1,809 research outputs found

    Trace metal characterization of aerosol particles and cloud water during HCCT 2010

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    Trace metal characterization of bulk and size-resolved aerosol and cloud water samples were performed during the Hill Cap Cloud Thuringia (HCCT) campaign. Cloud water was collected at the top of Mt. Schmücke while aerosol samples were collected at two stations upwind and downwind of Mt. Schmücke. Fourteen trace metals including Ti, V, Fe, Mn, Co, Zn, Ni, Cu, As, Sr, Rb, Pb, Cr, and Se were investigated during four full cloud events (FCEs) that fulfilled the conditions of a continuous air mass flow through the three stations. Aerosol particle trace metal concentrations were found to be lower than those observed in the same region during previous field experiments but were within a similar range to those observed in other rural regions in Europe. Fe and Zn were the most abundant elements with concentration ranges of 0.2–111.6 and 1.1–32.1 ng m−3, respectively. Fe, Mn, and Ti were mainly found in coarse mode aerosols while Zn, Pb, and As were mostly found in the fine mode. Correlation and enrichment factor analysis of trace metals revealed that trace metals such as Ti and Rb were mostly of crustal origin while trace metals such as Zn, Pb, As, Cr, Ni, V, and Cu were of anthropogenic origin. Trace metals such as Fe and Mn were of mixed origins including crustal and combustion sources. Trace metal cloud water concentration decreased from Ti, Mn, Cr, to Co with average concentrations of 9.18, 5.59, 5.54, and 0.46 μg L−1, respectively. A non-uniform distribution of soluble Fe, Cu, and Mn was observed across the cloud drop sizes. Soluble Fe and Cu were found mainly in cloud droplets with diameters between 16 and 22 μm, while Mn was found mostly in larger drops greater than 22 μm. Fe(III) was the main form of soluble Fe especially in the small and larger drops with concentrations ranging from 2.2 to 37.1 μg L−1. In contrast to other studies, Fe(II) was observed mainly in the evening hours, implying its presence was not directly related to photochemical processes. Aerosol–cloud interaction did not lead to a marked increase in soluble trace metal concentrations; rather it led to differences in the chemical composition of the aerosol due to preferential loss of aerosol particles through physical processes including cloud drop deposition to vegetative surfaces

    Chemical Accident Hazard Assessment by Spatial Analysis of Chemical Factories and Accident Records in South Korea

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    This study identified the potential chemical accident occurrence in Korea by analyzing the spatial distribution of chemical factories and accidents. The number of chemical factories and accidents in 25-km2 grids were used as the attribute value for spatial analysis. First, semi-variograms were conducted to examine spatial distribution patterns and to identify spatial autocorrelation of chemical factories and accidents. Semi-variograms explained that the spatial distribution of chemical factories and accidents were spatially autocorrelated. Second, the results of the semi-variograms were used in Ordinary Kriging to estimate chemical hazard levels. The level values were extracted from the Ordinary Kriging result and their spatial similarity was examined by juxtaposing the two values with respect to their location. Six peaks were identified in both the factory hazard and accident hazard estimation result, and the peaks correlated with major cities in Korea. Third, the estimated two hazard levels were classified with geometrical interval and could be classified into four quadrants: Low Factory and Low Accident (LFLA), High Factory and Low Accident (HFLA), Low Factory and High Accident(LFHA), and High Factory and High Accident (HFHA). The 4 groups identified different chemical safety management issues in Korea; safe LFLA group, many chemical reseller factories were found in HFLA group, chemical transportation accidents were in the LFHA group, and an abundance of factories and accidents were in the HFHA group. Each quadrant represented different safety management obstacles in Korea, and studying spatial differences can support the establishment of an efficient risk management plan

    Gastric Osteoma in a Dog

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    An eight year old female dog was referred with anorexia, nervousness and emaciation. At the point of time, severe lifelessness was the only symptom. Then euthanasia was done according to the owner’s decision. As a result of postmortem examination, thin white matters were found on the gastric mucosa of the greater curvature and there were no other significant gross findings. Tissue specimens were collected from the gastric wall, esophagus, gall bladder, aorta, heart, kidneys, liver, mesenteric lymph node, lungs, urinary bladder and spleen and processed for histopathology. Microscopically, the masses of stomach were consisted of well-differentiated osteoid tissues, the compact bone-osteocytes and the matured lamellated bone with Haversian system. It was diagnosed as osteoma of the stomach. Other organs were free on such histological findings

    Multi-gap superconductivity in a BaFe1.84Co0.16As2 film from optical measurements at terahertz frequencies

