861 research outputs found

    A Clinical Study on Acute Intestinal Obstruction

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    INTRODUCTION : Intestinal obstruction is defined as any hinderance to the passage of intestinal contents. It may be classified as dynamic and adynamic obstruction. Dynamic obstruction is one of the most serious and frequently encountered emergencies presenting as acute abdomen. The present study is conducted with objectives to find out the frequency of various etiological factors of intestinal obstruction and to evaluate the morbidity and mortality in adult patients presenting with intestinal obstruction. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : 1. To study incidence and various etiology of intestinal obstruction. 2. To study the various modes of presentation, importance of early diagnosis and management. 3. To study the role of imaging studies in determining site and etiology. 4. To study the morbidity and mortality rate in acute intestinal obstruction. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY : All patients who presented with symptoms and signs of bowel obstruction, admitted and managed surgically from June 2014 to June 2016 in the Department of General Surgery are included in this study. Diagnosis is based on the history, clinical findings, and supported by ultrasonography and radiological studies (plain x-rays) in all patients. Final diagnosis is made at exploratory laparotomy. Inclusion Criteria : 1. All patients presenting to emergency department with features of intestinal obstruction and are treated surgically. 2. Patients in the age group 15 to 75 years. 3. Patients who are haemodynamically stable. Exclusion Criteria : 1. Patients presenting with subacute intestinal obstruction and treated surgically. 2. Paediatric age group patients. CONCLUSION : This study on acute intestinal obstruction was aimed at studying the age and sex distribution, various etiologies, clinical presentations, treatment and outcomes of acute intestinal obstruction. Acute intestinal obstruction remains to be one of common surgical surgeries. Males are commonly affected mostly during their fifth decade. Obstructed/strangulated inguinal hernia remains to be the most common cause followed by adhesions. They usually present with abdominal pain with multiple air fluid levels in their X-ray abdomen erect view. The initial management of patients with acute intestinal obstruction should focus on aggressive fluid replacement, decompression of the obstructed bowel, and on prevention of aspiration. Surgery remains the cornerstone of treatment. Earlier diagnosis and timely intervention are associated with excellent prognosis. Delayed diagnosis leading to strangulation and increased age are associated with poor outcomes

    The Impact of Social Media (SM) on Sport Marketing Strategy Development: A Case Study of Football Teams in Iraq

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    The purpose of this study is to look into the impact of SM on the development of sport marketing strategies by football teams in Iraq. This study employed a quantitative approach, with data collected by a questionnaire. Questionnaire was sent to 200 people, and they were all contacted for responses. The findings of this study show that approximately 97.5% of respondents using SM, especially Facebook (32.5%) as the favorite over traditional media. Most of the SM users are of below 30 years of age (youngsters) and likely to spend roughly spending 2-5 hours on SM every day and remain active in posting messages to each other, pay attention to the advertisement of sports products and like to watch them too. Thus, developing SM tools is critical for football teams to succeed in their sports marketing strategy (MS) and build professional relationships with their fans. The football team must use SM as a powerful tool for developing its sports MS and capturing fans as an essential product. They should be able to use a variety of SM platforms

    The Role of Social and Digital Media on Sport Marketing in Iraq and Its Effect on Football

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    The purpose of this study is to understand the role of social and digital media on sport marketing and its effect on football in Iraq. This study employed a quantitative approach, with data collected by a questionnaire. Questionnaire was sent to 200 people, and they were all contacted for responses. Most of the respondents use social media (SM) as their favorite over traditional media, which suggests that the influence of SM in the life of Iraqi people is more than traditional media.  Maximum respondent use facebook for their social activities through SM. Almost all respondents like, comment or share the SM posts and active on posting messages, watching the ads on SM. SM also helps respondents to get more information and they feel more connected to the brand sponsoring football clubs. Respondents also inspiring SM campaigns of sponsoring football clubs and purchase the product of that company which is promoted by their favourite player or team or club. Thus, SM and digital media plays an important role in sports marketing strategies in Iraq for major retail brands, as it allows consumers to stay update with the latest products as well as their promotions and allows them to engage in a wide range of football events and even hear from their football sport idol

    Study of anticonvulsant activity of acetazolamide on albino rats and its influence on anticonvulsant activity of sodium valproate

