62 research outputs found

    The Modified Weighted Slab Technique: Models and Results

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    In an attempt to understand the source and propagation of galactic cosmic rays we have employed the Modified Weighted Slab technique along with recent values of the relevant cross sections to compute primary to secondary ratios including B/C and Sub-Fe/Fe for different galactic propagation models. The models that we have considered are the disk-halo diffusion model, the dynamical halo wind model, the turbulent diffusion model and a model with minimal reacceleration. The modified weighted slab technique will be briefly discussed and a more detailed description of the models will be given. We will also discuss the impact that the various models have on the problem of anisotropy at high energy and discuss what properties of a particular model bear on this issue.Comment: LaTeX - AASTEX format, Submitted to ApJ, 8 figures, 20 page

    Standard Cosmic Ray Energetics and Light Element Production

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    The recent observations of Be and B in metal poor stars has led to a reassessment of the origin of the light elements in the early Galaxy. At low it is metallicity ([O/H] < -1.75), it is necessary to introduce a production mechanism which is independent of the interstellar metallicity (primary). At higher metallicities, existing data might indicate that secondary production is dominant. In this paper, we focus on the secondary process, related to the standard Galactic cosmic rays, and we examine the cosmic ray energy requirements for both present and past epochs. We find the power input to maintain the present-day Galactic cosmic ray flux is about 1.5e41 erg/s = 5e50 erg/century. This implies that, if supernovae are the sites of cosmic ray acceleration, the fraction of explosion energy going to accelerated particles is about 30%, a value which we obtain consistently both from considering the present cosmic ray flux and confinement and from the present 9Be and 6Li abundances. Using the abundances of 9Be (and 6Li) in metal-poor halo stars, we extend the analysis to show the effect of the interstellar gas mass on the standard galactic cosmic ray energetic constraints on models of Li, Be, and B evolution. The efficiency of the beryllium production per erg may be enhanced in the past by a factor of about 10; thus the energetic requirement by itself cannot be used to rule out a secondary origin of light elements. Only a clear and undisputable observational determination of the O-Fe relation in the halo will discriminate between the two processes. (abridged)Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, uses aastex macro

    The Galactic positron flux and dark matter substructures

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    In this paper we calculate the Galactic positron flux from dark matter annihilation in the frame of supersymmetry, taking the enhancement of the flux by existence of dark matter substructures into account. The propagation of positrons in the Galactic magnetic field is solved in a realistic numerical model GALPROP. The secondary positron flux is recalculated in the GLAPROP model. The total positron flux from secondary products and dark matter annihilation can fit the HEAT data well when taking a cuspy density profile of the substructures.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted by JCA

    A portal of educational resources: providing evidence for matching pedagogy with technology

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    The TPACK (Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge) model presents the three types of knowledge that are necessary to implement a successful technology-based educational activity. It highlights how the intersections between TPK (Technological Pedagogical Knowledge), PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) and TCK (Technological Content Knowledge) are not a sheer sum up of their components but new types of knowledge. This paper focuses on TPK, the intersection between technology knowledge and pedagogy knowledge – a crucial field of investigation. Actually, technology in education is not just an add-on but is literally reshaping teaching/learning paradigms. Technology modifies pedagogy and pedagogy dictates requirements to technology. In order to pursue this research, an empirical approach was taken, building a repository (back-end) and a portal (front-end) of about 300 real-life educational experiences run at school. Educational portals are not new, but they generally emphasise content. Instead, in our portal, technology and pedagogy take centre stage. Experiences are classified according to more than 30 categories (‘facets’) and more than 200 facet values, all revolving around the pedagogical implementation and the technology used. The portal (an innovative piece of technology) supports sophisticated ‘exploratory’ sessions of use, targeted at researchers (investigating the TPK intersection), teachers (looking for inspiration in their daily jobs) and decision makers (making decisions about the introduction of technology into schools)

