488 research outputs found

    Data efficiency, dimensionality reduction, and the generalized symmetric information bottleneck

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    The Symmetric Information Bottleneck (SIB), an extension of the more familiar Information Bottleneck, is a dimensionality reduction technique that simultaneously compresses two random variables to preserve information between their compressed versions. We introduce the Generalized Symmetric Information Bottleneck (GSIB), which explores different functional forms of the cost of such simultaneous reduction. We then explore the dataset size requirements of such simultaneous compression. We do this by deriving bounds and root-mean-squared estimates of statistical fluctuations of the involved loss functions. We show that, in typical situations, the simultaneous GSIB compression requires qualitatively less data to achieve the same errors compared to compressing variables one at a time. We suggest that this is an example of a more general principle that simultaneous compression is more data efficient than independent compression of each of the input variables

    Deep Variational Multivariate Information Bottleneck -- A Framework for Variational Losses

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    Variational dimensionality reduction methods are known for their high accuracy, generative abilities, and robustness. We introduce a framework to unify many existing variational methods and design new ones. The framework is based on an interpretation of the multivariate information bottleneck, in which an encoder graph, specifying what information to compress, is traded-off against a decoder graph, specifying a generative model. Using this framework, we rederive existing dimensionality reduction methods including the deep variational information bottleneck and variational auto-encoders. The framework naturally introduces a trade-off parameter extending the deep variational CCA (DVCCA) family of algorithms to beta-DVCCA. We derive a new method, the deep variational symmetric informational bottleneck (DVSIB), which simultaneously compresses two variables to preserve information between their compressed representations. We implement these algorithms and evaluate their ability to produce shared low dimensional latent spaces on Noisy MNIST dataset. We show that algorithms that are better matched to the structure of the data (in our case, beta-DVCCA and DVSIB) produce better latent spaces as measured by classification accuracy, dimensionality of the latent variables, and sample efficiency. We believe that this framework can be used to unify other multi-view representation learning algorithms and to derive and implement novel problem-specific loss functions

    Fluctuations and response in complex biological systems: Watching stochastic evolutionary and ecological pattern dynamics

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    My research uses computational and analytical techniques from statistical physics to examine spatial patterns and dynamics in complex biological systems. More specifically I used these techniques to analyze aspects of three different complex biological systems, namely stochastic Turing patterns, transposon and retrotransposon dynamics in live cells, and bistability in ant foraging. In collaboration with experimentalists at MIT and UIUC, I have shown how noise can stabilize emergent behaviors such as Turing patterns in biofilms. Normally, one would think that noise destroys patterns but we found that fluctuations in the copy number of signaling molecules acting as activator and inhibitors of gene expression leads to pattern formation. Surprisingly, we can show theoretically that these fluctuations increase the range of experimental conditions in which patterns can form. In collaboration with experimentalists at UIUC, we have observed how evolution acts on variation in time, space, and genome locus by imaging live cells with fluorescent reporters that allow us to track transposon dynamics. Transposons, also known as "jumping genes," are found in all organisms and have activity that can cause mutations and drive evolution. As part of this collaboration I developed the software for image analysis of the cells and analyzed the resulting statistics of events. We discovered that the excision rate of transposons depends on orientation of the element, spatial location of the cell, and some heritable factors. In a follow-up experiment, I recently developed a model to explain our collaborators' observation that the number of retrotransposon transcripts, transcripts produced by a copy and paste type of mobile genetic element, produces an exponential growth dependence defect. I developed a model for the copy number dynamics of retroelements and the time it takes these elements to be lost from a population of cells depending on the observed growth rate defect, transposition rate, and inactivation rate. This model explains why Group II introns are present in about 30% of bacterial species, while retrotransposons are essentially absent. This research sheds light on the early evolution of the eukaryotic spliceosome, the cellular machinery allowing complex organisms to remove intra-gene junk DNA during gene expression. I have extended a model for ants foraging from two food sources to include indirect recruitment of ants with pheromones rather than direct recruitment by the ants themselves. This model continues to show bistable foraging for ants when their population is below a critical population size that depends on the deposition rate and evaporation rate of pheromones

