17 research outputs found

    The role of LINEs and CpG islands in dosage compensation on the chicken Z chromosome

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    Most avian Z genes are expressed more highly in ZZ males than ZW females, suggesting that chromosome-wide mechanisms of dosage compensation have not evolved. Nevertheless, a small percentage of Z genes are expressed at similar levels in males and females, an indication that a yet unidentified mechanism compensates for the sex difference in copy number. Primary DNA sequences are thought to have a role in determining chromosome gene inactivation status on the mammalian X chromosome. However, it is currently unknown whether primary DNA sequences also mediate chicken Z gene compensation status. Using a combination of chicken DNA sequences and Z gene compensation profiles of 310 genes, we explored the relationship between Z gene compensation status and primary DNA sequence features. Statistical analysis of different Z chromosomal features revealed that long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs) and CpG islands are enriched on the Z chromosome compared with 329 other DNA features. Linear support vector machine (SVM) classifiers, using primary DNA sequences, correctly predict the Z compensation status for >60% of all Z-linked genes. CpG islands appear to be the most accurate classifier and alone can correctly predict compensation of 63% of Z genes. We also show that LINE CR1 elements are enriched 2.7-fold on the chicken Z chromosome compared with autosomes and that chicken chromosomal length is highly correlated with percentage LINE content. However, the position of LINE elements is not significantly associated with dosage compensation status of Z genes. We also find a trend for a higher proportion of CpG islands in the region of the Z chromosome with the fewest dosage-compensated genes compared with the region containing the greatest concentration of compensated genes. Comparison between chicken and platypus genomes shows that LINE elements are not enriched on sex chromosomes in platypus, indicating that LINE accumulation is not a feature of all sex chromosomes. Our results suggest that CpG islands are not randomly distributed on the Z chromosome and may influence Z gene dosage compensation status

    Organization and molecular evolution of a disease-resistance gene cluster in coffee trees

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most disease-resistance (R) genes in plants encode NBS-LRR proteins and belong to one of the largest and most variable gene families among plant genomes. However, the specific evolutionary routes of NBS-LRR encoding genes remain elusive. Recently in coffee tree (<it>Coffea arabica</it>), a region spanning the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3 </it>locus that confers resistance to coffee leaf rust, one of the most serious coffee diseases, was identified and characterized. Using comparative sequence analysis, the purpose of the present study was to gain insight into the genomic organization and evolution of the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3 </it>locus.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sequence analysis of the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3 </it>region in three coffee genomes, E<sup>a </sup>and C<sup>a </sup>subgenomes from the allotetraploid <it>C. arabica </it>and C<sup>c </sup>genome from the diploid <it>C. canephora</it>, revealed the presence of 5, 3 and 4 R genes in E<sup>a</sup>, C<sup>a</sup>, and C<sup>c </sup>genomes, respectively. All these R-gene sequences appeared to be members of a CC-NBS-LRR (CNL) gene family that was only found at the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3 </it>locus in <it>C. arabica</it>. Furthermore, while homologs were found in several dicot species, comparative genomic analysis failed to find any CNL R-gene in the orthologous regions of other eudicot species. The orthology relationship among the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3</it>-CNL copies in the three analyzed genomes was determined and the duplication/deletion events that shaped the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3 </it>locus were traced back. Gene conversion events were detected between paralogs in all three genomes and also between the two sub-genomes of <it>C. arabica</it>. Significant positive selection was detected in the solvent-exposed residues of the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3</it>-CNL copies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The ancestral <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3</it>-CNL copy was inserted in the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3 </it>locus after the divergence between Solanales and Rubiales lineages. Moreover, the origin of most of the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3</it>-CNL copies predates the divergence between <it>Coffea </it>species. The <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3</it>-CNL family appeared to evolve following the birth-and-death model, since duplications and deletions were inferred in the evolution of the <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3 </it>locus. Gene conversion between paralog members, inter-subgenome sequence exchanges and positive selection appear to be the major forces acting on the evolution of <it>S</it><sub><it>H</it></sub><it>3</it>-CNL in coffee trees.</p