathological analysis. CONCLUSION: This experimental animal model of chemical mammary induced carcinogenesis is feasible and can be used in further experiments on the role of tumorigenic biomodulator substances.OBJETIVO: Testar um modelo experimental de indução quĂ­mica de carcinogĂȘnese mamĂĄria em ratas. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Com 47 dias de vida, 20 ratas Sprague-Dawley, jovens e virgens, receberam por gavagem intragĂĄstrica 20 mg de 7,12-dimetilbenz(a)antraceno (DMBA). Oito e 13 semanas depois da injeção de droga as mamas das ratas foram examinadas. Ao final os animais foram sacrificados e fragmentos dos tumores foram estudados ao microscĂłpio. RESULTADO: Oito semanas depois da injeção de DMBA 16 ratas apresentavam tumor nas mamas (80%). Com 13 semanas todas desenvolveram carcinomas de mama (100%), que foram confirmados por anĂĄlise histopatolĂłgica. CONCLUSÃO: Este modelo experimental de indução quĂ­mica de carcinogĂȘnese mamĂĄria Ă© factĂ­vel e pode ser empregado em futuras pesquisas para avaliar o papel de substĂąncias biomoduladoras da tumorigĂȘnese
