70 research outputs found

    Shot noise of inelastic tunneling through quantum dot systems

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    We present a theoretical analysis of the effect of inelastic electron scattering on current and its fluctuations in a mesoscopic quantum dot (QD) connected to two leads, based on a recently developed nonperturbative technique involving the approximate mapping of the many-body electron-phonon coupling problem onto a multichannel single-electron scattering problem. In this, we apply the B\"uttiker scattering theory of shot noise for a two-terminal mesoscopic device to the multichannel case with differing weight factors and examine zero-frequency shot noise for two special cases: (i) a single-molecule QD and (ii) coupled semiconductor QDs. The nonequilibrium Green's function method facilitates calculation of single-electron transmission and reflection amplitudes for inelastic processes under nonequilibrium conditions in the mapping model. For the single-molecule QD we find that, in the presence of the electron-phonon interaction, both differential conductance and differential shot noise display additional peaks as bias-voltage increases due to phonon-assisted processes. In the case of coupled QDs, our nonperturbative calculations account for the electron-phonon interaction on an equal footing with couplings to the leads, as well as the coupling between the two dots. Our results exhibit oscillations in both the current and shot noise as functions of the energy difference between the two QDs, resulting from the spontaneous emission of phonons in the nonlinear transport process. In the "zero-phonon" resonant tunneling regime, the shot noise exhibits a double peak, while in the "one-phonon" region, only a single peak appears.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, some minor changes, accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Inelastic cotunneling induced decoherence and relaxation, charge and spin currents in an interacting quantum dot under a magnetic field

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    We present a theoretical analysis of several aspects of nonequilibirum cotunneling through a strong Coulomb-blockaded quantum dot (QD) subject to a finite magnetic field in the weak coupling limit. We carry this out by developing a generic quantum Heisenberg-Langevin equation approach leading to a set of Bloch dynamical equations which describe the nonequilibrium cotunneling in a convenient and compact way. These equations describe the time evolution of the spin variables of the QD explicitly in terms of the response and correlation functions of the free reservoir variables. This scheme not only provides analytical expressions for the relaxation and decoherence of the localized spin induced by cotunneling, but it also facilitates evaluations of the nonequilibrium magnetization, the charge current, and the spin current at arbitrary bias-voltage, magnetic field, and temperature. We find that all cotunneling events produce decoherence, but relaxation stems only from {\em inelastic} spin-flip cotunneling processes. Moreover, our specific calculations show that cotunneling processes involving electron transfer (both spin-flip and non-spin-flip) contribute to charge current, while spin-flip cotunneling processes are required to produce a net spin current in the asymmetric coupling case. We also point out that under the influence of a nonzero magnetic field, spin-flip cotunneling is an energy-consuming process requiring a sufficiently strong external bias-voltage for activation, explaining the behavior of differential conductance at low temperature: in particular, the splitting of the zero-bias anomaly in the charge current and a broad zero-magnitude "window" of differential conductance for the spin current near zero-bias-voltage.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, published version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Negative high-frequency differential conductivity in semiconductor superlattices

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    We examine the high-frequency differential conductivity response properties of semiconductor superlattices having various miniband dispersion laws. Our analysis shows that the anharmonicity of Bloch oscillations (beyond tight-binding approximation) leads to the occurrence of negative high-frequency differential conductivity at frequency multiples of the Bloch frequency. This effect can arise even in regions of positive static differential conductivity. The influence of strong electron scattering by optic phonons is analyzed. We propose an optimal superlattice miniband dispersion law to achieve high-frequency field amplification

    Collective Excitations Spectrum in Density Modulated One-Dimensional Electron Gas in a Magnetic Field

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    We determine the collective excitations spectrum and discuss the numerical results for a parabolically confined density modulated quasi-one dimensional electron gas (1DEG) in the presence of an external magnetic field. We derive the inter-and intra-band magnetoplasmon spectrum within the Self Consistent Field (SCF) approach. In this work we focus on magnetoplasmon oscillations in this system and as such results are presented for the intra-Landau-band magnetoplasmon spectrum that exhibits oscillatory behavior, these oscillations are not with constant period in 1/B and are significantly effected at low B and corresponding high 1/B.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Equation of state of a strongly magnetized hydrogen plasma