    Simultaneous Dimensionality Reduction: A Data Efficient Approach for Multimodal Representations Learning

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    We explore two primary classes of approaches to dimensionality reduction (DR): Independent Dimensionality Reduction (IDR) and Simultaneous Dimensionality Reduction (SDR). In IDR methods, of which Principal Components Analysis is a paradigmatic example, each modality is compressed independently, striving to retain as much variation within each modality as possible. In contrast, in SDR, one simultaneously compresses the modalities to maximize the covariation between the reduced descriptions while paying less attention to how much individual variation is preserved. Paradigmatic examples include Partial Least Squares and Canonical Correlations Analysis. Even though these DR methods are a staple of statistics, their relative accuracy and data set size requirements are poorly understood. We introduce a generative linear model to synthesize multimodal data with known variance and covariance structures to examine these questions. We assess the accuracy of the reconstruction of the covariance structures as a function of the number of samples, signal-to-noise ratio, and the number of varying and covarying signals in the data. Using numerical experiments, we demonstrate that linear SDR methods consistently outperform linear IDR methods and yield higher-quality, more succinct reduced-dimensional representations with smaller datasets. Remarkably, regularized CCA can identify low-dimensional weak covarying structures even when the number of samples is much smaller than the dimensionality of the data, which is a regime challenging for all dimensionality reduction methods. Our work corroborates and explains previous observations in the literature that SDR can be more effective in detecting covariation patterns in data. These findings suggest that SDR should be preferred to IDR in real-world data analysis when detecting covariation is more important than preserving variation.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures in the main text. 6 pages, 6 figures in the supplementary materia

    Loose packings of frictional spheres

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    We have produced loose packings of cohesionless, frictional spheres by sequential deposition of highly-spherical, monodisperse particles through a fluid. By varying the properties of the fluid and the particles, we have identified the Stokes number (St) - rather than the buoyancy of the particles in the fluid - as the parameter controlling the approach to the loose packing limit. The loose packing limit is attained at a threshold value of St at which the kinetic energy of a particle impinging on the packing is fully dissipated by the fluid. Thus, for cohesionless particles, the dynamics of the deposition process, rather than the stability of the static packing, defines the random loose packing limit. We have made direct measurements of the interparticle friction in the fluid, and present an experimental measurement of the loose packing volume fraction, \phi_{RLP}, as a function of the friction coefficient \mu_s.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Model for Screened, Charge-Regulated Electrostatics of an Eye Lens Protein: Bovine GammaB-Crystallin

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    We model screened, site-specific charge regulation of the eye lens protein bovine gammaB-crystallin (γB) and study the probability distributions of its proton occupancy patterns. Using a simplified dielectric model, we solve the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation to calculate a 54 × 54 work-of-charging matrix, each entry being the modeled voltage at a given titratable site, due to an elementary charge at another site. The matrix quantifies interactions within patches of sites, including γB charge pairs. We model intrinsic pK values that would occur hypothetically in the absence of other charges, with use of experimental data on the dependence of pK values on aqueous solution conditions, the dielectric model, and literature values. We use Monte Carlo simulations to calculate a model grand-canonical partition function that incorporates both the work-of-charging and the intrinsic pK values for isolated γB molecules and we calculate the probabilities of leading proton occupancy configurations, for 4 \u3c pH \u3c 8 and Debye screening lengths from 6 to 20 A. We select the interior dielectric ˚ value to model γB titration data. At pH 7.1 and Debye length 6.0 A, on a given ˚ γB molecule the predicted top occupancy pattern is present nearly 20% of the time, and 90% of the time one or another of the first 100 patterns will be present. Many of these occupancy patterns differ in net charge sign as well as in surface voltage profile. We illustrate how charge pattern probabilities deviate from the multinomial distribution that would result from use of effective pK values alone and estimate the extents to which γB charge pattern distributions broaden at lower pH and narrow as ionic strength is lowered. These results suggest that for accurate modeling of orientation-dependent γB-γB interactions, consideration of numerous pairs of proton occupancy patterns will be needed

