28 research outputs found

    Footwear for cold environments Thermal properties, performance and testing

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    Present standard on safety footwear (EN 344) checks the insulation only at one point in the shoes by means of measuring the temperature change. A method that uses thermal foot model allows to measure footwear insulation simultaneously at various locations and for whole footwear as well. In the present work the method of heated foot model was developed further. It is possible to simulate sweating and evaluate reduction of insulation of footwear due to wetting and evaporative heat loss. The conditions with various sweat rates, wear length and foot motion were tested. Footwear with various insulation levels (from thin rubber boots to thick winter boots) was evaluated. Some footwear was manufactured both with and without steel toe cap and this allowed to study the thermal effect of steel toe cap in different conditions. Comparative studies between various methods (thermal foot model, humans, EN 344) for evaluating footwear thermal properties/insulation were carried out. Field studies were carried out for evaluation of footwear and feet conditions in real wear situation. The insulation of footwear can vary depending on region and insulation level of the footwear. Heavy winter boots had lowest insulation in toe zone and thin boots had heel zone as the coldest region. Sweat rates of 3 g/h can reduce footwear insulation considerably (9-19 % depending on initial dry insulation). At higher sweat rates (10 g/h) the reduction could be up to 36 %. Combined effects of sweating, walking and wind could reduce insulation by about 45 %. Reduction was bigger in warm winter boots. Only small amount of moisture evaporates from winter footwear during use. Insulation reduction levelled off over longer periods of use. The reduction can be calculated by simple equations. The thermal foot model gave similar insulation values as measured on human subjects in thermal comfort. The insulation values were used for validation of a mathematical model for foot skin temperature prediction. The results obtained with a thermal foot model give more useful information on footwear than does the present standard for footwear thermal testing. Thus, the thermal foot method is recommended for use as a standard. A steel toe cap in a footwear seems to have no influence on insulation, but may modify the heat losses from the foot. The influence could be related to the Òafter effect" that probably depends on the mass of steel toe cap and its thermal inertia. Some recommendations for use and choice of footwear are given.Nuvarande europeiska standard för test av skyddsskor (EN 344) mĂ€ter den termiska isolationen bara i en punkt i skon genom att mĂ€ta en temperaturĂ€ndring. En termisk fotmodell möjliggör mĂ€tning av isolationen hos skor bĂ„de i olika zoner och i hela skon. I detta forskningsprojektet har metoden med rörlig uppvĂ€rmd fotmodell vidareutvecklas. Metoden kan simulera svettning och bestĂ€mma Ă€ndring i isolation av skor beroende pĂ„ fukt och vĂ€rmeförlust genom avdunstning. Betingelser med olika svettningsgrad, mĂ€ttid och simulerad gĂ„ng testades. I projektet undersöktes stövlar med olika isoleringsnivĂ„er (frĂ„n tunna gummistövlar till tjocka vinterstövlar). NĂ„gra av stövlarna var tillverkade bĂ„da med och utan stĂ„lhĂ€tta och den termiska pĂ„verkan av stĂ„lhĂ€ttan under olika betingelser studerades. JĂ€mförande studier mellan olika metoder genomfördes (termisk fotmodell, EN 344, mĂ€tningar pĂ„ mĂ€nniskor). För att bedöma termiska egenskaper hos stövlar anvĂ€ndes data frĂ„n försökspersoner och fotmodell tillsammans. En matematisk modell provades för att förutsĂ€ga hud temperaturen pĂ„ foten. FĂ€ltstudier genomfördes för att vĂ€rdera stövlarnas klimatskydd under verkliga förhĂ„llanden. Skodelarna hade olika isolation beroende frĂ€mst pĂ„ tjocklek och material. Varma vinterstövlar hade den lĂ€gsta isolation vid tĂ„rna medan den kallaste delen av gummistövlar var hĂ€len. Även en lĂ„g svettningshastighet (3 g/h) minskade isolationen hos alla stövlar (9-19 % jĂ€mfört med den ursprungliga torra isolationen). Vid högre svettningshastighet (10 g/h) minskade isolationen med upp till 36 %. I kombination med svettning, rörelse och vind kunde isolationen hos stövlar minska ca 45 %. Minskningen var störst i vinterstövlar. IsolationsförĂ€ndringen var stor under de första 2 timmarna av 8-timmars mĂ€tning, men blev betydligt mindre efter hand. Avdunstningen var generellt mycket liten frĂ„n vinterstövlar. Enkla samband för att berĂ€kna isolationsminskningen har utarbetats. Den termiska fotmodellen gav lika isolationsvĂ€rdena som de som uppmĂ€ttes pĂ„ mĂ€nniskor vid termisk komfort. VĂ€rdena kan anvĂ€ndas i matematiska modeller för att förutsĂ€ga hud temperaturer, exponeringstider och vĂ€lja fotbeklĂ€dnad. Resultat frĂ„n försök med termisk fotmodell ger mer anvĂ€ndbar information Ă€n nuvarande standardmetod för termisk provning av skor. DĂ€rför kan termiska fot metoden rekommenderas att anvĂ€ndas som standard. Det förefaller som om stĂ„lhĂ€ttan har en pĂ„verkan, om Ă€n liten, pĂ„ fotens hudtemperatur och modifierar vĂ€rmeförlusterna frĂ„n foten. PĂ„verkan kan relateras till den s.k. Òefter effekten", vilken troligen beror pĂ„ stĂ„ltĂ„hĂ€ttans stora och termiska tröghet. Rekommendationer för anvĂ€ndning och val av skor gavs slutligen. Nyckelord: termisk fotmodell, svettning, skyddsskor, stövlar, termisk isolation, kyla, fot, hud temperatur, temperaturupplevelse, smĂ€rta