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    Background: Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder. 30-40% of patients will continue to have seizures despite the use of antiepileptic drugs either alone or in combination. The present study is undertaken to evaluate the anticonvulsant activity of Acetazolamide (ACZ) in albino rats and its influence on anticonvulsant activity of sodium valproate.Methods: Albino rats (150-200gms) of male sex were randomly selected, from central animal facility, MMCRI, Mysore. They were divided into 6groups (per model) of 6 rats each, control group-normal saline 0.5ml, standard group-sodium valproate (300mg/kg), dose 1-ACZ (8.75mg/kg), dose 2-ACZ (17.5mg/kg) and dose 3-ACZ (35mg/kg), dose 4-ACZ (8.75mg/kg) with sodium valproate (150mg/kg). The anti-convulsant activity was screened using MES model and PTZ model.Results: Results were analysed by ANOVA followed by post hoc Fisher’s LSD test. The ACZ has shown anticonvulsant activity at the dose of 17.5mg/kg and 35mg/kg body weight and combination of ACZ 8.75mg/kg with sodium valproate 150mg/kg both in MES model and PTZ model. The anticonvulsant activity of ACZ was less when compared to Sodium Valproate in both MES model and PTZ model. The anticonvulsant activity of combination, ACZ 8.75mg/kg with Sodium valproate 150mg/kg was comparable and more significant when compared to standard drug alone in MES model and PTZ model.Conclusions: The ACZ has shown anticonvulsant activity in MES model and PTZ induced seizure model of epilepsy. This study has shown that ACZ potentiated the effect of sodium valproate and can be used as add on drug with sodium valproate in epilepsy

    Pharmacological evaluation of substituted 4, 5-diphenyl furan-3-carboxamide compound for antidepressant activity in mice

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    Background: Depressive disorder is a prevalent psychiatric disorder, which affects 21% of the world population. Many drugs are available as effective antidepressants. But still there is necessity of developing novel compounds with minimized side effects. Hence this study was aimed to investigate the antidepressant activity of novel furan compound in albino mice.Methods: Antidepressant activity of novel furan compound was investigated by using forced swimming test (FST) and tail suspension test (TST) models. Fluoxetine was used as standard drug in this study.Results: It has been observed from our study that medium dose of test compound (10 mg/kg) reduced duration of immobility time to 35 seconds when compared to control group (147 seconds) in FST model. In TST model, the test compound of medium dose (10 mg/kg) had produced 83% protection against passive behaviour which is almost similar to standard drug fluoxetine (100%).Conclusions: The results of the specifies that compared to other two doses of test compound (5 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg), medium dose of test compound found as an effective dose for treating depression produced due to stress. However, further expansion of the study is needed for this compound to prove as a novel effective antidepressant compared to other drugs available for treating depression

    A questionnaire based study to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacovigilance among exam going second year undergraduate medical students in a South Indian teaching hospital

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    Background: Pharmacovigilance not only helps in the early detection of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) but also facilitates the identification of both, risk factors and the underlying mechanism. To increase the reporting rate, it is essential to improve the knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) of healthcare professionals regarding ADR reporting and pharmacovigilance, especially during undergraduate and postgraduate education. The objective of this study was to assess the KAP about pharmacovigilance among exam-going second-year undergraduate medical students.Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was conducted among 150 exam-going second-year undergraduate students from Mysore Medical College and Research Institute, Mysore from April 2022 to June 2022. A validated questionnaire consisting of 22 questions divided into 3 sections; knowledge, attitude, and practice was used. Statistical analysis of data was done using an MS excel spreadsheet.Results: Out of the 150 participants 133 had good knowledge about ADR and pharmacovigilance. Majority of the students agreed that reporting of ADRs is necessary (95.3%), mandatory (95.3%), and should be included in pharmacology practicals (94.7%). Only 29.3% of the students had witnessed an ADR and none of the participants had ever reported an ADR indicating poor practice among the undergraduate students.Conclusions: Students had good knowledge and positive attitude towards ADR reporting and pharmacovigilance. Practice regarding pharmacovigilance was found to be poor, indicating the need for training the undergraduate students in ADR reporting by including ADR recognition and reporting as a part of clinical posting curriculum


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    The transmission channel is an electrical medium that bridges the distance from the source to the destination. It may be apair of wires, a coaxial cable, a radio path, or an optical fiber. Every channel introduces some amount of transmission loss orattenuation and, therefore, the transmitted power progressively decreases with increasing distance. The signal is alsodistorted in the transmission channel because of different attenuation at different frequencies. Signals usually containcomponents at many frequencies and if some are attenuated and some are not, the shape of the signal changes. This change isknown as distortion. Note that a transmission channel often includes many speech or data channels that are multiplexed intothe same cable pair or fiber. In this paper we present the determination of maximum data rate of a telephone channel.Keywords: Bandwidth, Data Rate, Symbol Rate, Transmission Channe
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