2,783 research outputs found


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    All smiles are positive, but some smiles are more positive than others.

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    Disagreement as to whether all smiling or specific types of smiling index positive emotion early in life was addressed by examining when infants produced different types of smiling and other facial expres-sions. Thirteen infants were observed weekly from 1 to 6 months of age. Smiling alone—without cheek raising or mouth opening—was relatively more likely than periods without smiling both when mothers were smiling and when infants were gazing at their mothers ' faces. Cheek-raise (Duchenne) smiling was relatively more likely than smiling alone only when mothers were smiling. Open-mouth (play) smiling was relatively more likely than smiling alone only when infants were gazing directly at mothers ' faces. Smiling involving both cheek raising and mouth opening was relatively likely both when mothers were smiling and when infants were gazing at mothers ' faces and became increasingly likely with age when both conditions co-occurred. The cheek-raise and open-mouth dimensions of smiling appear to be associated with, respectively, the amplification of processes of sharing positive affect and of visual engagement that are present to a lesser degree in smiling alone. In infancy, positive emotions such as joy are hypothesized to motivate and organize desired actions (Blehar, Lieberman, & Ainsworth, 1977; Cohn, Campbell, & Ross, 1991; Malatesta, Cul

    Renormalization Group Theory for a Perturbed KdV Equation

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    We show that renormalization group(RG) theory can be used to give an analytic description of the evolution of a perturbed KdV equation. The equations describing the deformation of its shape as the effect of perturbation are RG equations. The RG approach may be simpler than inverse scattering theory(IST) and another approaches, because it dose not rely on any knowledge of IST and it is very concise and easy to understand. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that RG has been used in this way for the perturbed soliton dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, no figure, revte

    Lengthscales and Cooperativity in DNA Bubble Formation

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    It appears that thermally activated DNA bubbles of different sizes play central roles in important genetic processes. Here we show that the probability for the formation of such bubbles is regulated by the number of soft AT pairs in specific regions with lengths which at physiological temperatures are of the order of (but not equal to) the size of the bubble. The analysis is based on the Peyrard- Bishop-Dauxois model, whose equilibrium statistical properties have been accurately calculated here with a transfer integral approach

    Towards hardware acceleration of neuroevolution for multimedia processing applications on mobile devices

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    This paper addresses the problem of accelerating large artificial neural networks (ANN), whose topology and weights can evolve via the use of a genetic algorithm. The proposed digital hardware architecture is capable of processing any evolved network topology, whilst at the same time providing a good trade off between throughput, area and power consumption. The latter is vital for a longer battery life on mobile devices. The architecture uses multiple parallel arithmetic units in each processing element (PE). Memory partitioning and data caching are used to minimise the effects of PE pipeline stalling. A first order minimax polynomial approximation scheme, tuned via a genetic algorithm, is used for the activation function generator. Efficient arithmetic circuitry, which leverages modified Booth recoding, column compressors and carry save adders, is adopted throughout the design

    Периодизация иммиграционной политики Европейского Союза: от истоков к современности

