2,789 research outputs found

    Holographic Construction of Excited CFT States

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    We present a systematic construction of bulk solutions that are dual to CFT excited states. The bulk solution is constructed perturbatively in bulk fields. The linearised solution is universal and depends only on the conformal dimension of the primary operator that is associated with the state via the operator-state correspondence, while higher order terms depend on detailed properties of the operator, such as its OPE with itself and generally involve many bulk fields. We illustrate the discussion with the holographic construction of the universal part of the solution for states of two dimensional CFTs, either on R×S1R \times S^1 or on R1,1R^{1,1}. We compute the 1-point function both in the CFT and in the bulk, finding exact agreement. We comment on the relation with other reconstruction approaches.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, v2: comments adde

    Thermal diffractive corrections to Casimir energies

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    We study the interplay of thermal and diffractive effects in Casimir energies. We consider plates with edges, oriented either parallel or perpendicular to each other, as well as a single plate with a slit. We compute the Casimir energy at finite temperature using a formalism in which the diffractive effects are encoded in a lower dimensional non-local field theory that lives in the gap between the plates. The formalism allows for a clean separation between direct or geometric effects and diffractive effects, and makes an analytic derivation of the temperature dependence of the free energy possible. At low temperatures, with Dirichlet boundary conditions on the plates, we find that diffractive effects make a correction to the free energy which scales as T^6 for perpendicular plates, as T^4 for slits, and as T^4 log T for parallel plates.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX. v2: minor typos fixed, version to appear in PR

    Holographic representation of local bulk operators

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    The Lorentzian AdS/CFT correspondence implies a map between local operators in supergravity and non-local operators in the CFT. By explicit computation we construct CFT operators which are dual to local bulk fields in the semiclassical limit. The computation is done for general dimension in global, Poincare and Rindler coordinates. We find that the CFT operators can be taken to have compact support in a region of the complexified boundary whose size is set by the bulk radial position. We show that at finite N the number of independent commuting operators localized within a bulk volume saturates the holographic bound.Comment: 36 pages, LaTeX, 4 eps figure

    A Comment on Zero-brane Quantum Mechanics

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    We consider low energy, non-relativistic scattering of two Dirichlet zero-branes as an exercise in quantum mechanics. For weak string coupling and sufficiently small velocity, the dynamics is governed by an effective U(2) gauge theory in 0+1 dimensions. At low energies, D-brane scattering can reliably probe distances much shorter than the string scale. The only length scale in the quantum mechanics problem is the eleven dimensional Planck length. This provides evidence for the role of scales shorter than the string length in the weakly coupled dynamics of type IIA strings.Comment: 9 pages, harvmac, improved treatment of 2+1 proble

    Constructing local bulk observables in interacting AdS/CFT

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    Local operators in the bulk of AdS can be represented as smeared operators in the dual CFT. We show how to construct these bulk observables by requiring that the bulk operators commute at spacelike separation. This extends our previous work by taking interactions into account. Large-N factorization plays a key role in the construction. We show diagrammatically how this procedure is related to bulk Feynman diagrams.Comment: 41 pages, LaTeX. v2: reference correcte

    Point-Like Graviton Scattering in Plane-Wave Matrix Model

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    In a plane-wave matrix model we discuss a two-body scattering of gravitons in the SO(3) symmetric space. In this case the graviton solutions are point-like in contrast to the scattering in the SO(6) symmetric space where spherical membranes are interpreted as gravitons. We concentrate on a configuration in the 1-2 plane where a graviton rotates with a constant radius and the other one elliptically rotates. Then the one-loop effective action is computed by using the background field method. As the result, we obtain the 1/r^7-type interaction potential, which strongly suggests that the scattering in the matrix model would be closely related to that in the light-front eleven-dimensional supergravity.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, v2) references adde

    A Comment on the Geometric Entropy and Conical Space

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    It has been recently pointed out that a definition of the geometric entropy using the partition function in a conical space does not in general lead to a positive definite quantity. For a scalar field model with a non-minimal coupling we clarify the origin of the anomalous behavior from the viewpoint of the canonical formulation.Comment: No Figures. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Local bulk operators in AdS/CFT: a boundary view of horizons and locality

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    We develop the representation of local bulk fields in AdS by non-local operators on the boundary, working in the semiclassical limit and using AdS_2 as our main example. In global coordinates we show that the boundary operator has support only at points which are spacelike separated from the bulk point. We construct boundary operators that represent local bulk operators inserted behind the horizon of the Poincare patch and inside the Rindler horizon of a two dimensional black hole. We show that these operators respect bulk locality and comment on the generalization of our construction to higher dimensional AdS black holes.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, late