    Measuring Controlled-NOT and two-qubit gate operation

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    Accurate characterisation of two-qubit gates will be critical for any realisation of quantum computation. We discuss a range of measurements aimed at characterising a two-qubit gate, specifically the CNOT gate. These measurements are architecture-independent, and range from simple truth table measurements, to single figure measures such as the fringe visibility, parity, fidelity, and entanglement witnesses, through to whole-state and whole-gate measures achieved respectively via quantum state and process tomography. In doing so, we examine critical differences between classical and quantum gate operation.Comment: 10 pages (two-column). 1 figur

    Neutrino Quasielastic Scattering on Nuclear Targets: Parametrizing Transverse Enhancement (Meson Exchange Currents)

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    We present a parametrization of the observed enhancement in the transverse electron quasielastic (QE) response function for nucleons bound in carbon as a function of the square of the four momentum transfer (Q2Q^2) in terms of a correction to the magnetic form factors of bound nucleons. The parametrization should also be applicable to the transverse cross section in neutrino scattering. If the transverse enhancement originates from meson exchange currents (MEC), then it is theoretically expected that any enhancement in the longitudinal or axial contributions is small. We present the predictions of the "Transverse Enhancement" model (which is based on electron scattering data only) for the νμ,νˉμ\nu_\mu, \bar{\nu}_\mu differential and total QE cross sections for nucleons bound in carbon. The Q2Q^2 dependence of the transverse enhancement is observed to resolve much of the long standing discrepancy in the QE total cross sections and differential distributions between low energy and high energy neutrino experiments on nuclear targets.Comment: Revised Version- July 21, 2011: 17 pages, 20 Figures. To be published in Eur. Phys. J.

    Decreased protein binding of moxifloxacin in patients with sepsis?

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    The mean (SD) unbound fraction of moxifloxacin in plasma from patients with severe sepsis or septic shock was determined by ultrafiltration to 85.5±3.0% (range 81.9 and 91.6%) indicating a decreased protein binding of moxifloxacin in this population compared with the value of 58–60% provided in the Summary of Product Characteristics. However, previous investigations neglected the influence of pH and temperature on the protein binding of moxifloxacin. Maintaining physiological conditions (pH 7.4, 37°C) – as in the present study – the unbound fraction of moxifloxacin in plasma from healthy volunteers was 84%. In contrast, the unbound fraction of moxifloxacin was 77% at 4°C and 66–68% in unbuffered plasma or at pH 8.5 in fair agreement with previously published data. PK/PD parameters e.g. fAUC/MIC or ratios between interstitial fluid and free plasma concentrations, which were obtained assuming a protein binding rate of moxifloxacin of 40% or more, should be revised

    Spontaneous emission and level shifts in absorbing disordered dielectrics and dense atomic gases: A Green's function approach

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    Spontaneous emission and Lamb shift of atoms in absorbing dielectrics are discussed. A Green's-function approach is used based on the multipolar interaction Hamiltonian of a collection of atomic dipoles with the quantised radiation field. The rate of decay and level shifts are determined by the retarded Green's-function of the interacting electric displacement field, which is calculated from a Dyson equation describing multiple scattering. The positions of the atomic dipoles forming the dielectrics are assumed to be uncorrelated and a continuum approximation is used. The associated unphysical interactions between different atoms at the same location is eliminated by removing the point-interaction term from the free-space Green's-function (local field correction). For the case of an atom in a purely dispersive medium the spontaneous emission rate is altered by the well-known Lorentz local-field factor. In the presence of absorption a result different from previously suggested expressions is found and nearest-neighbour interactions are shown to be important.Comment: 6 pages no figure
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