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    We measured the THz reflectance properties of a high quality epitaxial thin film of the Fe-based superconductor BaFe1.84_{1.84}Co0.16_{0.16}As2_2 with Tc_c=22.5 K. The film was grown by pulsed laser deposition on a DyScO3_3 substrate with an epitaxial SrTiO3_3 intermediate layer. The measured RS/RNR_S/R_N spectrum, i.e. the reflectivity ratio between the superconducting and normal state reflectance, provides clear evidence of a superconducting gap ΔA\Delta_A close to 15 cm1^{-1}. A detailed data analysis shows that a two-band, two-gap model is absolutely necessary to obtain a good description of the measured RS/RNR_S/R_N spectrum. The low-energy ΔA\Delta_A gap results to be well determined (ΔA\Delta_A=15.5±\pm0.5 cm1^{-1}), while the value of the high-energy gap ΔB\Delta_B is more uncertain (ΔB\Delta_B=55±\pm7 cm1^{-1}). Our results provide evidence of a nodeless isotropic double-gap scenario, with the presence of two optical gaps corresponding to 2Δ/kTc\Delta/kT_c values close to 2 and 7.Comment: Published Versio

    Decoherence in elastic and polaronic transport via discrete quantum states

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    Here we study the effect of decoherence on elastic and polaronic transport via discrete quantum states. The calculations are performed with the help of nonperturbative computational scheme, based on the Green's function theory within the framework of polaron transformation (GFT-PT), where the many-body electron-phonon interaction problem is mapped exactly into a single-electron multi-channel scattering problem. In particular, the influence of dephasing and relaxation processes on the shape of the electrical current and shot noise curves is discussed in detail under the linear and nonlinear transport conditions.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetization relaxation in (Ga,Mn)As ferromagnetic semiconductors

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    We describe a theory of Mn local-moment magnetization relaxation due to p-d kinetic-exchange coupling with the itinerant-spin subsystem in the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As alloy. The theoretical Gilbert damping coefficient implied by this mechanism is calculated as a function of Mn moment density, hole concentration, and quasiparticle lifetime. Comparison with experimental ferromagnetic resonance data suggests that in annealed strongly metallic samples, p-d coupling contributes significantly to the damping rate of the magnetization precession at low temperatures. By combining the theoretical Gilbert coefficient with the values of the magnetic anisotropy energy, we estimate that the typical critical current for spin-transfer magnetization switching in all-semiconductor trilayer devices can be as low as 105Acm2\sim 10^{5} {\rm A cm}^{-2}.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Rapid Communication

    Fecal Viral Concentration and Diarrhea in Norovirus Gastroenteritis

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    Fecal viral concentrations of 40 patients infected with norovirus genogroup GII.4 correlated with diarrhea duration and frequency of vomiting. Higher viral concentration and older age were independently associated with prolonged diarrhea (>4 days). These findings provide information on the pathogenesis and transmission of norovirus infections

    Simulations of energetic beam deposition: from picoseconds to seconds

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    We present a new method for simulating crystal growth by energetic beam deposition. The method combines a Kinetic Monte-Carlo simulation for the thermal surface diffusion with a small scale molecular dynamics simulation of every single deposition event. We have implemented the method using the effective medium theory as a model potential for the atomic interactions, and present simulations for Ag/Ag(111) and Pt/Pt(111) for incoming energies up to 35 eV. The method is capable of following the growth of several monolayers at realistic growth rates of 1 monolayer per second, correctly accounting for both energy-induced atomic mobility and thermal surface diffusion. We find that the energy influences island and step densities and can induce layer-by-layer growth. We find an optimal energy for layer-by-layer growth (25 eV for Ag), which correlates with where the net impact-induced downward interlayer transport is at a maximum. A high step density is needed for energy induced layer-by-layer growth, hence the effect dies away at increased temperatures, where thermal surface diffusion reduces the step density. As part of the development of the method, we present molecular dynamics simulations of single atom-surface collisions on flat parts of the surface and near straight steps, we identify microscopic mechanisms by which the energy influences the growth, and we discuss the nature of the energy-induced atomic mobility

    Carrier-mediated ferromagnetic ordering in Mn ion-implanted p+GaAs:C

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    Highly p-type GaAs:C was ion-implanted with Mn at differing doses to produce Mn concentrations in the 1 - 5 at.% range. In comparison to LT-GaAs and n+GaAs:Si samples implanted under the same conditions, transport and magnetic properties show marked differences. Transport measurements show anomalies, consistent with observed magnetic properties and with epi- LT-(Ga,Mn)As, as well as the extraordinary Hall Effect up to the observed magnetic ordering temperature (T_C). Mn ion-implanted p+GaAs:C with as-grown carrier concentrations > 10^20 cm^-3 show remanent magnetization up to 280 K