60 research outputs found

    The symbolism of colour in the interpretation of a drawing in Gestalt

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    The article investigates the peculiarities of colour symbolism and semantics that might be applied in the interpretation of a projective drawing in Gestalt. As a result, a child’s drawing is a kind of figurative art; this is something that has to evoke not just the viewer’s thoughts and feelings about the depicted figurative material. In conclusion, we can supplement a diagnostic component part with a new approach of psychodiagnosis problem-solving of individual and typological features of personality peculiarities in the modern pedagogical educational proces

    Реконструкция среднеянварской температуры воздуха в раннем голоцене на восточном побережье Чукотки

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    The investigation is concerned with the Early Holocene syngenetic massive wedge ice exposed in the outcrop of a polygonal peatland in the upper part of the third marine terrace near Lorino settlement on the eastern coast of Chukotka. Based on the obtained radiocarbon dates of peat, it was found that the formation of a peatland in the area began about 14–13 cal ka BP, at the end of the Younger Dryas, while the termination of the active stage of peat accumulation was dated to about 10–9 cal ka BP. The beginning of peat accumulation at the end of the Younger Dryas, earlier the officially accepted limit of the lower boundary of the Holocene (11.7 cal ka BP), and the termination of its formation by the middle of the Greenlandian Holocene period is not a rare phenomenon in Russian permafrost zone, although it is traditionally assumed that the most active formation of peatlands has been going on during the thermal maximum in the middle of the Holocene. The age inversions noted in the peat vertical profiles are the most likely indicative of the processes of re-deposition of ancient organic material due to erosion by water of the third marine terrace sediments and the separation of the allochthonous peat. During the period from 2015 to 2021, six fragments of peatland exposures with the ice wedges were studied. Analysis of the obtained data on the content of stable oxygen isotopes in the ice show that δ18О values vary within the range from –15.5 to –18‰. These values are in good agreement with the data for Early Holocene ice wedges earlier obtained in other areas of the eastern coast of Chukotka (Anadyr town, Uelen settlement), where authors report the δ18O values from –16 to –19.4‰. This suggests that the ice wedge growth as well as the peat accumulation were the most active in Early Holocene. The highest δ18О values (from –13.1 to –16.8‰) were obtained for the modern ice veinlets. The ratio δ2 H–δ18O in the ice wedges, in general, is indicative of a good preservation of isotope signature of winter precipitation. It has been found that approximate mean January air temperature in the Early Greenlandian period varied from –23 to –27°С, which is, on average, 3°С below than the present-day ones.Формирование полигонального торфяника на поверхности третьей морской террасы в районе села Лорино на восточном побережье Чукотки началось в конце позднего дриаса и завершилось в начале голоцена. Среднеянварская температура воздуха в первой половине гренландского периода голоцена, реконструированная на основе данных изотопного состава повторно-жильных льдов, возраст которых не моложе 10–9 тыс. кал. лет назад, в среднем на 3°С ниже современной и варьировала от –23 до –27°С


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    The object of this study is a recently (or in the Holocene) formed thick (up 2.7 m in height) buried massive ice body, exposed in 2 km South-East from the mouth of the river Akkani in the North-East of Chukotka in the vicinity of the settlement Lavrentiya. The structural-textural characteristics of ice and enclosing deposits are considered. It is shown that the overlying layers of sediments are loams with a slab structure and vertical-layer medium and thin-chill cryogenic structure and ice sockets. The ice of the body is very pure and transparent, visible to a depth of 0.5 m. There are some inclusions found in massive ice: sand and loams presented in forms of thin interlayers of particles or granules. The ice is full of bubbles. The main method of the research was the analysis of isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen within the stratified ice body, and also relationships between them as well as ratios between the deuterium excess and δ2Н. The thick and relatively contemporary massive ice layer buried under a layer of proluvial sediments had been found for the first time, and together with this, the isotope variations of the buried ice (δ2Н and δ18O) were determined. The mean values of δ18О and δ2H in the ice are rather stable and equal to −17.1 and −128.3‰, respectively. These isotope characteristics may be used for cryogenic reconstructions of massive ice formations widely distributed in the late Quaternary deposits in Eastern Chukotka.Изучен изотопный состав кислорода и водорода мощного современного (голоценового) ледяного пласта, погребённого под слоем пролювиальных отложений на побережье Чукотки вблизи посёлка Лаврентия. Значения δ18О и δ2H во льду довольно однородны и составляют −17,1 и −128,3 ‰ соответственно. Изученный пластовый лёд в устье р. Аккани представляет собой захороненный перелетовывающий снежник, сформировавшийся с участием поверхностных вод и атмосферной влаги весенне-летнего периода

