1,021 research outputs found

    Agenesis of distal segment of right vertebral artery: a case report.

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    A case is being reported in which the basilar artery was formed only by the left vertebral artery. This was detected incidentally in a female on a non contrast magnetic resonance angiogram. The right vertebral artery arose as a direct branch of the right subclavian artery but terminated blindly at the level of second cervical vertebra. The left vertebral artery which contributed to the formation of basilar artery continued as left posterior cerebral artery while right posterior cerebral artery was seen as a continuation of right posterior communicating artery. The knowledge of variations of the vertebrobasilar arterial complex is important to Clinicians, Radiologists and Surgeons operating on the great vessels and its branches, particularly vascular surgeons dealing with vertebral artery in order to prevent a vascular catastrophe

    Temperature induced shell effects in deformed nuclei

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    The thermal evolution of the shell correction energy is investigated for deformed nuclei using Strutinsky prescription in a self-consistent relativistic mean-field framework. For temperature independent single-particle states corresponding to either spherical or deformed nuclear shapes, the shell correction energy Δsc\Delta_{sc} steadily washes out with temperature. However, for states pertaining to the self-consistent thermally evolving shapes of deformed nuclei, the dual role played by the single-particle occupancies in diluting the fluctuation effects from the single-particle spectra and in driving the system towards a smaller deformation is crucial in determining Δsc\Delta_{sc} at moderate temperatures. In rare earth nuclei, it is found that Δsc\Delta_{sc} builds up strongly around the shape transition temperature; for lighter deformed nuclei like 64Zn^{64}Zn and 66Zn^{66}Zn, this is relatively less prominent.Comment: 6 pages revtex file + 4 ps files for figures, Phys. Rev. C (in press

    Roles of proton-neutron interactions in alpha-like four-nucleon correlations

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    An extended pairing plus QQ force model, which has been shown to successfully explain the nuclear binding energy and related quantities such as the symmetry energy, is applied to study the alpha-like four-nucleon correlations in 1f_{7/2} shell nuclei. The double difference of binding energies, which displays a characteristic behavior at NZN \approx Z, is interpreted in terms of the alpha-like correlations. Important roles of proton-neutron interactions forming the alpha-like correlated structure are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, RevTex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Information entropy as a measure of the quality of a nuclear density distribution

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    The information entropy of a nuclear density distribution is calculated for a number of nuclei. Various phenomenological models for the density distribution using different geometry are employed. Nuclear densities calculated within various microscopic mean field approaches are also employed. It turns out that the entropy increases on going from crude phenomenological models to more sophisticated (microscopic) ones. It is concluded that the larger the information entropy, the better the quality of the nuclear density distribution. An alternative approach is also examined: the net information content i.e. the sum of information entropies in position and momentum space Sr+SkS_{r}+S_{k}. It is indicated that Sr+SkS_{r}+S_{k} is a maximum, when the best fit to experimental data of the density and momentum distributions is attained.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex, no figures, Int. J. of Mod. Phys. E in pres

    Pairing and alpha-like quartet condensation in N=Z nuclei

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    We discuss the treatment of isovector pairing by an alpha-like quartet condensate which conserves exactly the particle number, the spin and the isospin. The results show that the quartet condensate describes accurately the isovector pairing correlations in the ground state of systems with an equal number of protons and neutronsComment: 4 pages, to appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Relativistic Mean Field Approach and the Pseudo-Spin Symmetry

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    Based on the Relativistic Mean Field (RMF) approach the existence of the broken pseudo-spin symmetry is investigated. Both spherical RMF and constrained deformed RMF calculations are carried out employing realistic Lagrangian parameters for spherical and for deformed sample nuclei. The quasi - degenerate pseudo-spin doublets are confirmed to exist near the fermi surface for both spherical and deformed nuclei.Comment: 9 pages RevTex, 4 p.s figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. C as R.

    Alpha decay and proton-neutron correlations

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    We study the influence of proton-neutron (p-n) correlations on alpha-decay width. It is shown from the analysis of alpha Q values that the p-n correlations increase the penetration of the alpha particle through the Coulomb barrier in the treatment following Gamow's formalism, and enlarges the total alpha-decay width significantly. In particular, the isoscalar p-n interactions play an essential role in enlarging the alpha-decay width. The so-called "alpha-condensate" in Z > 84 isotopes are related to the strong p-n correlations.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C (R.C.