2,024 research outputs found

    Multidimensional entropy landscape of quantum criticality

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    The Third Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy of any system in equilibrium has to vanish at absolute zero temperature. At nonzero temperatures, on the other hand, matter is expected to accumulate entropy near a quantum critical point (QCP), where it undergoes a continuous transition from one ground state to another. Here, we determine, based on general thermodynamic principles, the spatial-dimensional profile of the entropy S near a QCP and its steepest descent in the corresponding multidimensional stress space. We demonstrate this approach for the canonical quantum critical compound CeCu6-xAux near its onset of antiferromagnetic order. We are able to link the directional stress dependence of S to the previously determined geometry of quantum critical fluctuations. Our demonstration of the multidimensional entropy landscape provides the foundation to understand how quantum criticality nucleates novel phases such as high-temperature superconductivity.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Hadron Spectroscopy with COMPASS at CERN

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    The aim of the COMPASS hadron programme is to study the light-quark hadron spectrum, and in particular, to search for evidence of hybrids and glueballs. COMPASS is a fixed-target experiment at the CERN SPS and features a two-stage spectrometer with high momentum resolution, large acceptance, particle identification and calorimetry. A short pilot run in 2004 resulted in the observation of a spin-exotic state with JPC=1−+J^{PC} = 1^{-+} consistent with the debated π1(1600)\pi1(1600). In addition, Coulomb production at low momentum transfer data provide a test of Chiral Perturbation Theory. During 2008 and 2009, a world leading data set was collected with hadron beam which is currently being analysed. The large statistics allows for a thorough decomposition of the data into partial waves. The COMPASS hadron data span over a broad range of channels and shed light on several different aspects of QCD.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Fermi Surface of KFe2_2As2_2 from Quantum Oscillations in Magnetostriction

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    We present a study of the Fermi surface of KFe2_2As2_2 single crystals. Quantum oscillations were observed in magnetostriction measured down to 50 mK and in magnetic fields HH up to 14 T. For H∄cH \parallel c, the calculated effective masses are in agreement with recent de Haas-van Alphen and ARPES experiments, showing enhanced values with respect to the ones obtained from previous band calculations. For H∄aH \parallel a, we observed a small orbit at a cyclotron frequency of 64 T, characterized by an effective mass of ∌0.8me\sim 0.8 m_e, supporting the presence of a three-dimensional pocket at the Z-point.Comment: SCES Conference, Tokyo 201

    An information theoretic characterisation of auditory encoding.

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    The entropy metric derived from information theory provides a means to quantify the amount of information transmitted in acoustic streams like speech or music. By systematically varying the entropy of pitch sequences, we sought brain areas where neural activity and energetic demands increase as a function of entropy. Such a relationship is predicted to occur in an efficient encoding mechanism that uses less computational resource when less information is present in the signal: we specifically tested the hypothesis that such a relationship is present in the planum temporale (PT). In two convergent functional MRI studies, we demonstrated this relationship in PT for encoding, while furthermore showing that a distributed fronto-parietal network for retrieval of acoustic information is independent of entropy. The results establish PT as an efficient neural engine that demands less computational resource to encode redundant signals than those with high information content

    Haemoglobin and size dependent constraints on swimbladder inflation in fish larvae

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    In developmental studies of fish species (especially physostomians) it could be demonstrated, that the lack of haemoglobin during larval and juvenile stages is a relatively common phenomenon. Generally it is linked with body translucency. In representatives of the families Galaxiidae, Osmeridae and Clupeidae, partly reared, partly observed immediately after being caught in the wild, it turned out, that this condition coincides with a considerable delay in swimbladder inflation. To determine the moment of its first inflation, larvae placed in a hermetic chamber were observed under a dissecting microscope. While lowering the pressure, the expanding swimbladder showed whether or not its content is really gaseous. The reason postulated to be responsible for the delayed inflation is that larvae lacking haemoglobin do not have the possibility of oxygen transport to their buoyancy organ by means of the blood. Apart of this, capillarity force calculations and body force estimations show that with decreasing size the constraints linked with surface tension increase overproportionally. While in larger sized larvae like trout we could demonstrate inflation by swallowing air, in species with small larvae this was not the case. Below a certain size, even in physostomians, the ductus pneumaticus is no alternative to the blood pathway for swimbladder inflation

    Pressure Effect and Specific Heat of RBa2Cu3Ox at Distinct Charge Carrier Concentrations: Possible Influence of Stripes

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    In YBa2Cu3Ox, distinct features are found in the pressure dependence of the transition temperature, dTc/dp, and in DeltaCp*Tc, where DeltaCp is the jump in the specific heat at Tc: dTc/dp becomes zero when DeltaCp*Tc is maximal, whereas dTc/dp has a peak at lower oxygen contents where DeltaCp*Tc vanishes. Substituting Nd for Y and doping with Ca leads to a shift of these specific oxygen contents, since oxygen order and hole doping by Ca influences the hole content nh in the CuO2 planes. Calculating nh from the parabolic Tc(nh) behavior, the features coalesce for all samples at nh=0.11 and nh=0.175, irrespective of substitution and doping. Hence, this behavior seems to reflect an intrinsic property of the CuO2 planes. Analyzing our results we obtain different mechanisms in three doping regions: Tc changes in the optimally doped and overdoped region are mainly caused by charge transfer. In the slightly underdoped region an increasing contribution to dTc/dp is obtained when well ordered CuO chain fragments serve as pinning centers for stripes. This behavior is supported by our results on Zn doped NdBa2Cu3Ox and is responsible for the well known dTc/dp peak observed in YBa2Cu3Ox at x=6.7. Going to a hole content below nh=0.11 our results point to a crossover from an underdoped superconductor to a doped antiferromagnet, changing completely the physics of these materials.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures Proccedings of the 'Stripes 2000' Conference, Rome (2000

    Changing preservice teacher students' stereotypes and attitudes and reducing judgment biases concerning students of different family backgrounds: effects of a short intervention

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    Numerous empirical findings have shown biased judgments of (future) teachers depending on students’ ethnic and social background. Furthermore, research has indicated that (future) teachers’ stereotypes and attitudes differ depending on students’ backgrounds and appear to influence (future) teachers’ judgments. Based on theories of stereotype change, attitude change, and judgment formation, a short intervention was developed to change stereotypes and attitudes and to reduce judgment biases. In an experimental study (within- and between-subject design) with N = 215 preservice teacher students, the effectiveness of the intervention on stereotype change, attitude change, and reduction of judgment distortions was tested. The results showed hypothesized effects of the intervention on stereotypes and attitudes towards students with an immigration background and students with low social status. Furthermore, the intervention showed effects on preservice teacher students’ judgments, especially for low-status students