    A pan-Arctic initiative on the spatial and temporal dynamics of Arctic coasts

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    Permafrost coasts make up roughly one third of all coasts worldwide. Their erosion leads to the release of previously locked organic carbon, changes in ecosystems and the destruction of cultural heritage, infrastructure and whole communities. Since rapid environmental changes lead to an intensification of Arctic coastal dynamics, it is of great importance to adequately quantify current and future coastal changes. However, the remoteness of the Arctic and scarcity of data limit our understanding of coastal dynamics at a pan-Arctic scale and prohibit us from getting a complete picture of the diversity of impacts on the human and natural environment. In a joint effort of the EU project NUNATARYUK and the NSF project PerCS-Net, we seek to close this knowledge gap by collecting and analyzing all accessible high-resolution shoreline position data for the Arctic coastline. These datasets include geographical coordinates combined with coastal positions derived from archived data, surveying data, air and space born remote sensing products, or LiDAR products. The compilation of this unique dataset will enable us to reach unprecedented data coverage and will allow us a first insight into the magnitude and trends of shoreline changes on a pan-Arctic scale with locally highly resolved temporal and spatial changes in shoreline dynamics. By comparing consistently derived shoreline change data from all over the Arctic we expect that the trajectory of coastal change in the Arctic becomes evident. A synthesis of some initial results will be presented in the 2020 Arctic Report Card on Arctic Coastal Dynamics. This initiative is an ongoing effort – new data contributions are welcome

    Реконструкция зимней температуры воздуха раннего и среднего голоцена по изотопному составу ледяных жил восточного побережья полуострова Дауркина, Чукотка

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    The object of research is the Holocene massive ice veins on the Eastern coast of the Daurkin Peninsula, the easternmost part of the Chukotka. Peat bogs with ice veins occur on the surface of marine terraces (near Uelen and Lorino settlements) and on flood plain of the Koolen’ Lake; the thickness of peat varies from 0.7 to 2.5 m. Radiocarbon dating of the peat enclosing the investigated ice veins near Uelen and Lorino indicated that the beginning of peat accumulation began at the end of Late Pleistocene – early Holocene, about 11 cal ka BP. On the flood plain of the Koolen’ Lake peat bogs began to accumulate in the middle Holocene, i.e. around 6 cal ka BP. At the initial stage of peat bogs formation the rate of peat accumulation was high and could reach 1 cm/10 years. Ice veins occur at a depth of 0.5–1 m, and their lower parts are located in the underlying peat sandy loams and loams. In the upper levels of the peat bogs, narrow present-day ice veins are found, which are sometimes embedded in the upper parts of Holocene veins. A clear sign of syngenetic growth of veins is the upward bending of the layers of the host peat at the lateral contacts with the veins. The main source of water for the formation of ice veins is snow, as evidenced by the ratio of stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen and the values of deuterium excesses in the ice. A slight admixture of saline water (probably from a seasonally thawed layer) was noted in the veins near the Lorino settlement. Reconstructions of winter air paleotemperatures, performed on the basis of data of isotope-oxygen composition of ice from the veins, did show that at the period between 11 and 6 cal Ka BP, the mean winter air temperature on the Daurkin Peninsula was by 2–5 oC lower than today, but the air temperature of the coldest month (January or February) was still lower (by 4-8 oC) than today. The noticeable trend of increase of stable isotope values in the ice veins from early Holocene to the present time is indicative of a steady positive trend of mean winter air temperatures in the Holocene.Реконструкции зимних палеотемператур воздуха на основе данных изотопно-кислородного состава льда жил показали, что между 11 и 6  тыс.  кал.  лет назад среднезимняя температура воздуха была на 2–5оС ниже современной, а температура воздуха самого холодного месяца (января или февраля) – на 4–8оС ниже современной. Установлен устойчивый положительный тренд зимних температур воздуха от раннего голоцена до настоящего времени


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    Spatial Structures Formed during High-Temperature Vacuum Annealing of Diamond-Like Film Deposited on a Silicon Substrate

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    The process of an ultrahigh vacuum annealing of a diamond-like carbon film deposited on a silicon substrate has been studied in situ using a photoemission microscope mounted at the MAX-lab synchrotron's radiation source. After the annealing the film was examined ex situ using an atomic force microscope. It is revealed that the graphitization of the film occurs and round formations of several microns in size with a core of similar to 0.2 mu m in size appear on its surface at the temperature exceeding 1000 degrees C. Photoemission images of these formations have shown the presence of silicon on their surface. Apparently, the interaction between the carbon film and silicon substrate begins in the middle of the formation and spreads to the adjacent region at the following stage

    Stable isotopes (δ¹⁸О) in surface water and snowpatches of the northeast coast of Chukotka

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    The relation of the stable oxygen isotope (δ¹⁸O) was measured in surface water and snowpatches of the northeast coast of Chukotka collected in 1987 and 2017. Data is compiled from Vasil'chuck 1992 (vol.1 & vol.2) and Vasil'chuk et al. 2021