4,993 research outputs found

    Scalable quantum computation with fast gates in two-dimensional microtrap arrays of trapped ions

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    We theoretically investigate the use of fast pulsed two-qubit gates for trapped ion quantum computing in a two-dimensional microtrap architecture. In one dimension, such fast gates are optimal when employed between nearest neighbours, and we examine the generalisation to a two-dimensional geometry. We demonstrate that fast pulsed gates are capable of implementing high-fidelity entangling operations between ions in neighbouring traps faster than the trapping period, with experimentally demonstrated laser repetition rates. Notably, we find that without increasing the gate duration, high-fidelity gates are achievable even in large arrays with hundreds of ions. To demonstrate the usefulness of this proposal, we investigate the application of these gates to the digital simulation of a 40-mode Fermi-Hubbard model. This also demonstrates why shorter chains of gates required to connect arbitrary pairs of ions makes this geometry well suited for large-scale computation

    Generating controllable atom-light entanglement with a Raman atom laser system

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    We introduce a scheme for creating continuous variable entanglement between an atomic beam and an optical field, by using squeezed light to outcouple atoms from a BEC via a Raman transition. We model the full multimode dynamics of the atom laser beam and the squeezed optical field, and show that with appropriate two-photon detuning and two-photon Rabi frequency, the transmitted light is entangled in amplitude and phase with the outcoupled atom laser beam. The degree of entanglement is controllable via changes in the two-photon Rabi frequency of the outcoupling process.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Controlling chaos in the quantum regime using adaptive measurements

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    The continuous monitoring of a quantum system strongly influences the emergence of chaotic dynamics near the transition from the quantum regime to the classical regime. Here we present a feedback control scheme that uses adaptive measurement techniques to control the degree of chaos in the driven-damped quantum Duffing oscillator. This control relies purely on the measurement backaction on the system, making it a uniquely quantum control, and is only possible due to the sensitivity of chaos to measurement. We quantify the effectiveness of our control by numerically computing the quantum Lyapunov exponent over a wide range of parameters. We demonstrate that adaptive measurement techniques can control the onset of chaos in the system, pushing the quantum-classical boundary further into the quantum regime

    Achieving peak brightness in an atom laser

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    In this paper we present experimental results and theory on the first continuous (long pulse) Raman atom laser. The brightness that can be achieved with this system is three orders of magnitude greater than has been previously demonstrated in any other continuously outcoupled atom laser. In addition, the energy linewidth of a continuous atom laser can be made arbitrarily narrow compared to the mean field energy of a trapped condensate. We analyze the flux and brightness of the atom laser with an analytic model that shows excellent agreement with experiment with no adjustable parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 4 black and white figures, submitted to Physical Revie

    Quantum field effects in coupled atomic and molecular Bose-Einstein condensates

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    This paper examines the parameter regimes in which coupled atomic and molecular Bose-Einstein condensates do not obey the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Stochastic field equations for coupled atomic and molecular condensates are derived using the functional positive-P representation. These equations describe the full quantum state of the coupled condensates and include the commonly used Gross-Pitaevskii equation as the noiseless limit. The model includes all interactions between the particles, background gas losses, two-body losses and the numerical simulations are performed in three dimensions. It is found that it is possible to differentiate the quantum and semiclassical behaviour when the particle density is sufficiently low and the coupling is sufficiently strong.Comment: 4 postscript figure
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