892 research outputs found

    Geographical Dimensions of Populist Euroscepticism

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    The appeal of populism has been explained by individual preferences expressed along two dimensions: a left-right economic dimension and a cosmopolitan-traditionalist cultural dimension. However, this distinction has been contested by recent studies pointing out that economic and cultural factors reinforce each other in linking structural transformations, like globalisation and technological change, to populist political outcomes. Given the spatially uneven character of the effects of structural transformations, our contribution argues that ‘place’ should be a central category in the analysis of Eurosceptic populism. By focusing on place, it becomes easier to understand how material and identity-related factors interact in triggering a demand for populism, and how this interaction sets the ground for the reception of populist narratives in different locations. We set out a research agenda for improving our understanding of the political implications of local socio-economic trajectories in Western European left-behind areas, places in Central and Eastern Europe struggling since transition into democracy begun, Southern European locations hit by the Eurozone crisis, and beyond

    Quantifying the short-term effects of air pollution on health in the presence of exposure measurement error: A simulation study of multi-pollutant model results

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    Background: Most epidemiological studies estimate associations without considering exposure measurement error. While some studies have estimated the impact of error in single-exposure models we aimed to quantify the effect of measurement error in multi-exposure models, specifically in time-series analysis of PM2.5, NO2,and mortality using simulations, under various plausible scenarios for exposure errors. Measurement error in multi-exposure models can lead to effect transfer where the effect estimate is overestimated for the pollutant estimated with more error to the one estimated with less error. This complicates interpretation of the independent effects of different pollutants and thus the relative importance of reducing their concentrations in air pollution policy. Methods: Measurement error was defined as the difference between ambient concentrations and personal exposure from outdoor sources. Simulation inputs for error magnitude and variability were informed by the literature. Error-free exposures with their consequent health 16outcome and error-prone exposures of various error types (classical/Berkson) were generated. Bias was quantified as the relative difference in effect estimates of the error-free and error-prone exposures. Results: Mortality effect estimates were generally underestimated with greater bias observed when low ratios of the true exposure variance over the error variance were assumed (27.4% 21underestimation for NO2). Higher ratios resulted in smaller, but still substantial bias (up to 19% for both pollutants).Effect transfer was observed indicating that less precise measurements for one pollutant (NO2) yield more bias, while the co-pollutant(PM2.5) associations were found closer to the true. Interestingly, the sum of single-pollutant model effect estimates was found closer to the summed true associations than those from multi-pollutant models, due to cancelling out of confounding and measurement error bias. Conclusions: Our simulation study indicated an underestimation of true independent health effects of multiple exposures due to measurement error. Using error parameter information in future epidemiological studies should provide more accurate concentration-response functions

    The Global Burden of Ozone on Respiratory Mortality: No Clear Evidence for Association

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    A case-control study of lactation and cancer of the breast.

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    We have examined the relation of lactation, by total duration, with breast cancer risk among pre- and post-menopausal women. In a hospital-based case-control study conducted in Athens (1989-91), involving 820 patients with confirmed breast cancer and 795 orthopaedic patient controls and 753 hospital visitor controls, logistic regression was used to analyse the data controlling for demographic, nutritional and reproductive factors, including parity and age at any birth. Among post-menopausal women, there was no association between breastfeeding and breast cancer risk, but among premenopausal women those who has breastfed for > or = 24 months had an odds ratio of 0.50 (95% confidence interval 0.23-1.41). A reduction of the odds ration was also evident among premenopausal women who had breastfed between 12 and 23 months (odds ratio 0.70; 95% confidence interval 0.34-1.60). In conjunction with several other recent reports these results support the hypothesis that breastfeeding of prolonged duration may reduce the risk of breast cancer among premenopausal women but not among post-menopausal women. The biology underlying this different effect remains unknown, and the practical implication of the finding is a marginal importance

    Atmospheric circulation types and daily mortality in Athens, Greece.

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    We investigated the short-term effects of synoptic and mesoscale atmospheric circulation types on mortality in Athens, Greece. The synoptic patterns in the lower troposphere were classified in 8 a priori defined categories. The mesoscale weather types were classified into 11 categories, using meteorologic parameters from the Athens area surface monitoring network; the daily number of deaths was available for 1987-1991. We applied generalized additive models (GAM), extending Poisson regression, using a LOESS smoother to control for the confounding effects of seasonal patterns. We adjusted for long-term trends, day of the week, ambient particle concentrations, and additional temperature effects. Both classifications, synoptic and mesoscale, explain the daily variation of mortality to a statistically significant degree. The highest daily mortality was observed on days characterized by southeasterly flow [increase 10%; 95% confidence interval (CI), 6.1-13.9% compared to the high-low pressure system), followed by zonal flow (5.8%; 95% CI, 1.8-10%). The high-low pressure system and the northwesterly flow are associated with the lowest mortality. The seasonal patterns are consistent with the annual pattern. For mesoscale categories, in the cold period the highest mortality is observed during days characterized by the easterly flow category (increase 9.4%; 95% CI, 1.0-18.5% compared to flow without the main component). In the warm period, the highest mortality occurs during the strong southerly flow category (8.5% increase; 95% CI, 2.0-15.4% compared again to flow without the main component). Adjusting for ambient particle levels leaves the estimated associations unchanged for the synoptic categories and slightly increases the effects of mesoscale categories. In conclusion, synoptic and mesoscale weather classification is a useful tool for studying the weather-health associations in a warm Mediterranean climate situation

    Vitamins A, C and E and the risk of breast cancer: results from a case-control study in Greece

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    Although several dietary compounds are hypothesized to have anticarcinogenic properties, the role ofpecific micronutrients in the development of breast cancer remains unclear. To address this issue, we assessed intake of retinol, β-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E in relation to breast cancer risk in a case–control study in Greece. Eight hundrednd twenty women with histologically confirmed breast cancer were compared with 1548 control women. Dietary data were collectedhrough a 115-item semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. Data were modelled by logistic regression, with adjustment forotal energy intake and established breast cancer risk factors, as well as mutual adjustment among the micronutrients. Amongost-menopausal women, there was no association between any of the micronutrients evaluated and risk of breast cancer. Amongremenopausal women, β-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E were each inversely associated with breast cancer risk, but afterutual adjustment among the three nutrients only β-carotene remained significant; the odds ratio (OR) for a one-quintilencrease in β-carotene intake was 0.84 (95% confidence interval 0.73–0.97). The inverse association observed with β-carotene intake, however, is slightly weaker than the association previously observed with vegetable intake in these data,aising the possibility that the observed β-carotene effect is accounted for by another component of vegetables. ©1999 Cancer Research Campaig
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