    Testing Sleeping Bags According to EN 13537:2002: Details That Make the Difference

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    The European Standard on sleeping bag requirements (EN 13537:2002) describes a procedure to determine environmental temperature limits for safe usage of sleeping bags regarding their thermal insulation. However, there are several possible sources of error related to this procedure. The main aim of this work was to determine the influence of the various measuring parameters on the acuity of the respective parameters in order to judge the requirements. The results indicated that air velocity, mattress insulation and time between unpacking the bag and measurement had a significant impact on the result, with a difference of up to 5–15% in thermal insulation between minimum and maximum allowable parameter levels. On the other hand, manikin weight, thickness of the artificial ground and presence of a face mask were found to have a negligible influence. The article also discusses more general aspects of the standard including the calculation methods used

    Testing Sleeping Bags According to EN 13537:2002: Details That Make the Difference

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    The European Standard on sleeping bag requirements (EN 13537:2002) describes a procedure to determine environmental temperature limits for safe usage of sleeping bags regarding their thermal insulation. However, there are several possible sources of error related to this procedure. The main aim of this work was to determine the influence of the various measuring parameters on the acuity of the respective parameters in order to judge the requirements. The results indicated that air velocity, mattress insulation and time between unpacking the bag and measurement had a significant impact on the result, with a difference of up to 5–15% in thermal insulation between minimum and maximum allowable parameter levels. On the other hand, manikin weight, thickness of the artificial ground and presence of a face mask were found to have a negligible influence. The article also discusses more general aspects of the standard including the calculation methods used

    Effect of Sweating on Insulation of Footwear

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    The study aimed to find out the influence of sweating on footwear insulation with a thermal foot model. Simultaneously, the influence of applied weight (35 kg), sock, and steel toe cap were studied. Water to 3 sweat glands wassupplied with a pump at the rate of 10 g/hr in total. Four models of boots with steel toe caps were tested. The same models were manufactured also without steel toe. Sweating reduced footwear insulation 19-25% (30-37% in toes). During static conditions, only a minimal amount of sweat evaporated from boots. Weight affected sole insulation: Reduction depended on compressibility of sole material. The influence of steel toe varied with insulation. The method of thermal foot model appears to be a practical tool for footwear evaluation

    A Comparison of Two Methods of Determining Thermal Properties of Footwear

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    The present European Standard for footwear testing (Standard No. EN 344:1992; European Committee for Standardization [CEN], 1992) classifies footwear thermally by a temperature drop inside the footwear during 30 min at defined conditions. Today, other methods for footwear thermal testing are also available. The aim of this study was to compare EN 344:1992 with a thermal foot method. Six boots were tested according to both methods. Additional tests with modified standard tests were also carried out. The methods ranked the footwear in a similar way. However, the test according to standard EN 344:1992 is a pass-or-fail test, whereas data that is gained from the thermal foot method gives more information and allows further use in research and product development. A change of the present standard method is suggested

    Effect of Footwear Insulation on Thermal Responses in the Cold

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    The influence of footwear insulation on foot skin temperature in the cold at low activity was investigated. Simultaneously, the thermal and pain sensations, and the influence of steel toe cap were studied. Eight participants were exposed for 85 min to 3 environmental temperatures ( + 3, — 12, and —25°C) wearing 5 different boots. Insulation of footwear was determined with a thermal foot model. The study showed the importance of insulation forkeeping feet warm. Other factors, such as wetness and vasomotor response, however, modified the thermal response. The most affected parts were toes and heels. Cold and pain sensations were connected with considerably lower temperatures in these local points. No significant differences were observed between boots with and without steel toe cap

    Determination of Heat Loss from the Feet and Insulation of the Footwear

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    This study compared the methods of determining footwear insulation on human participants and a thermal foot model. Another purpose was to find the minimal number of measurement points on the human foot that is needed for insulation calculation. A bare foot was tested at 3 ambient temperatures on 6 participants. Three types of footwear were tested on 2 participants. The mean insulation for a bare foot obtained on the participant and model were similar. The insulation of warm footwear measured by the 2 methods was also similar. For thin footwear the insulation values from the participants were higher than those from the thermal model. The differences could be related to undefined physiological factors. Two points on the foot can be enough to measure the insulation of footwear on human participants (r = .98). However, due to the big individual differences of humans, and good repeatability and simplicity of the thermal foot method, the latter should be preferred for testing

    Evaporative resistance of newly designed bicycle helmets

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