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    The influence of a constant uniform magnetic field on the thermodynamic properties of a partially ionized hydrogen plasma is studied. Using the method of Green' s function various interaction contributions to the thermodynamic functions are calculated. The equation of state of a quantum magnetized plasma is presented within the framework of a low density expansion up to the order e^4 n^2 and, additionally, including ladder type contributions via the bound states in the case of strong magnetic fields (2.35*10^{5} T << B << 2.35*10^{9} T). We show that for high densities (n=10^{27-30} m^{-3}) and temperatures T=10^5 - 10^6 K typical for the surface of neutron stars nonideality effects as, e.g., Debye screening must be taken into account.Comment: 12 pages, 2 Postscript figures. uses revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Electron Spin Relaxation in a Semiconductor Quantum Well

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    A fully microscopic theory of electron spin relaxation by the D'yakonov-Perel' type spin-orbit coupling is developed for a semiconductor quantum well with a magnetic field applied in the growth direction of the well. We derive the Bloch equations for an electron spin in the well and define microscopic expressions for the spin relaxation times. The dependencies of the electron spin relaxation rate on the lowest quantum well subband energy, magnetic field and temperature are analyzed.Comment: Revised version as will appear in Physical Review

    Coulomb drag in intermediate magnetic fields

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    We investigated theoretically the Coulomb drag effect in coupled 2D electron gases in a wide interval of magnetic field and temperature 1/τâ‰Șωcâ‰ȘEF/ℏ 1/\tau \ll \omega_c \ll E_F/\hbar, Tâ‰ȘEFT \ll E_F, τ\tau being intralayer scattering time, ωc\omega_c being the cyclotron frequency. We show that the quantization of the electron spectrum leads to rich parametric dependences of drag transresistance on temperature and magnetic field. This is in contrast to usual resistance. New small energy scales are found to cut typical excitation energies to values lower than temperature. This may lead to a linear temperature dependence of transresistance even in a relatively weak magnetic field and can explain some recent experimental data. We present a novel mechanism of Coulomb drag when the current in the active layer causes a magnetoplasmon wind and the magnetoplasmons are absorbed by the electrons of the passive layer providing a momentum transfer. We derived general relations that describe the drag as a result of resonant tunneling of magnetoplasmons.Comment: ZIP archive,10 pages, 3 ps figures, submitted to PR

    Friedel Oscillations in Relativistic Nuclear Matter

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    We calculate the low-momentum N-N effective potential obtained in the OBE approximation, inside a nuclear plasma at finite temperature, as described by the relativistic σ \sigma -ω \omega model. We analyze the screening effects on the attractive part of the potential in the intermediate range as density or temperature increase. In the long range the potential shows Friedel-like oscillations instead of the usual exponential damping. These oscillations arise from the sharp edge of the Fermi surface and should be encountered in any realistic model of nuclear matter.Comment: 11 pages in preprint format, typeset using REVTEX, 3 included figures in tar, compressed, uuencoded forma

    Electron propagation in crossed magnetic and electric fields

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    Laser-atom interaction can be an efficient mechanism for the production of coherent electrons. We analyze the dynamics of monoenergetic electrons in the presence of uniform, perpendicular magnetic and electric fields. The Green function technique is used to derive analytic results for the field--induced quantum mechanical drift motion of i) single electrons and ii) a dilute Fermi gas of electrons. The method yields the drift current and, at the same time it allows us to quantitatively establish the broadening of the (magnetic) Landau levels due to the electric field: Level number k is split into k+1 sublevels that render the kkth oscillator eigenstate in energy space. Adjacent Landau levels will overlap if the electric field exceeds a critical strength. Our observations are relevant for quantum Hall configurations whenever electric field effects should be taken into account.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, submitte
