302 research outputs found

    Impact production of NO and reduced species

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    It has recently been suggested that a reported spike in seawater (87)Sr/(86)Sr at the K-T boundary is the signature of an impact-generated acid deluge. However, the amount of acid required is implausibly large. Some about 3 x 10 to the 15th power moles of Sr must be weathered from silicates to produce the inferred Sr spike. The amount of acid required is at least 100 and probably 1000 times greater. Production of 3 x 10 to the 18th power moles of NO is clearly untenable. The atmosphere presently contains only 1.4 x 10 to the 20th power moles of N-sub 2 and 3.8 x 10 to the 19th power moles of O sub 2 If the entire atmosphere were shocked to 2000 K and cooled within a second, the total NO produced would be about 3 x 10 to the 18th power moles. This is obviously unrealistic. A (still to short) cooling time of 10th to the 3rd power sec reduces NO production by an order of magnitude. In passing, we note that if the entire atmosphere had in fact been shocked to 2000 K, acid rain would have been the least of a dinosaur's problems. Acid rain as a mechanism poses poses other difficulties. Recently deposited carbonates would have been most susceptable to acid attack. The researchers' preferred explanation is simply increased continental erosion following ecological trauma, coupled with enchanced levels of CO-sub 2

    Climatic Effect of Impacts on the Ocean

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    Impact-generated spherule layers provide information pertinent to the environmental consequences of very large impacts on Earth. The spherules are condensed from high velocity impact ejecta ballistically distributed worldwide. These ejecta comprise material from both the impacting body and the target. Much of this material was vaporized or atomized (in the sense of small droplets of fluid, although doubtless some of the vapor species were atomic) in the impact event, cooled and condensed, and then was re-melted or partially evaporated again on re-entry into the atmosphere far from the crater. The energy deposited in the atmosphere by the re-entering ejecta heat the stratosphere where the particles stop to the temperature of hot lava, and thermal radiation from the superheated stratosphere heats the lower atmosphere, any land surfaces, and the evaporate the surface of the ocean; how hot the atmosphere gets and how much water gets evaporated depends on the scale of the impact. The molten or solid raindrops and hailstones eventually fell out of the atmosphere and onto land or into the ocean over the course of hours and days to pile up as spherule beds, and later the finer dust falls out over months and years

    Xenon Fractionation, Hydrogen Escape, and the Oxidation of the Earth

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    Xenon in Earth's atmosphere is severely mass fractionated and depleted compared to any plausible solar system source material, yet Kr is unfractionated. These observations seem to imply that Xe has escaped from Earth. But to date no process has been identified that can cause Xe, which is heavier than Kr, to escape while Kr does not. Vigorous hydrodynamic hydrogen escape can produce mass fractionation in heavy gases. The required hydrogen flux is very high but within the possible range permitted by solar Extreme Ultraviolet radiation (EUV, which here means radiation at wavelengths short enough to be absorbed efficiently by hydrogen) heating when Earth was on the order of 100 Myrs old or younger. However this model cannot explain why Xe escapes but Kr does not. Recently, what appears to be ancient atmospheric xenon has been recovered from several very ancient (3-3.5 Ga) terrestrial hydrothermal barites and cherts. What is eye-catching about this ancient Xe is that it is less fractionated that Xe in modern air. In other words, it appears that a process was active on Earth some 3 to 3.5 billion years ago that caused xenon to fractionate. By this time the Sun was no longer the EUV source that it used to. If xenon was being fractionated by escape currently the only viable hypothesis it had to be in the less unfamiliar context of Earths Archean atmosphere and under rather modest levels of EUV forcing. This requires a new model. Here we address the circumstances in which Xe, but not Kr, could escape from Earth as an ion. In a hydrodynamically escaping hydrogen wind the hydrogen is partially photo-ionized. The key concepts are that ions are much more strongly coupled to the escaping flow than are neutrals (so that a relatively modest flow of H and H+ to space could carry Xe+ along with it), and that xenon alone among the noble gases is more easily ionized than hydrogen. This sort of escape is possible if not prevented by a planetary magnetic field. The best prospects for Earth are therefore escape along the polar field lines, although a very weak or absent magnetic field would likely work as well. As applied to the Archean Earth the discussion will be constrained by diffusion-limited hydrogen escape. The extended history of hydrogen escape implicit in Xe escape in the Archean is consistent with suggestions that hydrogen escape from the anoxic Archean atmosphere was considerable, because biogenic methane is expected to have been rather abundant. Hydrogen escape plausibly played the key role in creating oxidizing condition at the surface of the Earth and setting the stage for the creation of an O2 atmosphere

