233 research outputs found

    Radio astronomical polarimetry and phase-coherent matrix convolution

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    A new phase-coherent technique for the calibration of polarimetric data is presented. Similar to the one-dimensional form of convolution, data are multiplied by the response function in the frequency domain. Therefore, the system response may be corrected with arbitrarily high spectral resolution, effectively treating the problem of bandwidth depolarization. As well, the original temporal resolution of the data is retained. The method is therefore particularly useful in the study of radio pulsars, where high time resolution and polarization purity are essential requirements of high-precision timing. As a demonstration of the technique, it is applied to full-polarization baseband recordings of the nearby millisecond pulsar, PSR J0437-4715.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Software Reliability Growth Model Based on Linear Failure Rate Distribution

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    A Non Homogenous Poisson Process (NHPP) with its mean value function generated by the cumulative distribution function of linear failure rate distribution is considered. It is modeled to assess the failure phenomenon of a developed software. When the failure data is in the form of number of failures in a given interval of time the model parameters are estimated by moment type estimation method and the performance of the model using three data sets is discussed in comparison with similar other models

    Variations in Physical Characteristics of the Waters of Zuari Estuary

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    5-10Based on data collected over tidal cycles at 3 selected stations in Zuari Estuary, Goa, India, seasonal changes and temporal variations in hydrographic conditions were studied in relation to tidal currents. In general, temporal variations in different hydrographic parameters were minimum during summer and maximum during monsoon. Water temperature, in general, attained higher values ( >30° C) in summer and monsoon and lower values ( <27°C) in winter. Maximum range of salinity over a tidal cycle (about 16 % was observed during monsoon in middle and upstream regions of the estuary, the minimum range being in the mouth during summer (34.8 to 35.2%). Salinity structure indicated the transformation of the estuary from a mixed one during summer to a stratified one during monsoon. Compared to that at the suspended sediment load was generally high in middle and upstream regions of the estuary, where the maximum values encountered were of the order of 200 mg/litre in the monsoon. Tidal currents were, in general, stronger in middle and upstream regions than at the mouth. During monsoon, the pre-dominance of ebb flow bearing high sediment load, the probable flocculation due to large salinity variation in the downstream part and the reduction of current speed due to widening of the estuary appear to contribute to higher rate of siltation in the harbour area

    Temporal and Spatial variations in Hydrographic Conditions of Mandovi Estuary

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    11-17Variations in temperature, salinity, suspended matter and currents at mouth, middle and upstream regions of Mandovi Estuary were studied in relation to tides for 3 seasons, viz. premonsoon, monsoon and postmonsoon. Waters attained maximum temperature of 31.5°C during premonsoon and minimum of 25.5°C during postmonsoon. Maximum salinity variation over a tidal cycle was in the middle region of the estuary during monsoon (2 to 34%) and minimum was at the mouth during premonsoon (34 to 36%). Horizontal gradient in salinity was maximum (2.0%/km) during monsoon and minimum (about 0.2%/km) during premonsoon. The estuary changed from a stratified type during the wettest season (monsoon) to a well-mixed type in premonsoon. The sediment load was generally low (<25 mg/litre) in the waters of the upstream region during postmonsoon. Higher values of suspended load were generally associated with strong currents. At the mid region of the estuary strong currents of about 150 cm/sec were encountered with flood during premonsoon and with ebb during monsoon

    Centrifugally driven electrostatic instability in extragalactic jets

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    The stability problem of the rotation induced electrostatic wave in extragalactic jets is presented. Solving a set of equations describing dynamics of a relativistic plasma flow of AGN jets, an expression of the instability rate has been derived and analyzed for typical values of AGNs. The growth rate was studied versus the wave length and the inclination angle and it has been found that the instability process is much efficient with respect to the accretion disk evolution, indicating high efficiency of the instability.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Unusual branching pattern of external carotid artery in the left carotid triangle

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    During the routine dissection of the neck for the first MBBS students, we have found the abnormal branching of the external carotid artery in the carotid triangle. The external carotid artery is a terminal branch of the common carotid artery arises at the level of superior border of the thyroid cartilage in the carotid triangle. It supplies the structures of head and neck regions by its eight branches. The knowledge of variations is very important for the general, head & neck, ENT and oncosurgeons, to avoid unforeseen complication in the form of bleeding by injuring the abnormal arteries. It is also important for the vascular surgeons and radiologists while performing the procedures on the arteries

