2,705 research outputs found

    Kelvin Probe Spectroscopy of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Below 300 mK

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    A scanning force microscope with a base temperature below 300 mK is used for measuring the local electron density of a two-dimensional electron gas embedded in an Ga[Al]As heterostructure. At different separations between AFM tip and sample, a dc-voltage is applied between the tip and the electron gas while simultaneously recording the frequency shift of the oscillating tip. Using a plate capacitor model the local electron density can be extracted from the data. The result coincides within 10% with the data obtained from transport measurements.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Generalized Assisted Inflation

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    We obtain a new class of exact cosmological solutions for multi-scalar fields with exponential potentials. We generalize the assisted inflation solutions previously obtained, and demonstrate how they are modified when there exist cross-couplings between the fields, such as occur in supergravity inspired cosmological models.Comment: 5 page

    S1Ă—S2S^1 \times S^2 wormholes and topological charge

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    I investigate solutions to the Euclidean Einstein-matter field equations with topology S1Ă—S2Ă—RS^1 \times S^2 \times R in a theory with a massless periodic scalar field and electromagnetism. These solutions carry winding number of the periodic scalar as well as magnetic flux. They induce violations of a quasi-topological conservation law which conserves the product of magnetic flux and winding number on the background spacetime. I extend these solutions to a model with stable loops of superconducting cosmic string, and interpret them as contributing to the decay of such loops.Comment: 18 pages (includes 6 figs.), harvmac and epsf, CU-TP-62

    Slow-roll corrections to inflaton fluctuations on a brane

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    Quantum fluctuations of an inflaton field, slow-rolling during inflation are coupled to metric fluctuations. In conventional four dimensional cosmology one can calculate the effect of scalar metric perturbations as slow-roll corrections to the evolution of a massless free field in de Sitter spacetime. This gives the well-known first-order corrections to the field perturbations after horizon-exit. If inflaton fluctuations on a four dimensional brane embedded in a five dimensional bulk spacetime are studied to first-order in slow-roll then we recover the usual conserved curvature perturbation on super-horizon scales. But on small scales, at high energies, we find that the coupling to the bulk metric perturbations cannot be neglected, leading to a modified amplitude of vacuum oscillations on small scales. This is a large effect which casts doubt on the reliability of the usual calculation of inflaton fluctuations on the brane neglecting their gravitational coupling.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Slow-roll corrections to inflaton fluctuations on a brane

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    Quantum fluctuations of an inflaton field, slow-rolling during inflation are coupled to metric fluctuations. In conventional four dimensional cosmology one can calculate the effect of scalar metric perturbations as slow-roll corrections to the evolution of a massless free field in de Sitter spacetime. This gives the well-known first-order corrections to the field perturbations after horizon-exit. If inflaton fluctuations on a four dimensional brane embedded in a five dimensional bulk spacetime are studied to first-order in slow-roll then we recover the usual conserved curvature perturbation on super-horizon scales. But on small scales, at high energies, we find that the coupling to the bulk metric perturbations cannot be neglected, leading to a modified amplitude of vacuum oscillations on small scales. This is a large effect which casts doubt on the reliability of the usual calculation of inflaton fluctuations on the brane neglecting their gravitational coupling.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    O(d,d)-invariance in inhomogeneous string cosmologies with perfect fluid

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    In the first part of the present paper, we show that O(d,d)-invariance usually known in a homogeneous cosmological background written in terms of proper time can be extended to backgrounds depending on one or several coordinates (which may be any space-like or time-like coordinate(s)). In all cases, the presence of a perfect fluid is taken into account and the equivalent duality transformation in Einstein frame is explicitly given. In the second part, we present several concrete applications to some four-dimensional metrics, including inhomogeneous ones, which illustrate the different duality transformations discussed in the first part. Note that most of the dual solutions given here do not seem to be known in the literature.Comment: 25 pages, no figures, Latex. Accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Cosmology of Axions and Moduli: A Dynamical Systems Approach

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    This paper is concerned with string cosmology and the dynamics of multiple scalar fields in potentials that can become negative, and their features as (Early) Dark Energy models. Our point of departure is the "String Axiverse", a scenario that motivates the existence of cosmologically light axion fields as a generic consequence of string theory. We couple such an axion to its corresponding modulus. We give a detailed presentation of the rich cosmology of such a model, ranging from the setting of initial conditions on the fields during inflation, to the asymptotic future. We present some simplifying assumptions based on the fixing of the axion decay constant faf_a, and on the effective field theory when the modulus trajectory is adiabatic, and find the conditions under which these assumptions break down. As a by-product of our analysis, we find that relaxing the assumption of fixed faf_a leads to the appearance of a new meta-stable de-Sitter region for the modulus without the need for uplifting by an additional constant. A dynamical systems analysis reveals the existence of many fixed point attractors, repellers and saddle points, which we analyse in detail. We also provide geometric interpretations of the phase space. The fixed points can be used to bound the couplings in the model. A systematic scan of certain regions of parameter space reveals that the future evolution of the universe in this model can be rich, containing multiple epochs of accelerated expansion.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, comments welcome, v2 minor correction

    Spherical Scalar Field Halo in Galaxies

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    We study a spherically symmetric fluctuation of scalar dark matter in the cosmos and show that it could be the dark matter in galaxies, provided that the scalar field has an exponential potential whose overall sign is negative and whose exponent is constrained observationally by the rotation velocities of galaxies. The local space-time of the fluctuation contains a three dimensional space-like hypersurface with surplus of angle.Comment: 5 REVTeX pages, no figures. Contains important suggestions provided by the referee. Final version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    On the Realization of Assisted Inflation

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    We consider conditions necessary for a successful implementation of so-called assisted inflation. We generalize the applicability of assisted inflation beyond exponential potentials as originally proposed to include standard chaotic (\lambda \phi^4 or m^2 \phi^2) models as well. We also demonstrate that in a purely 4-dimensional theory, unless the assisted sector is in fact decoupled, the additional fields of the assisted sector actually impede inflation. As a specific example of an assisted sector, we consider a 5-dimensional KK model for which the extra dimension may be somewhat or much larger than the inverse Planck scale. In this case, the assisted sector (coming from a KK compactification) eliminates the need for a fine-tuned quartic coupling to drive chaotic inflation. This is a general result of models with one or more "large" extra dimensions.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX fil

    Ultraviolet singularities in classical brane theory

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    We construct for the first time an energy-momentum tensor for the electromagnetic field of a p-brane in arbitrary dimensions, entailing finite energy-momentum integrals. The construction relies on distribution theory and is based on a Lorentz-invariant regularization, followed by the subtraction of divergent and finite counterterms supported on the brane. The resulting energy-momentum tensor turns out to be uniquely determined. We perform the construction explicitly for a generic flat brane. For a brane in arbitrary motion our approach provides a new paradigm for the derivation of the, otherwise divergent, self-force of the brane. The so derived self-force is automatically finite and guarantees, by construction, energy-momentum conservation.Comment: 41 pages, no figures, minor change
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