579 research outputs found

    QCD phase diagram with 2-flavor lattice fermion formulations

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    We propose a new framework for investigating two-flavor lattice QCD with finite temperature and density. We consider the Karsten-Wilczek fermion formulation, in which a species-dependent imaginary chemical potential term can reduce the number of species to two without losing chiral symmetry. This lattice discretization is useful for study on finite-(TT,μ\mu) QCD since its discrete symmetries are appropriate for the case. To show its applicability, we study strong-coupling lattice QCD with temperature and chemical potential. We derive the effective potential of the scalar meson field and obtain a critical line of the chiral phase transition, which is qualitatively consistent with the phenomenologically expected phase diagram. We also discuss that O(1/a)O(1/a) renormalization of imaginary chemical potential can be controlled by adjusting a parameter of a dimension-3 counterterm.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma of the Colon during Pregnancy

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    A rare case of mucinous adenocarcinoma of the cecum in a pregnant woman is described. A 32-year-old Korean woman was diagnosed as having an abdominal tumor immediately after giving birth. Abdominal computed tomography demonstrated a smooth mass measuring 10 cm in diameter on the right side of the abdomen. Acute abdomen developed 3 days after birth. At emergency surgery, volvulus of a polypoid tumor was detected at the cecum apart from the normal appendix. We successfully performed a tumorectomy; however, histopathological examination demonstrated mucinous adenocarcinoma with a massive blood clot

    Potential of an Asymmetrical Agitation in Industrial Mixing

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    Mixing is one of the most fundamental operations in chemical engineering. Stirred tanks are widely used in the manufacture of such materials as chemicals, paints, inks, electronics materials, ceramics, foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Suitable mixing is indispensable to the purpose achievement of a process. Eccentric mixing, in which an impeller installed at eccentric position in a vessel, is one of the traditional methods of promoting mixing. An asymmetrical flow which occurs in vessel is complicated, and it promotes mixing, distribution, and mass transfer. In this study, a new mixing method which eccentric mixing using a large type impeller which attracts attention in recent years is shown. The high performance of a large impeller can be combined with the advantages of an eccentric impeller by using the impeller at an eccentric position. The power consumption and mixing time for MAXBLEND, which is a type of large impeller, were investigated. The power consumption, P, and mixing time, θM, were measured under various eccentric conditions. The relation between the power number (Np) and Reynolds number (Re) and that between the dimensionless mixing time (nθM) and Re were investigated. When eccentric mixing is used industrially, we should be concerned about the horizontal load to a agitating shaft. The large oscillating horizontal load causes serious problems, such as the falling off of the impeller or the breakage of the motor, mechanical seal or gearbox. It is, therefore, important to understand the relation between these values and the impeller rotational speed when designing the mixing equipment and determining the operating conditions. In this study, the torque and horizontal load were measured in eccentric mixing under various eccentric conditions. The averages of both, the torque and the horizontal load, and their standard deviations, corresponding to the amplitude of fluctuation, were shown.Doi: 10.12777/ijse.5.2.73-80 [How to cite this article: Nishi, K., Enya, N., Sonoda, K., Misumi, R., Kaminoyama, M. (2013). Potential of an asymmetrical agitation in industrial mixing. International Journal of Science and Engineering, 5(2),73-80. Doi: 10.12777/ijse.5.2.73-80

    B Cell Depletion Curtails CD4+ T Cell Memory and Reduces Protection against Disseminating Virus Infection

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    Dynamic interactions between CD4+ T cells and B cells are needed for humoral immunity and CD4+ T cell memory. It is not known whether B cells are needed early on to induce the formation of memory precursor cells or are needed later to sustain memory cells. Herein, primary and memory CD4+ T cells responses were followed in wildtype mice that were depleted of mature B cells by anti-CD20 before or different times after acute lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection. The antibody treatment led to a 1000-fold reduction in B cell number that lasted 6 weeks. Primary virus-specific CD4+ Th1 cells were generated in B cell-depleted mice, however, there was a decrease in the CD4+Ly6CloTbet+ memory precursor population and a corresponding 4-fold reduction in CD4+ memory cell number. Memory T cells showed impaired cytokine production when they formed without B cells. B cell-depletion had no effect on established memory populations. During disseminating virus infection, B cell depletion led to sustained weight loss, functional exhaustion of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and prevented mice from resolving the infection. Thus, B cells contribute to the establishment and survival of memory CD4+ T cells following acute infection and play an essential role in immune protection against disseminating virus infection

    IFN-  Exerts Opposing Effects on T Cell Responses Depending on the Chronicity of the Virus Infection

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    IFN-lambda (IFN-λ) induces an antiviral state in many cell types and may contribute to the overall inflammatory environment following infection. Either of these effects may influence adaptive immune responses, but the role of type-3 interferons in the development of primary and memory T cell responses to infection has not been evaluated. Herein, we examined T cell responses to acute or persistent lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection in IFN-λR1-deficient mice. Following acute infection, we find that IFN-λR1-deficient mice produced normal levels of interferon, robust NK cell responses, but greater than normal CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses compared to WT Balb/c mice. There were more T cells that were IL-7Rhi and, correspondingly, the IFN-λR-deficient mice showed a 2–3-fold increase in memory T cell number. The inhibitory effect of IFN-λR expression was independent of direct cytokine signaling into T cells. In contrast to acute infection, the IFN-λR-deficient mice generated markedly diminished T cell responses and had greater weight loss compared to WT mice when confronted with a highly disseminating variant of LCMV. These data indicate that IFN-λR limits T cell responses and memory following transient infection but augments T cell responses during persisting infection. Thus, the immune regulatory functions for IFN-λR are complex and vary with the overall inflammatory environment

    Change in Localization of Alkaline Phosphatase and Mannosidase II by Colchicine Treatment of Primary Cultures of Fetal Rat Hepatocytes

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    We examined the changes in localization of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and mannosidase II (man II), a Golgi marker, after colchicine treatment of primary cultures of fetal rat hepatocytes, using double immunofluorescence staining and confocal laser microscopy. In hepatocytes cultured in basal medium, ALP was localized in the perinuclear cytoplasm, and man II was observed in the Golgi region of the cytoplasm. When hepatocytes were cultured in dexamethasone-supplemented medium, ALP was also localized in the plasma membrane surrounding the bile canaliculus-like structure that was formed between adjacent cells. In hepatocytes cultured in the same medium containing colchicine, the structure of microtubules in the cytoplasm was lost, man II exhibited granular distribution scattering throughout the cytoplasm, and ALP was localized in coarse granular sites of the cytoplasm. However, ALP was not colocalized at the same sites as man II. The present study indicated that colchicine inhibits the dexamethasone-promoted translocation of ALP to the plasma membrane surrounding the bile canaliculus-like structure in primary cultures of fetal rat hepatocytes by disassembling microtubules and discomposing the Golgi complex

    Histology of tbe fissure contents in completely impacted teeth

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    Nous avons étudié les fissures occlusales et leur contenu au niveau de dents complètement incluses à l’aide du microscope optique et électronique et obtenu quelques résultats intéressants. C’est-à-dire au microscope optique, l’examen des coupes de fissures ont montré:a) Un certain nombre de fissures étaient comblées.b) D’autres étaient comblées à certains endroits limités, localisés le long des murs de la fissure.c) D’autres enfin ne contenaient rien et les fissures étaient pratiquement vides.La fine structure du contenu des fissures ne pouvait pas être précisée au microscope optique et l’interprétation ne peut qu’être subjective.Observés au microscope électronique, les dépôts comblant les fissures se sont avérés être de l’émail hypominéralisé
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