469 research outputs found

    Characterizing Block Graphs in Terms of their Vertex-Induced Partitions

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    Given a finite connected simple graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with vertex set VV and edge set E⊆(V2)E\subseteq \binom{V}{2}, we will show that 1.1. the (necessarily unique) smallest block graph with vertex set VV whose edge set contains EE is uniquely determined by the VV-indexed family PG:=(π0(G(v)))v∈V{\bf P}_G:=\big(\pi_0(G^{(v)})\big)_{v \in V} of the various partitions π0(G(v))\pi_0(G^{(v)}) of the set VV into the set of connected components of the graph G(v):=(V,{e∈E:v∉e})G^{(v)}:=(V,\{e\in E: v\notin e\}), 2.2. the edge set of this block graph coincides with set of all 22-subsets {u,v}\{u,v\} of VV for which uu and vv are, for all w∈V−{u,v}w\in V-\{u,v\}, contained in the same connected component of G(w)G^{(w)}, 3.3. and an arbitrary VV-indexed family Pp=(pv)v∈V{\bf P}p=({\bf p}_v)_{v \in V} of partitions πv\pi_v of the set VV is of the form Pp=PpG{\bf P}p={\bf P}p_G for some connected simple graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with vertex set VV as above if and only if, for any two distinct elements u,v∈Vu,v\in V, the union of the set in pv{\bf p}_v that contains uu and the set in pu{\bf p}_u that contains vv coincides with the set VV, and {v}∈pv\{v\}\in {\bf p}_v holds for all v∈Vv \in V. As well as being of inherent interest to the theory of block graphs, these facts are also useful in the analysis of compatible decompositions and block realizations of finite metric spaces

    Overview of the SBS 2016 Mining Track

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    Blocks and Cut Vertices of the Buneman Graph

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    Given a set \Sg of bipartitions of some finite set XX of cardinality at least 2, one can associate to \Sg a canonical XX-labeled graph \B(\Sg), called the Buneman graph. This graph has several interesting mathematical properties - for example, it is a median network and therefore an isometric subgraph of a hypercube. It is commonly used as a tool in studies of DNA sequences gathered from populations. In this paper, we present some results concerning the {\em cut vertices} of \B(\Sg), i.e., vertices whose removal disconnect the graph, as well as its {\em blocks} or 2-{\em connected components} - results that yield, in particular, an intriguing generalization of the well-known fact that \B(\Sg) is a tree if and only if any two splits in \Sg are compatible

    Viewing time affects overspecification:Evidence for two strategies of attribute selection during reference production

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    Speakers often produce definite referring expressions that are overspecified: they tend to include more attributes than necessary to distinguish the target referent. The current paper investigates how the occurrence of overspecification is affected by viewing time. We conducted an experiment in which speakers were asked to refer to target objects in visual domains. Half of the speakers had unlimited time to inspect the domains, while viewing time was limited (1000 ms) for the other half. The results reveal that limited viewing time induces the occurrence of overspecification. We conjecture that limited viewing time caused speakers to rely heavily on quick heuristics during attribute selection, which urge them to select attributes that are perceptually salient. In the case of unlimited inspection time, speakers seem to rely on a combination of heuristic and more deliberate selection strategies
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