3,757 research outputs found

    Hole tunneling times in GaAs/AlAs double-barrier structures

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    We have calculated hole tunneling times in GaAs/AlAs double-barrier structures taking quantum well band-mixing effects into account. Our results indicate that for sufficiently high hole temperatures and concentrations, band-mixing effects reduce average hole tunneling times from the pure heavy hole value to values comparable to electron tunneling times in the same structure. For very low hole temperatures and concentrations, band mixing is less important and average hole tunneling times should approach the pure heavy hole value. These results provide an explanation for previously reported experimental results in which electrons and holes were found to be characterized by very similar tunneling times

    Fluctuations in the transmission properties of a quantum dot with interface roughness and impurities

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    We examine statistical fluctuations in the transmission properties of quantum dots with interface roughness and neutral impurities. For this purpose we employ a supercell model of quantum transport capable of simulating potential variations in three dimensions. We find that sample to sample variations in interface roughness in a quantum dot waveguide can lead to substantial fluctuations in the n=1 transmission resonance position, width and maximum. We also find that a strongly attractive impurity near the centre of a quantum dot can reduce these fluctuations. Nevertheless, the presence of more than a single impurity can give rise to a complex resonance structure that varies with impurity configuration

    Continuous monitoring of the lunar or Martian subsurface using on-board pattern recognition and neural processing of Rover geophysical data

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    The ultimate goal is to create an extraterrestrial unmanned system for subsurface mapping and exploration. Neural networks are to be used to recognize anomalies in the profiles that correspond to potentially exploitable subsurface features. The ground penetrating radar (GPR) techniques are likewise identical. Hence, the preliminary research focus on GPR systems will be directly applicable to seismic systems once such systems can be designed for continuous operation. The original GPR profile may be very complex due to electrical behavior of the background, targets, and antennas, much as the seismic record is made complex by multiple reflections, ghosting, and ringing. Because the format of the GPR data is similar to the format of seismic data, seismic processing software may be applied to GPR data to help enhance the data. A neural network may then be trained to more accurately identify anomalies from the processed record than from the original record


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    Syphilis is a complex disease, which can lead to General Paralysis of the Insane if left untreated. Before antibiotics this was the natural progression of the disease, with many people being admitted to mental asylums with the diagnosis of GPI, and going on to die there. Diagnoses however, were difficult, as it was difficult to distinguish between GPI and other mental conditions such as bipolar disorder. We can use the works of the classical composers Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann and Smetana, who all suffered from mental illness, to gain an insight into what it is like to live with these conditions. All these are potential cases of GPI, highlighting how a sexually transmitted disease can end the life of such talented and influential people. With antibiotic resistance becoming a growing concern, it is key that we continue to recognise and treat syphilis in an appropriate manner, so as to limit the future of this disease

    Human substantia nigra neurons encode unexpected financial rewards

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    The brain's sensitivity to unexpected outcomes plays a fundamental role in an\ud organism's ability to adapt and learn new behaviors. Emerging research suggests that\ud midbrain dopaminergic neurons encode these unexpected outcomes. We used\ud microelectrode recordings during deep brain stimulation surgery to study neuronal activity in\ud the human substantia nigra (SN) while patients with Parkinson's disease engaged in a\ud probabilistic learning task motivated by virtual financial rewards. Based on a model of the ..

    Two-band modeling of narrow band gap and interband tunneling devices

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    A two-band transfer matrix method has been developed to study tunneling currents in narrow gap and interband tunnel structures. This relatively simple model gives good agreement with recently reported experimental results for InAs/AlSb/InAs/AlSb/InAs double-barrier heterostructures and InAs/AlSb/GaSb/AlSb/InAs resonant interband tunneling devices, and should be useful in the design of new interband tunneling devices

    Electron tunneling time measured by photoluminescence excitation correlation spectroscopy

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    The tunneling time for electrons to escape from the lowest quasibound state in the quantum wells of GaAs/AlAs/GaAs/AlAs/GaAs double-barrier heterostructures with barriers between 16 and 62 Å has been measured at 80 K using photoluminescence excitation correlation spectroscopy. The decay time for samples with barrier thicknesses from 16 Å (≈12 ps) to 34 Å(≈800 ps) depends exponentially on barrier thickness, in good agreement with calculations of electron tunneling time derived from the energy width of the resonance. Electron and heavy hole carrier densities are observed to decay at the same rate, indicating a coupling between the two decay processes

    Large-Sample comparison of TCP congestion control mechanisms over wireless networks

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    As new congestion control mechanisms are developed, their performance relative to existing mechanisms needs to be understood; in particular over wireless networks. This study aimed to evaluate existing TCP congestion control mechanisms using a comprehensive and reproducible methodology designed to be representative of real world usage of wireless networks. The study sought to investigate whether any existing mechanism could provide significant performance benefits over CUBIC and be recommended for adoption. The findings of this study showed that YeAH demonstrated an increase in throughput of 3%–5% over CUBIC, with no penalty to latency. While this small improvement may assist applications requiring the highest available performance, it is unlikely that it will provide a significant improvement over existing congestion control mechanisms. As such, it is the conclusion of this study that use of alternate congestion control mechanisms would not provide noticeable improvements in performance in most applications

    The Tunneling Time of an Electron

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    There is a widely spread misconception regarding the physical significance of the various tunneling times currently used to describe metal-insulator-metal tunneling phenomena. Using quantum mechanics, the transition time of an electron tunneling from a state on one side of the barrier to a state on the other side can be determined. This time is the period of interaction between the electron and the barrier, since before and after the transition, the electron is in a quantum state of one of the metals. Furthermore, the RC time constant of the sandwich-like device and the electron transition or interaction time are equivalent representations of the same physical parameter. But none of these times is the quasiclassical "transmission time" analyzed by Hartman, which has become widely accepted as the electron-barrier interaction time, although this was clearly not his intention. In this communication we wish to point out that it is the (quantum mechanical) transition time which is the characteristic time of tunneling phenomena