    The inherited blindness protein AIPL1 regulates the ubiquitin-like FAT10 pathway

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    Mutations in AIPL1 cause the inherited blindness Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA). AIPL1 has previously been shown to interact with NUB1, which facilitates the proteasomal degradation of proteins modified with the ubiquitin-like protein FAT10. Here we report that AIPL1 binds non-covalently to free FAT10 and FAT10ylated proteins and can form a ternary complex with FAT10 and NUB1. In addition, AIPL1 antagonised the NUB1-mediated degradation of the model FAT10 conjugate, FAT10-DHFR, and pathogenic mutations of AIPL1 were defective in inhibiting this degradation. While all AIPL1 mutants tested still bound FAT10-DHFR, there was a close correlation between the ability of the mutants to interact with NUB1 and their ability to prevent NUB1-mediated degradation. Interestingly, AIPL1 also co-immunoprecipitated the E1 activating enzyme for FAT10, UBA6, suggesting AIPL1 may have a role in directly regulating the FAT10 conjugation machinery. These studies are the first to implicate FAT10 in retinal cell biology and LCA pathogenesis, and reveal a new role of AIPL1 in regulating the FAT10 pathway

    The role and significance of omega 3 fatty acids

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    Kwasy tłuszczowe stanowią podstawowy materiał budulcowy, z którego organizm czerpie składniki strukturalne komórek, tkanek i narządów oraz do syntezy niektórych substancji biologicznie czynnych. Spośród kwasów tłuszczowych najistotniejsze znaczenie mają długołańcuchowe polienowe kwasy tłuszczowe. Wyniki wielu badań wykazały, że polienowe kwasy tłuszczowe m.in. pobudzają układ sercowonaczyniowy, jak również pełnią kluczową rolę w rozwoju układu nerwowego podczas życia płodowego i we wczesnym dzieciństwie. Wyjaśnienie mechanizmu działania polienowych kwasów tłuszczowych umożliwi odpowiednie zbilansowanie diety, tak aby osiągnąć dobry stan zdrowia.Fatty acids constitute the basic building material, from which human organisms draw structural compounds for their cells, tissues, and organs, as well as compounds to synthetize some biologically active substances. From among the fatty acids, the long-chain polyenic fatty acids are of the highest significance. The results of many studies have proved that polyenic fatty acids stimulate the cardiovascular system, as well as play a key role in the development of nervous system during intrauterine life and in early childhood. Based on the mode of action of polyenic fatty acids that has been explained, it will be possible to properly balance human diet in order to get and keep good health

    Gluten-free bread concentrate with addition of amaranthus flour

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    Produkty bezglutenowe charakteryzują się znacznie niższą wartością odżywczą w porównaniu z produktami tradycyjnymi. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza zawartości składników mineralnych i białka. Dieta bezglutenowa wymaga więc szczególnie starannego doboru produktów i urozmaicania potraw. Celem badań było opracowanie receptury koncentratu chleba bezglutenowego z dodatkiem mąki z szarłatu do otrzymywania chleba o właściwościach fizykochemicznych i cechach sensorycznych zbliżonych do tradycyjnego pieczywa pszennego, ale o lepszych parametrach tekstury i wyższej wartości odżywczej niż dostępne na rynku pieczywo bezglutenowe. Zakres pracy obejmował określenie wpływu wielkości dodatku mąki z szarłatu na parametry fizykochemiczne i cechy sensoryczne otrzymanego chleba. Zastosowano dodatek mąki z szarłatu (zastępując częściowo mąkę kukurydzianą) w ilości 2,5; 5; 7,5; 10 i 12,5 % w stosunku do całkowitej masy koncentratu. W chlebach oznaczono: masę, objętość, porowatość miękiszu, wilgotność, kwasowość. Przeprowadzono również ocenę sensoryczną oraz analizę tekstury za pomocą urządzenia Zwick 1120. Wzbogacając koncentrat chlebowy w mąkę z szarłatu uzyskano polepszenie właściwości chleba bezglutenowego. Zastosowane dodatki mąki z szarłatu spowodowały zwiększenie objętości uzyskanych chlebów. Wilgotność otrzymanego pieczywa była doskonale zachowana podczas 48-godzinnego przechowywania. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników tekstury stwierdzono zmniejszenie twardości, co wpłynęło na częściową eliminację zjawiska kruszenia się pieczywa. Najlepsze rezultaty uzyskano stosując dodatek mąki z szarłatu w ilości do 10 % całkowitej masy koncentratu.Gluten-free products are characterized by an essentially lower nutritional value compared to traditional products. In particular, this refers to the contents of mineral components and proteins. This is why products for the gluten-free diet must be particularly carefully selected and dishes must be varied. The objective of the study was to develop a gluten-free bread concentrate recipe with the addition of amaranthus flour. Based on this recipe, bread can be baked having physicochemical and sensory properties similar to properties of traditional wheat bread, however, its texture parameters are better and its nutritional value is higher if compared with the gluten free breads available on the market. Under the scope of the study, it was determined what impact the addition of amaranthus flour had on the physicochemical and sensory parameters of the bread baked. The additions of amaranthus flour (that partially replaced the corn flour) applied were 2.5; 5; 7.5; 10; and 12.5% of the total mass of the bread concentrate. The following parameters of the breads baked were determined: mass, volume, porosity of bread crumb, moisture, and acidity. The sensory assessment was performed as was the analysis of texture using a Zwick 1120 device. With the bread concentrate enriched with amaranthus flour, the baked glutenfree breads showed better properties. The addition of amaranthus flour caused the volumes of breads to increase. The moisture content in the breads baked was perfectly maintained during the 48-h storage. Based on the texture analysis results obtained, it was found that the hardness of bread decreased, thus, the phenomenon of bread crumbling could be partially eliminated. The best results were reported when the amount of amaranthus flour added was 10% of the total mass of bread concentrate

