541 research outputs found

    Supercontinuum in ionization by relativistically intense and short laser pulses: ionization without interference and its time analysis

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    Ionization by relativistically intense laser pulses of finite duration is considered in the framework of strong-field quantum electrodynamics. Our main focus is on the formation of ionization supercontinua. More specifically, when studying the energy distributions of photoelectrons ionized by circularly polarized pulses, we observe the appearance of broad structures lacking the interference patterns. These supercontinua extend over hundreds of driving photon energies, thus corresponding to high-order nonlinear processes. The corresponding polar-angle distributions show asymmetries which are attributed to the radiation pressure experienced by photoelectrons. Moreover, our time analysis shows that the electrons comprising the supercontinuum can form pulses of short duration. While we present the fully numerical results, their interpretation is based on the saddle-point approximation for the ionization probability amplitude.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Space-time directional Lyapunov exponents for cellular automata

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    Space-time directional Lyapunov exponents are introduced. They describe the maximal velocity of propagation to the right or to the left of fronts of perturbations in a frame moving with a given velocity. The continuity of these exponents as function of the velocity and an inequality relating them to the directional entropy is proved

    Widespread HCN maser emission in carbon-rich evolved stars

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    Context. HCN is a major constituent of the circumstellar envelopes of carbon-rich evolved stars, and rotational lines from within its vibrationally excited states probe parts of these regions closest to the stellar surface. A number of such lines are known to show maser action. Historically, in one of them, the 177 GHz J=2→1J=2\rightarrow1 line in the ll-doubled bending mode has been found to show relatively strong maser action, with results only published for a single object, the archetypical high-mass loss asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star IRC+10216. Aims. To examine how common 177 GHz HCN maser emission is, we conducted an exploratory survey for this line toward a select sample of carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch stars that are observable from the southern hemisphere. Methods. We used the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment 12 meter submillimeter Telescope (APEX) equipped with a new receiver to simultaneously observe three J=2→1J=2\rightarrow1 HCN rotational transitions, the (0,11c,0)(0,1^{{1}_{\rm c}},0) and (0,11d,0)(0,1^{{1}_{\rm d}},0) ll-doublet components, and the line from the (0,0,0) ground state. Results. The (0,11c,0)(0,1^{{1}_{\rm c}},0) maser line is detected toward 11 of 13 observed sources, which all show emission in the (0,0,0) transition. In most of the sources, the peak intensity of the (0,11c,0)(0,1^{{1}_{\rm c}},0) line rivals that of the (0,0,0) line; in two sources, it is even stronger. Except for the object with the highest mass-loss rate, IRC+10216, the (0,11c,0)(0,1^{{1}_{\rm c}},0) line covers a smaller velocity range than the (0,0,0) line. Conclusions. Maser emission in the 177 GHz J=2→1J=2\rightarrow1 (0,11c,0)(0,1^{{1}_{\rm c}},0) line of HCN appears to be common in carbon-rich AGB stars. (Abbreviated)Comment: 12 pages (including appendix), 3 figures / Astronomy & Astrophysics (in press

    Quantum constraints, Dirac observables and evolution: group averaging versus Schroedinger picture in LQC

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    A general quantum constraint of the form C=−∂T2⊗B−I⊗HC= - \partial_T^2 \otimes B - I\otimes H (realized in particular in Loop Quantum Cosmology models) is studied. Group Averaging is applied to define the Hilbert space of solutions and the relational Dirac observables. Two cases are considered. In the first case, the spectrum of the operator (1/2)π2B−H(1/2)\pi^2 B - H is assumed to be discrete. The quantum theory defined by the constraint takes the form of a Schroedinger-like quantum mechanics with a generalized Hamiltonian B−1H\sqrt{B^{-1} H}. In the second case, the spectrum is absolutely continuous and some peculiar asymptotic properties of the eigenfunctions are assumed. The resulting Hilbert space and the dynamics are characterized by a continuous family of the Schroedinger-like quantum theories. However, the relational observables mix different members of the family. Our assumptions are motivated by new Loop Quantum Cosmology models of quantum FRW spacetime. The two cases considered in the paper correspond to the negative and, respectively, positive cosmological constant. Our results should be also applicable in many other general relativistic contexts.Comment: RevTex4, 32 page
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