    Aetiopathology of ulcers of oral cavity and oropharynx: a cross sectional study

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    Background: Oral ulcers are common diseases for which patient seeks medical advice. Till date the clinical profile to diagnose the oral ulcers, management and risk of malignancy is not well established. Hence, the study has been taken up to investigate the aetiopathology of ulcers of oral cavity and oropharynx.Methods: 60 cases of ulcers of oral cavity and oropharynx were included in the study. The aetiopathology of ulcers of oral cavity and oropharynx were investigated on the basis of age, sex, duration, etiological factors, symptom Index, socioeconomic status and anatomical distribution. Values are expressed as percentages. Results: The highest incidence was found in low socioeconomic status. The lesions studied in this study were 50% of Non Specific ulcers [Short term (3 wks) 10-33%], 15% of Aphthous ulcers, 8.3% of Traumatic Ulcers, 6.5% of Malignant ulcers, 6.5% of Dental ulcers, 3.2% of HIV infection & AIDS, 3.2% of ulcer due to T.B and 6.5% of ulcers. The majority of the cases were between the age 21-30 years constituting 35% followed by 11-12 years constituting 26.6%.d 62% of the short term ulcers, Female 38%.Conclusions: Low socioeconomic status, lack of education, bad oral hygiene, bad habits cultivated in early childhood is predisposing factors. Hence early diagnosis and prompt treatment is advised in all cases of ulcers.

    A study on the clinical profile of ulcers and membranous lesions of oral cavity and oropharynx

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    Background: An ulcer is a discontinuity of an epithelial surface. Many a times, patients with oral ulcers are treated sympathetically without even coming to a definitive conclusion of their problem. Oral ulcers are common diseases for which patient seeks medical advice. Till date the clinical profile to diagnose the oral ulcers, membranous lesions of oral cavity and oropharynx is not well established. Hence, the study has been taken up to investigate the aetiopathology of ulcers of oral cavity and oropharynx. Methods: 60 cases of ulcers of oral cavity and oropharynx were included in the study. The aetiopathology of ulcers of oral cavity and oropharynx were investigated on the basis of age, sex, duration, etiological factors, symptom Index, socioeconomic status and anatomical distribution. Values are expressed as percentages. Results: The highest incidence was found to be in low socioeconomic group, where there is lack of education, improper food habits, cultivation of bad habits in early childhood and negligence of the disease are the predisposing factors in most of the malignancies. The highest incidence was found in low socioeconomic status. The lesions studied in this study were 50% of non-specific ulcers (Short term (3 wks) 10-33%), 15% of Aphthous ulcers, 8.3% of Traumatic Ulcers, 6.5% of Malignant ulcers, 6.5% of Dental ulcers, 3.2% of HIV infection & AIDS, 3.2% of ulcer due to T.B. and 6.5% of ulcers. The majority of the cases were between the age 21-30 yrs constituting 35% followed by 11-12 years constituting 26.6%.d 62% of the short term ulcers, Female 38%. Conclusions: Low socioeconomic status, lack of education, bad oral hygiene, bad habits cultivated in early childhood is predisposing factors. Hence early diagnosis and prompt treatment is advised in all cases of ulcers.


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    Worldwide utilization designs are impractical. Clearly proficiency gains and innovative advances are not sufficiently adequate to support worldwide utilization. In this way, shoppers need to zero in on economical utilization, while organizations coordinate practices on feasible creation. The reason for this study was to look at customers' purchasing conduct and shoppers' demeanor on manageable creation and utilization in the food and refreshment area. The hypothetical foundation of the review depended on the ideas of customer purchasing conduct, supportability and feasible turn of events. The observational piece of the review was led by a quantitative exploration technique. The information assortment was carried out through an organized web-based survey that was planned to examine a general purchaser purchasing conduct and respondents' inspiration on moving its dog lease purchasing conduct towards economical food decisions. The exploration discoveries showed a positive inspiration and mentality of customers to conform to more practical utilization designs and their eagerness to add to the supportability progress as a person. It has been distinguished that buyers should make towards brands, which conveys execution in view of manageability. Because of limits in the explored populace among understudies in Finland and geological area, there are different conceivable outcomes to concentrate on the analyzed subject with future executions of the examinatio

    An Improved Integrated Hash and Attributed based Encryption Model on High Dimensional Data in Cloud Environment

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    Cloud computing is a distributed architecture where user can store their private, public or any application software components on it. Many cloud based privacy protection solutions have been implemented, however most of them only focus on limited data resources and storage format. Data confidentiality and inefficient data access methods are the major issues which block the cloud users to store their high dimensional data. With more and more cloud based applications are being available and stored on various cloud servers, a novel multi-user based privacy protection mechanism need to design and develop to improve the privacy protection on high dimensional data. In this paper, a novel integrity algorithm with attribute based encryption model was implemented to ensure confidentiality for high dimensional data security on cloud storage. The main objective of this model is to store, transmit and retrieve the high dimensional cloud data with low computational time and high security. Experimental results show that the proposed model has high data scalability, less computational time and low memory usage compared to traditional cloud based privacy protection models