    Quality of instant noodles depending on frying process conditions

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    Celem pracy było określenie wpływu rodzaju medium smażalniczego i parametrów smażenia makaronów instant na ich jakość. Zakres pracy obejmował ocenę jakości medium smażalniczego oraz otrzymanych makaronów instant. Do smażenia zastosowano oleinę palmową oraz mieszaninę oleiny palmowej i oleju rzepakowego w stosunku 1 : 1. W medium smażalniczym oznaczano liczby tłuszczowe: kwasową, nadtlenkową oraz zawartość związków polarnych. Ponadto zbadano ilościowo i jakościowo skład kwasów tłuszczowych (KT) metodą chromatografii gazowej. W gotowym produkcie oznaczano wilgotność, zawartość tłuszczu oraz parametry barwy i czas hydratacji makaronu. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników stwierdzono, że na jakość makaronów instant miały wpływ zarówno rodzaj medium smażalniczego, jak i parametry obróbki termicznej. Temperatura smażenia wpływała na zróżnicowanie wilgotności i zawartość tłuszczu. Jej wzrost powodował zwiększanie zawartości tłuszczu, z jednoczesnym zmniejszaniem wilgotności produktu. Wydłużenie czasu smażenia o 50 % nie wpłynęło na wilgotność, zawartość tłuszczu i jasność badanych makaronów. Tak więc czas smażenia nie miał statystycznie istotnego wpływu na wymienione parametry jakości badanych produktów gotowych (p = 0,05).The objective of the research study was to determine the impact of the type of frying medium and of the frying parameters of instant noodles onto their quality. The scope of the research covered the assessment of the quality of frying medium and instant noodles produced. A mixture of palm olein and rapeseed oil, their proportion being 1:1, was used for frying. In the frying medium, the parameters of fat were measured: acid value, peroxide value, and content of polar compounds. Moreover, the composition of fatty acids (FA) was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively using a gas chromatography method. In the end product produced, measured were the moisture, fat content, colour, and hydration time of the noodles. Based on the results obtained, it was found that both the type of frying medium and the heat treatment parameters impacted the quality of instant noodles. The frying temperature caused the moisture and fat content to differentiate. Its growth caused the fat content to increase and, at the same time, the moisture of the product to decrease. The increase in the length of frying time by 50 % did not impact the moisture, fat content, and colour brightness of the end products under analysis. Thus, the frying time had no statistically significant impact on the above named quality parameters of the end products under analysis (p = 0.05)