449 research outputs found

    Exploring the effects of consumers’ trust : a predictive model for satisfying buyers’ expectations based on sellers’ behaviour in the marketplace

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    In recent years, Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) marketplaces have become very popular among Internet users. However, compared to traditional Business-to-Consumer (B2C) stores, most modern C2C marketplaces are reported to be associated with stronger negative sentiments among consumers. These negative sentiments arise from the inability of sellers to meet certain buyers’ expectations and are linked to the low trust relationship among sellers and buyers in C2C marketplaces. The growth of these negative emotions might jeopardize buyers’ decisions to opt for C2C marketplaces in their future purchase intentions. In the present study, we extend the definition of trust as an emotion to cover the digital world and demonstrate the trust model currently used by most online stores. Based on the buyer’s behaviour in the C2C marketplace, we propose a conceptual framework to predict trust between the buyer and the seller. Given that C2C marketplaces are rich sources of data for trust mining and sentiment analysis, we perform text mining on Airbnb to predict the trust level in host descriptions of offered facilities. The data are acquired from the US city of Ashville, Alabama, and Manchester in the UK. The results of the analysis demonstrate that guest negative feedback in reviews are high when the description of the host’s property has the emotion of joy only. By contrast, guest negative sentiments in reviews are at a minimum when the host’s sentiment has mixed emotions (e.g., joy and fear)

    Aphtose buccale rĂ©cidivante, et si c’était une maladie coeliaque

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    L’aphtose buccale rĂ©cidivante est une maladie le plus souvent bĂ©nigne mais parfois invalidante qui Ă©volue de façon chronique et rĂ©cidivante. Ellepeut ĂȘtre isolĂ©e ou associĂ© Ă  d’autre pathologie, d’oĂč l’intĂ©rĂȘt de la recherche d’une maladie sous jacente. Nous rapportons le cas d’une aphtosebuccale rĂ©cidivante rĂ©vĂ©lant une maladie coeliaque chez une patiente ĂągĂ©e de 45 ans.Key words: Aphtose buccale, maladie coeliaque, rĂ©cidiv

    Zona chez le nourrisson: à propos d’un cas

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    Le zona est dĂ» Ă  la rĂ©activation du virus varicelle-zona, celui-ci gagne les ganglions sensitif Ă  partir d’un foyer cutanĂ© ou muqueux lors de la primo infection. La survenue de zona chez le nourrisson est une situation rare, celle-ci se caractĂ©rise par la prĂ©dominance des signes fonctionnelles Ă  type de fiĂšvre et de cĂ©phalĂ©e est l’absence de douleur post zostĂ©rienne. Le diagnostic est clinique et doit ĂȘtre Ă©voquĂ© devant des lĂ©sions vĂ©siculeuses groupĂ©s en bouquet et dont la disposition suit un mĂ©tamĂšre. Les complications chez le nourrisson sont rares. Le traitement fait appel aux antiviraux

    Foreshock density holes in the context of known upstream plasma structures

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    We present case examples of foreshock density holes and results from a statistical survey, which provide additional characterizations of these recently-described structures. Specific effort is made to place these objects into context with well-studied foreshock phenomena, such as hot flow anomalies (HFAs) and large-amplitude magnetic pulsations (SLAMS). Density holes are observed during higher-than-average solar wind speeds (~620 km s<sup>−1</sup>), have well-correlated density and magnetic field intensities, and anti-correlated density and temperature variations. Like HFAs, these structures occur over a wide range of foreshock geometries, suggesting that this is not a determining factor. They are embedded within IMF current sheets, but their cross-structure magnetic shears are considerably lower than for HFAs. When the Cluster spacecraft are widely separated, they are able to measure structure time development, with substantial changes occurring over 10s of seconds, confirming an earlier case study, and possibly indicating short lifetimes as well. We find that density holes can occur in the absence of strong upstream magnetic pulsations and/or density enhancements, which rules out a "wake effect" as the sole explanation for their formation. Most important is the observation that the observed solar wind motional electric fields tend to have components pointing away from the embedding IMF current sheets. Density holes have no connection with magnetic holes and foreshock cavities, and appear not to be early-stage or weakly-formed HFAs

    La gangrĂšne ischĂ©mique de la verge chez un patient diabĂ©tique: Ă  propos d’un cas

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    La gangrÚne de la verge est une pathologie rare mais grave. Les étiologies sont diverses avec essentiellement le diabÚte. Nous rapportons le cas d'un patient de 58 ans, diabétique et tabagique chronique ayant présenté une nécrose de la verge et avait bénéficié d'une amputation totale aprÚs deux interventions chirurgicale. L'évolution a été marquée par l'installation d'un sepsis et décÚs du patient

    Paragangliome non secrĂ©tant de l’organe de Zuckerkandl

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    Le PhĂ©ochromocytome extra-surrĂ©nalien ou paragangliome est une tumeur rare. Il dĂ©rive de la crĂȘte neurale du systĂšme neuroendocrinien et il est souvent sĂ©crĂ©tant. La plupart de ces tumeurs sont situĂ©es dans les ganglions sympathiques abdominaux, y compris l'organe de Zuckerkandl adjacent Ă  la bifurcation de l'aorte abdominale. Les Formes non fonctionnelles sont rares: moins de 50 cas sont rapportĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature. Nous rapportons le cas d'un paragangliome non sĂ©crĂ©tant de l'organe de Zuckerkandl opĂ©rĂ© au sein de notre service d'urologie ainsi qu'une revue de la littĂ©rature afin de discuter les diffĂ©rents aspects diagnostiques et thĂ©rapeutiques de cette entité  tumorale rare

