1,827 research outputs found

    Implications of the X-ray Variability for the Mass of MCG-6-30-15

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    The bright Seyfert 1 galaxy \mcg shows large variability on a variety of time scales. We study the \aproxlt 3 day time scale variability using a set of simultaneous archival observations that were obtained from \rxte and the {\it Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics} (\asca). The \rxte\ observations span nearly 10610^6 sec and indicate that the X-ray Fourier Power Spectral Density has an rms variability of 16%, is flat from approximately 10^{-6} - 10^{-5} Hz, and then steepens into a power law fα\propto f^{-\alpha} with \alpha\aproxgt 1. A further steepening to α2\alpha \approx 2 occurs between 10^{-4}-10^{-3} Hz. The shape and rms amplitude are comparable to what has been observed in \ngc and \cyg, albeit with break frequencies that differ by a factor of 10^{-2} and 10^{4}, respectively. If the break frequencies are indicative of the central black hole mass, then this mass may be as low as 106M10^6 {\rm M}_\odot. An upper limit of 2\sim 2 ks for the relative lag between the 0.5-2 keV \asca band compared to the 8-15 keV \rxte band was also found. Again by analogy with \ngc and \cyg, this limit is consistent with a relatively low central black hole mass.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX, uses emulateapj.sty and apjfonts.sty, revised version, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Adjunctive lurasidone suppresses food intake and weight gain associated with olanzapine administration in rats

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    Objective: Lurasidone is an antipsychotic drug that shows a relative lack of weight gain common to many antipsychotics. Aripiprazole and ziprasidone also show little weight gain and can reduce olanzapine-induced food intake and weight gain in animals, paralleling some clinical findings. We hypothesized that lurasidone would have similar actions. Methods: Female Lister-hooded rats received i.p either 2x vehicle (saline), lurasidone (3mg/kg) and vehicle, olanzapine (1mg/kg) and vehicle, or olanzapine and lurasidone. Following drug administration food intake was measured for 60min. A further series of rats underwent a seven-day regime of once-daily administration of the above doses and free access to food and water. Weight gain over the course of the study was monitored. Results: Olanzapine induced a significant increase in food intake while lurasidone showed no significant effect. Co-administration of lurasidone with olanzapine suppressed the increase in food intake. Repeated dosing showed an increase in body weight after seven days with olanzapine, and no significant effect observed with lurasidone, while repeated administration of lurasidone with olanzapine reduced the effect of olanzapine on the increase in body weight. Conclusion: These findings support our hypotheses in that lurasidone, in addition to a lack of effect on acute food intake and short term weight gain, can reduce olanzapine-induced food intake and weight gain in rats. This indicates the drug to have an active anti-hyperphagic mechanism, rather than solely the absence of a drug-induced weight gain that is such a severe limitation of drugs such as olanzapine

    The ASCA X-Ray Spectrum Of The Broad-Line Radio Galaxy Pictor A: A Simple Power Law With No Fe K-alpha Line

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    We present the X-ray spectrum of the broad-line radio galaxy Pictor A as observed by ASCA in 1996. The main objective of the observation was to detect and study the profiles of the Fe~Kα\alpha lines. The motivation was the fact that the Balmer lines of this object show well-separated displaced peaks, suggesting an origin in an accretion disk. The 0.5-10 keV X-ray spectrum is described very well by a model consisting of a power law of photon index 1.77 modified by interstellar photoelectric absorption. We find evidence for neither a soft nor a hard (Compton reflection) excess. More importantly, we do not detect an Fe K-alpha line, in marked contrast with the spectra of typical Seyfert galaxies and other broad-line radio galaxies observed by ASCA. The 99%-confidence upper limit on the equivalent width of an unresolved line at a rest energy of 6.4 keV is 100 eV, while for a broad line (FWHM of approximately 60,000 km/s) the corresponding upper limit is 135 eV. We discuss several possible explanations for the weakness of the Fe K-alpha line in Pictor~A paying attention to the currently available data on the properties of Fe K-alpha lines in other broad-line radio galaxies observed by ASCA. We speculate that the absence of a hard excess (Compton reflection) or an Fe K-alpha line is an indication of an accretion disk structure that is different from that of typical Seyfert galaxies, e.g., the inner disk may be an ion torus.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal (18 pages, including 8 postscript figures; uses psfig.tex

    From Parasite to Mutualist: Rapid Evolution of Wolbachia in Natural Populations of Drosophila