    Atmospheric Sulfur Photochemistry on Hot Jupiters

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    We develop a new 1D photochemical kinetics code to address stratospheric chemistry and stratospheric heating in hot Jupiters. Here we address optically active S-containing species and CO2 at 1200 < T < 2000 K. HS (mercapto) and S2 are highly reactive species that are generated photochemically and thermochemically from H2S with peak abundances between 1-10 mbar. S2 absorbs UV between 240 and 340 nm and is optically thick for metallicities [SH] > 0 at T > 1200 K. HS is probably more important than S2, as it is generally more abundant than S2 under hot Jupiter conditions and it absorbs at somewhat redder wavelengths. We use molecular theory to compute an HS absorption spectrum from sparse available data and find that HS should absorb strongly between 300 and 460 nm, with absorption at the longer wavelengths being temperature sensitive. When the two absorbers are combined, radiative heating (per kg of gas) peaks at 100 microbars, with a total stratospheric heating of about 8 x 10^4 W/m^2 for a jovian planet orbiting a solar-twin at 0.032 AU. Total heating is insensitive to metallicity. The CO2 mixing ratio is a well-behaved quadratic function of metallicity, ranging from 1.6 x 10^-8 to 1.6 x 10^-4 for -0.3 < [M/H] < 1.7. CO2 is insensitive to insolation, vertical mixing, temperature (1200 < T <2000 K), and gravity. The photochemical calculations confirm that CO2 should prove a useful probe of planetary metallicity.Comment: Astrophysical Journal Lett. in press; important revision includes effect of updated thermodynamic data and a new opacity sourc

    Earth's Earliest Atmosphere

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    Big Impacts and Transient Oceans on Titan

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    We have studied the thermal consequences of very big impacts on Titan [1]. Titan's thick atmosphere and volatile-rich surface cause it to respond to big impacts in a somewhat Earth-like manner. Here we construct a simple globally-averaged model that tracks the flow of energy through the environment in the weeks, years, and millenia after a big comet strikes Titan. The model Titan is endowed with 1.4 bars of N2 and 0.07 bars of CH4, methane lakes, a water ice crust, and enough methane underground to saturate the regolith to the surface. We assume that half of the impact energy is immediately available to the atmosphere and surface while the other half is buried at the site of the crater and is unavailable on time scales of interest. The atmosphere and surface are treated as isothermal. We make the simplifying assumptions that the crust is everywhere as methane saturated as it was at the Huygens landing site, that the concentration of methane in the regolith is the same as it is at the surface, and that the crust is made of water ice. Heat flow into and out of the crust is approximated by step-functions. If the impact is great enough, ice melts. The meltwater oceans cool to the atmosphere conductively through an ice lid while at the base melting their way into the interior, driven down in part through Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities between the dense water and the warm ice. Topography, CO2, and hydrocarbons other than methane are ignored. Methane and ethane clathrate hydrates are discussed quantitatively but not fully incorporated into the model