    Generating natural language specifications from UML class diagrams

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    Early phases of software development are known to be problematic, difficult to manage and errors occurring during these phases are expensive to correct. Many systems have been developed to aid the transition from informal Natural Language requirements to semistructured or formal specifications. Furthermore, consistency checking is seen by many software engineers as the solution to reduce the number of errors occurring during the software development life cycle and allow early verification and validation of software systems. However, this is confined to the models developed during analysis and design and fails to include the early Natural Language requirements. This excludes proper user involvement and creates a gap between the original requirements and the updated and modified models and implementations of the system. To improve this process, we propose a system that generates Natural Language specifications from UML class diagrams. We first investigate the variation of the input language used in naming the components of a class diagram based on the study of a large number of examples from the literature and then develop rules for removing ambiguities in the subset of Natural Language used within UML. We use WordNet,a linguistic ontology, to disambiguate the lexical structures of the UML string names and generate semantically sound sentences. Our system is developed in Java and is tested on an independent though academic case study

    Statistics of counter-streaming solar wind suprathermal electrons at solar minimum : STEREO observations

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    Previous work has shown that solar wind suprathermal electrons can display a number of features in terms of their anisotropy. Of importance is the occurrence of counter-streaming electron patterns, i.e., with "beams" both parallel and anti-parallel to the local magnetic field, which is believed to shed light on the heliospheric magnetic field topology. In the present study, we use STEREO data to obtain the statistical properties of counter-streaming suprathermal electrons (CSEs) in the vicinity of corotating interaction regions (CIRs) during the period March–December 2007. Because this period corresponds to a minimum of solar activity, the results are unrelated to the sampling of large-scale coronal mass ejections, which can lead to CSE owing to their closed magnetic field topology. The present study statistically confirms that CSEs are primarily the result of suprathermal electron leakage from the compressed CIR into the upstream regions with the combined occurrence of halo depletion at 90° pitch angle. The occurrence rate of CSE is found to be about 15–20% on average during the period analyzed (depending on the criteria used), but superposed epoch analysis demonstrates that CSEs are preferentially observed both before and after the passage of the stream interface (with peak occurrence rate >35% in the trailing high speed stream), as well as both inside and outside CIRs. The results quantitatively show that CSEs are common in the solar wind during solar minimum, but yet they suggest that such distributions would be much more common if pitch angle scattering were absent. We further argue that (1) the formation of shocks contributes to the occurrence of enhanced counter-streaming sunward-directed fluxes, but does not appear to be a necessary condition, and (2) that the presence of small-scale transients with closed-field topologies likely also contributes to the occurrence of counter-streaming patterns, but only in the slow solar wind prior to CIRs

    MĂ©lanome endobronchique

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    Le mĂ©lanome malin a un potentiel mĂ©tastatique important. Les mĂ©tastases pulmonaires du mĂ©lanome sont communes cependant la localisation endobronchique reste rare et pose le problĂšme de son origine primitive ou secondaire. Nous rapportons le cas d’un mĂ©lanome pulmonaire qui prĂ©sente des particularitĂ©s intĂ©ressantes: une lĂ©sion cutanĂ©e prĂ©sumĂ©e primitive totalement rĂ©gressive, la prĂ©sentation radio clinique mimant parfaitement un cancer bronchique primitif, un aspect endoscopique bourgeonnant et grisĂątre dont l’étude histologique a permis de poser le diagnostic, une agressivitĂ© tumorale avec une extension intracardiaque et bourgeon tumoral intra cavitaire. A travers cette observation, les auteurs Ă©tudient les caractĂ©ristiques radio-cliniques pouvant distinguer le mĂ©lanome pulmonaire primitif du secondaire; la localisation endobronchique avec une revue de la littĂ©rature sur les mĂ©tastases endo bronchiques; le bilan d’extension Ă  entamer en cas de mĂ©lanome pulmonaire ainsi que les difficultĂ©s thĂ©rapeutiques posĂ©s par ce type de lĂ©sion dont le pronostic reste pĂ©joratif

    Upstream Ultra‐Low Frequency Waves Observed by MESSENGER’s Magnetometer: Implications for Particle Acceleration at Mercury’s Bow Shock

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    We perform the first statistical analysis of the main properties of waves observed in the 0.05–0.41 Hz frequency range in the Hermean foreshock by the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) Magnetometer. Although we find similar polarization properties to the “30 s” waves observed at the Earth’s foreshock, the normalized wave amplitude (ÎŽB/|B0|∌0.2) and occurrence rate (∌0.5%) are much smaller. This could be associated with relatively lower backstreaming proton fluxes, the smaller foreshock size and/or less stable solar wind (SW) conditions around Mercury. Furthermore, we estimate that the speed of resonant backstreaming protons in the SW reference frame (likely source for these waves) ranges between 0.95 and 2.6 times the SW speed. The closeness between this range and what is observed at other planetary foreshocks suggests that similar acceleration processes are responsible for this energetic population and might be present in the shocks of exoplanets.Key PointsWe perform the first statistical analysis (4,536 events) of the main properties of the lowest‐frequency waves in the Hermean foreshockSmall normalized wave amplitude (0.2) and occurrence (0.5%) are likely due to low backstreaming proton flux and variable external conditionsThe normalized backstreaming protons speed (∌0.95–2.6) suggests similar acceleration processes occur at several planetary shocksPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155492/1/grl60476.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155492/2/grl60476_am.pd