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    Wolbachia are maternally inherited bacteria that commonly spread through host populations by causing cytoplasmic incompatibility, often expressed as reduced egg hatch when uninfected females mate with infected males. Infected females are frequently less fecund as a consequence of Wolbachia infection. However, theory predicts that because of maternal transmission, these “parasites” will tend to evolve towards a more mutualistic association with their hosts. Drosophila simulans in California provided the classic case of a Wolbachia infection spreading in nature. Cytoplasmic incompatibility allowed the infection to spread through individual populations within a few years and from southern to northern California (more than 700 km) within a decade, despite reducing the fecundity of infected females by 15%–20% under laboratory conditions. Here we show that the Wolbachia in California D. simulans have changed over the last 20 y so that infected females now exhibit an average 10% fecundity advantage over uninfected females in the laboratory. Our data suggest smaller but qualitatively similar changes in relative fecundity in nature and demonstrate that fecundity-increasing Wolbachia variants are currently polymorphic in natural populations

    Magnetic resonance imaging detects significant sex differences in human myocardial strain

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The pathophysiology responsible for the significant outcome disparities between men and women with cardiac disease is largely unknown. Further investigation into basic cardiac physiological differences between the sexes is needed. This study utilized magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based multiparametric strain analysis to search for sex-based differences in regional myocardial contractile function.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>End-systolic strain (circumferential, longitudinal, and radial) was interpolated from MRI-based radiofrequency tissue tagging grid point displacements in each of 60 normal adult volunteers (32 females).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The average global left ventricular (LV) strain among normal female volunteers (n = 32) was significantly larger in absolute value (functionally better) than in normal male volunteers (n = 28) in both the circumferential direction (Male/Female = -0.19 ± 0.02 vs. -0.21 ± 0.02; p = 0.025) and longitudinal direction (Male/Female = -0.14 ± 0.03 vs. -0.16 ± 0.02; p = 0.007).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The finding of significantly larger circumferential and longitudinal LV strain among normal female volunteers suggests that baseline contractile differences between the sexes may contribute to the well-recognized divergence in cardiovascular disease outcomes. Further work is needed in order to determine the pathologic changes that occur in LV strain between women and men with the onset of cardiovascular disease.</p

    Intrinsic Absorption in the Spectrum of NGC 7469: Simultaneous Chandra, FUSE, and STIS Observations

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    We present simultaneous X-ray, far-ultraviolet, and near-ultraviolet spectra of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 7469 obtained with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer, and the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. Previous non-simultaneous observations of this galaxy found two distinct UV absorption components, at -560 and -1900 km/s, with the former as the likely counterpart of the X-ray absorber. We confirm these two absorption components in our new UV observations, in which we detect prominent O VI, Ly alpha, N V, and C IV absorption. In our Chandra spectrum we detect O VIII emission, but no significant O VIII or O VII absorption. We also detect a prominent Fe K alpha emission line in the Chandra spectrum, as well as absorption due to hydrogen-like and helium-like neon, magnesium, and silicon at velocities consistent with the -560 km/s UV absorber. The FUSE and STIS data reveal that the H I and C IV column densities in this UV- and X-ray- absorbing component have increased over time, as the UV continuum flux decreased. We use measured H I, N V, C IV, and O VI column densities to model the photoionization state of both absorbers self-consistently. We confirm the general physical picture of the outflow in which the low velocity component is a highly ionized, high density absorber with a total column density of 10^20 cm^-2, located near the broad emission line region, although due to measurable columns of N V and C IV, we assign it a somewhat smaller ionization parameter than found previously, U~1. The high velocity UV component is of lower density, log N=18.6, and likely resides farther from the central engine as we find its ionization parameter to be U=0.08.Comment: Minor correction to abstract; STScI eprint #1683; 50 pages, incl. 19 figures, 4 tables; Accepted to Ap

    Photoluminescence of GaN grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on a freestanding GaN template

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    Photoluminescence(PL) studies were performed on a 1.5-μm-thick GaN layer grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on a freestanding GaN template that in turn was grown by hydride vapor-phase epitaxy.PL spectra from both the epilayer and the substrate contain a plethora of sharp peaks related to excitonic transitions. We identified the main peaks in the PL spectrum. Taking advantage of the observation of donor bound exciton peaks and their associated two-electron satellites, we have determined the binding energies of two distinct shallow donors (28.8 and 32.6 meV), which are attributed to Si and O, respectively