    Clouds and the Faint Young Sun Paradox

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    We investigate the role which clouds could play in resolving the Faint Young Sun Paradox (FYSP). Lower solar luminosity in the past means that less energy was absorbed on Earth (a forcing of −50 W m&lt;sup&gt;−2&lt;/sup&gt; during the late Archean), but geological evidence points to the Earth having been at least as warm as it is today, with only very occasional glaciations. We perform radiative calculations on a single global mean atmospheric column. We select a nominal set of three layered, randomly overlapping clouds, which are both consistent with observed cloud climatologies and reproduced the observed global mean energy budget of Earth. By varying the fraction, thickness, height and particle size of these clouds we conduct a wide exploration of how changed clouds could affect climate, thus constraining how clouds could contribute to resolving the FYSP. Low clouds reflect sunlight but have little greenhouse effect. Removing them entirely gives a forcing of +25 W m&lt;sup&gt;−2&lt;/sup&gt; whilst more modest reduction in their efficacy gives a forcing of +10 to +15 W m&lt;sup&gt;−2&lt;/sup&gt;. For high clouds, the greenhouse effect dominates. It is possible to generate +50 W m&lt;sup&gt;−2&lt;/sup&gt; forcing from enhancing these, but this requires making them 3.5 times thicker and 14 K colder than the standard high cloud in our nominal set and expanding their coverage to 100% of the sky. Such changes are not credible. More plausible changes would generate no more than +15 W m&lt;sup&gt;−2&lt;/sup&gt; forcing. Thus neither fewer low clouds nor more high clouds can provide enough forcing to resolve the FYSP. Decreased surface albedo can contribute no more than +5 W m&lt;sup&gt;−2&lt;/sup&gt; forcing. Some models which have been applied to the FYSP do not include clouds at all. These overestimate the forcing due to increased CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; by 20 to 25% when &lt;i&gt;p&lt;/i&gt;CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; is 0.01 to 0.1 bar

    Exploring Venus with Balloons - Science Objectives and Mission Architectures for Small and Medium-Class Missions

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    This presentation was part of the session : Current Planetary Probe Science and TechnologySixth International Planetary Probe WorkshopFollowing the trailblazing flights of the 1985 twin Soviet VEGA balloons, missions to fly in the skies of Venus have been proposed to both NASA's Discovery Program and ESA's Cosmic Visions amd are currently being planned for NASA's next Frontiers Mission opportunity. Such missions will answer fundamental science issues highlighted in a variety of high-level NASA-authorized science documents in recent years, including the Decadal Study, various NASA roadmaps, and recommendations coming out of the Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG). Such missions would in particular address key questions of Venus's origin, evolution, and current state, including detailed measurements of (1) trace gases associated with Venus's active photo- and thermo-chemistry and (2) measurements of vertical motions and local temperature which characterize convective and wave processes. As an example of what can be done with small and medium class missions (less than 900Mand900M and 500M, respectively), the Venus Aerostatic-Lift Observatories for in-situ Research (VALOR) Discovery and New Frontiers mission concepts will be discussed. Floating in Venus's rapid windstream near an altitude of 55 km, VALOR's twin balloon-borne aerostats will sample rare gases and trace chemicals and measure vertical and horizontal motions and cloud aerosols within Venus's dynamic middle cloud layer. Each balloon will explore a distinctive dynamical/meteorological region within Venus's energetic atmosphere as each circles the globe for over a week, with one drifting in the cloudy north polar region and the other flying in the less-cloudy but more convective temperate region. The New Frontiers concept would carry several drop sondes that would provide vertical profiles from 55 km down to the surface of temperature, pressure, winds, and the abundances of key reactive gases including SO2, CO, and H2O. In addition, each drop sonde would obtain stereoscopic images and spectra of the surface. Each of these VALOR missions would test a variety of scenarios for the origin, formation, and evolution of Venus by sampling all the noble gases and their isotopes, especially the heaviest elements never reliably measured previously, xenon and krypton. Riding the gravity and planetary waves of Venus a la the VEGA balloons in 1985, the VALOR balloons would sample in particular the chemistry and dynamics of Venus's sulfur-cloud meteorology. Tracked by an array of Earth-based telescopes, zonal, meridional, and vertical winds would be measured with unprecedented precision. Such measurements will help in developing our fundamental understanding of (1) the circulation of Venus, including the role of waves in powering the planet's poorly-understood super-rotation, (2) the nature of Venus's sulfur cycle, key to Venus's current climate, and (3) how Earth's neighbor formed and evolved over the aeons.NAS
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