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    У статті досліджуються етапи становлення імміграційної політики Європейського Союзу. Вводиться періодизація формування спільної політики ЄС у сфері управління міграцією. Запропоновано чотири періоди формування імміграційної політики ЄС, кожний з яких характеризується прийняттям важливих документів, що внесли значні зміни у компетенції інституцій ЄС та винесли регулювання питань міграції на наднаціональний рівень.Основним висновком є те, що жодна країна не в змозі справитися з викликами міграції самотужки, в ізоляції від своїх сусідів, яким доводиться стикатися з подібними проблемами. Це призвело до співробітництва між державами-членами в напрямку обміну досвідом та ідеями щодо управління міграцією, проте питання чи потрібно встановлювати єдині міграційні процедури на рівні ЄС впродовж довгого часу викликали гострі дискусії.На сьогодні регулювання міграційних потоків в Євросоюзі - це політичний процес, який у правовому сенсі координується на основі правового доробку ЄС та національного законодавства держав-членів. Перенесення міграційної політики на наднаціональний рівень дозволяє простежувати зміни, проведені на національних рівнях та реагувати на сучасні виклики міграційного характеру без істотних затримок.The historical development of the European Union’s immigration policy has been described in the article. The main four phases of common immigration policy of the EU have been examined. Each phase is characterized by the adoption of important agreements and programs. In particular, the principles of Amsterdam Treaty and the Treaty of Lisbon and five-year program have been analyzed in the paper: Tampere (1999), The Hague (2004), Stockholm (2009) and guidelines Ypres (2014). The program contains guidelines for a common politics on the topics of protection of fundamental rights, privacy, minority rights and rights of groups of people in need of special protection, as well as a citizenship of the European Union. Such different spheres as domestic and public security, migration (European pact on immigration and asylum), the combat against the organized crime, and even family law, private law, inheritance law and others have been described in the program. The Ypes guidelines don’t constitute a program any more, but they rather guide focusing on the objective of transposition, implementation and consolidation of the existing legal instruments and measures. The guidelines point out the necessity to adopt a holistic approach to migration, making the best possible use of the regular migration, affording protection to those who need it, combating irregular migration and managing borders effectively.The need for the formation of the migration policy is becoming more apparent in view of the fact that globalization increases due to migration flows and its effectiveness depends largely on the cooperation with other Member States, countries of origin and transit countries.Nowadays, regulation of migration flows in the EU is a political process, which is legally coordinated from the acquit of the EU and national legislation of the Member States. Transfer of the migration policy to the supranational level allows tracking changes, made at the national level, in order to respond to the challenge of migration character without significant delay.The main conclusion of the article is that, on the one hand, immigration has become a relevant issue in all the EU countries. On the other hand, as a consequence of different timing of immigration, different socio-economic contexts and varying governmental migration and integration policies, different forms of migration, with different governmental policies of migration and integration, and with different types of migrants have evolved. Such different starting positions should be taken into account when studying the consequences of the immigration and the presence of migrants in society.В статье исследуются этапы становления иммиграционной политики Европейского Союза. Вводится периодизация формирования общей политики ЕС в сфере управления миграцией. Предложено четыре периода формирования иммиграционной политики ЕС, каждый из которых характеризуется принятием важных документов, что внесли значительные изменения в компетенции институтов ЕС и вынесли регулирования вопросов миграции на наднациональный уровень.Основным выводом является то, что ни одна страна не в состоянии справиться с вызовами миграции самостоятельно, в изоляции от своих соседей, которым приходится сталкиваться с подобными проблемами. Это привело к сотрудничеству между государствами-членами в направлении обмена опытом и идеями по управлению миграцией, однако вопрос нужно ли устанавливать единые миграционные процедуры на уровне ЕС в течение длительного времени вызывали острые дискуссии.На сегодня регулирование миграционных потоков в Евросоюзе - это политический процесс, который в правовом смысле координируется на основе правового поля ЕС и национального законодательства государств-членов. Перенос миграционной политики на наднациональный уровень позволяет прослеживать изменения, проведенные на национальном уровне и реагировать на современные вызовы миграционного характера без существенных задержек

    Control Plane Compression

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    We develop an algorithm capable of compressing large networks into a smaller ones with similar control plane behavior: For every stable routing solution in the large, original network, there exists a corresponding solution in the compressed network, and vice versa. Our compression algorithm preserves a wide variety of network properties including reachability, loop freedom, and path length. Consequently, operators may speed up network analysis, based on simulation, emulation, or verification, by analyzing only the compressed network. Our approach is based on a new theory of control plane equivalence. We implement these ideas in a tool called Bonsai and apply it to real and synthetic networks. Bonsai can shrink real networks by over a factor of 5 and speed up analysis by several orders of magnitude.Comment: Extended version of the paper appearing in ACM SIGCOMM 201

    Detecting human impacts on the flora, fauna, and summer monsoon of Pleistocene Australia

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    International audienceAll of Australia's largest mammalian vertebrates became extinct 50 to 45 ka (thousand years ago), shortly after human colonization. Between 60 and 40 ka Australian climate was similar to present and not changing rapidly. Consequently, attention has turned toward plausible human mechanisms for the extinction, with proponents for over-hunting, ecosystem change, and introduced disease. To differentiate between these options we utilize isotopic tracers of diet preserved in eggshells of two large, flightless birds to track the status of ecosystems before and after human colonization. ?13C preserved in their eggshells monitor a bird's dietary intake in the weeks to months before egg-laying. More than 500 dated eggshells from central Australia of the Australian emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae), an opportunistic, dominantly herbivorous feeder, provide a continuous 140 kyr dietary ? 13C reconstruction. More than 350 dated eggshells from the same region of the heavier, extinct, giant bird Genyornis newtoni define its dietary intake from 140 ka until its extinction about 50 ka. Additional dietary records for both species were developed from two distant regions. Dromaius eggshell dietary ?13C reveals an unprecedented reduction in the bird's food resources about 50 ka, coeval in all three regions, suggesting conversion at that time of a tree/shrub savannah with occasionally rich grasslands to the modern desert scrub. We speculate that ecosystem collapse across the arid and semi-arid zones is a consequence of systematic burning by early humans. Genyornis diet everywhere is more restricted than in co-existing Dromaius, implying a more specialized feeding strategy. These data suggest that generalist feeders, such as Dromaius, were able to adapt to a changed vegetation regime, whereas more specialized feeders, such as Genyornis, became extinct. The altered vegetation may have also impacted Australian climate. Changes in the strength of climate feedbacks linked to vegetation and soil type (moisture recycling, surface roughness, albedo) may have weakened the penetration of monsoon moisture into the continental interior under the new ecosystem. Climate modeling suggests such a shift may have reduced monsoon rain in the interior by as much as 50%