35 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this article is to identify the ways to develop the innovative potential of Russian export. As a perspective direction for enhancing Russian export sector, segment of services is considered to be the fastest growing and least dependent on the volatility of the global environment element of international trade. The article analyzes the dynamics of Russian exports of services over the past eleven years and concludes on the gradual strengthening of its position. In this regard, attention is focused on the export of high — tech and intellectual services — analysis of Russian prospects and opportunities in this area. Also author’s recommendations for the improvement of this segment in the long term are given. Special attention is paid to the development of national technology exports. As a result, the article analyzes experience of leading innovation-active countries and presents the author’s development model of Russian export sector innovative potential.Целью настоящей статьи являлось определение путей для развития инновационного потенциала российского экспорта. В качестве перспективного направления по усилению экспортного сектора России рассматривается сегмент услуг как наиболее быстро растущий и наименее зависящий от волатильности глобальной конъюнктуры элемент международной торговли. В статье анализируется динамика российского экспорта услуг за последние одиннадцать лет и сделан вывод о постепенном укреплении его позиций. В связи с этим акцентируется внимание на экспорте высокотехнологичных и интеллектуальных услуг — анализе перспектив и возможностей России в данной области. Приведены авторские рекомендации по совершенствованию данного сегмента в долгосрочной перспективе. Особое внимание уделено развитию национального экспорта технологий. В результате исследования проанализирован опыт ведущих инновационно активных стран и разработана авторская модель развития инновационного потенциала экспортного сектора России

    Метастатическое поражение яичка и придатка яичка при распространенном раке предстательной железы: клинический случай и обзор литературы

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is a second of the most commonly diagnosed carcinoma in the male population. Usually sites of secondary lesions are lymph nodes and bones. Most cases of testicular metastases are incidentally diagnosed after orchiectomy.We present a case of 62-year-old man with metastatic castration-resistant PCa and symptomatic testicular metastasis with contralateral epididymal metastasis. Right site radical orchiectomy and left site orchiectomy was performed. The pathology report identified PCa metastases in the right testis and in the left epididymis.Testicular and epididymal metastases are uncommon in PCa. Therefore, a testicular physical examination is necessary for patients with PCa. Physicians have to keep in mind the possibility of testicular metastasis in cases of biochemical recurrence and progression of the disease.Рак предстательной железы (РПЖ) занимает 2-е место в структуре онкологической заболеваемости в мире у мужчин. Наиболее часто РПЖ метастазирует в лимфатические узлы и кости. Тестикулярный метастаз в большинстве случаев обнаруживается случайно при хирургической кастрации.В настоящей статье представлен первый в отечественной литературе клинический случай симптомного метастаза РПЖ в яичко с поражением контралатерального придатка яичка у пациента 62 лет. Пациенту была выполнена орхофуникулэктомия справа и орхэктомия слева. Гистологическое заключение показало макрометастаз РПЖ в правое яичко и левый придаток яичка. Метастатическое поражение яичек и придатков яичек при РПЖ нетипично. В случае прогрессирования после радикального лечения распространенного процесса необходимо помнить о возможности тестикулярного метастазирования РПЖ. Динамическое наблюдение за пациентом с РПЖ должно включать обязательный осмотр органов мошонки

    Application of the bacteriophage Mu-driven system for the integration/amplification of target genes in the chromosomes of engineered Gram-negative bacteria—mini review

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    The advantages of phage Mu transposition-based systems for the chromosomal editing of plasmid-less strains are reviewed. The cis and trans requirements for Mu phage-mediated transposition, which include the L/R ends of the Mu DNA, the transposition factors MuA and MuB, and the cis/trans functioning of the E element as an enhancer, are presented. Mini-Mu(LR)/(LER) units are Mu derivatives that lack most of the Mu genes but contain the L/R ends or a properly arranged E element in cis to the L/R ends. The dual-component system, which consists of an integrative plasmid with a mini-Mu and an easily eliminated helper plasmid encoding inducible transposition factors, is described in detail as a tool for the integration/amplification of recombinant DNAs. This chromosomal editing method is based on replicative transposition through the formation of a cointegrate that can be resolved in a recombination-dependent manner. (E-plus)- or (E-minus)-helpers that differ in the presence of the trans-acting E element are used to achieve the proper mini-Mu transposition intensity. The systems that have been developed for the construction of stably maintained mini-Mu multi-integrant strains of Escherichia coli and Methylophilus methylotrophus are described. A novel integration/amplification/fixation strategy is proposed for consecutive independent replicative transpositions of different mini-Mu(LER) units with “excisable” E elements in methylotrophic cells


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    A study of life quality in patients with chronic heart failure: the contemporary status

    VDJdb: a curated database of T-cell receptor sequences with known antigen specificity

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    The ability to decode antigen specificities encapsulated in the sequences of rearranged T-cell receptor (TCR) genes is critical for our understanding of the adaptive immune system and promises significant advances in the field of translational medicine. Recent developments in high-throughput sequencing methods (immune repertoire sequencing technology, or RepSeq) and single-cell RNA sequencing technology have allowed us to obtain huge numbers of TCR sequences from donor samples and link them to T-cell phenotypes. However, our ability to annotate these TCR sequences still lags behind, owing to the enormous diversity of the TCR repertoire and the scarcity of available data on T-cell specificities. In this paper, we present VDJdb, a database that stores and aggregates the results of published T-cell specificity assays and provides a universal platform that couples antigen specificities with TCR sequences. We demonstrate that VDJdb is a versatile instrument for the annotation of TCR repertoire data, enabling a concatenated view of antigen-specific TCR sequence motifs. VDJdb can be accessed at https://vdjdb.cdr3.net and https://github.com/antigenomics/vdjdb-db