5,182 research outputs found

    X-Ray Synchrotron Emitting Fe-Rich Ejecta in SNR RCW 86

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    Supernova remnants may exhibit both thermal and nonthermal X-ray emission. We present Chandra observations of RCW 86. Striking differences in the morphology of X-rays below 1 keV and above 2 keV point to a different physical origin. Hard X-ray emission is correlated fairly well with the edges of regions of radio emission, suggesting that these are the locations of shock waves at which both short-lived X-ray emitting electrons, and longer-lived radio-emitting electrons, are accelerated. Soft X-rays are spatially well-correlated with optical emission from nonradiative shocks, which are almost certainly portions of the outer blast wave. These soft X-rays are well fit with simple thermal plane-shock models. Harder X-rays show Fe K alpha emission and are well described with a similar soft thermal component, but a much stronger synchrotron continuum dominating above 2 keV, and a strong Fe K alpha line. Quantitative analysis of this line and the surrounding continuum shows that it cannot be produced by thermal emission from a cosmic-abundance plasma; the ionization time is too short, as shown both by the low centroid energy (6.4 keV) and the absence of oxygen lines below 1 keV. Instead, a model of a plane shock into Fe-rich ejecta, with a synchrotron continuum, provides a natural explanation. This requires that reverse shocks into ejecta be accelerating electrons to energies of order 50 TeV. We show that maximum energies of this order can be produced by radiation-limited diffusive shock acceleration at the reverse shocks.Comment: ApJ, accepted; full resolution images in http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/rho/rcw86chandra.p

    Fine Structures of Shock of SN 1006 with the Chandra Observation

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    The north east shell of SN 1006 is the most probable acceleration site of high energy electrons (up to ~ 100 TeV) with the Fermi acceleration mechanism at the shock front. We resolved non-thermal filaments from thermal emission in the shell with the excellent spatial resolution of Chandra. The thermal component is extended widely over about ~ 100 arcsec (about 1 pc at 1.8 kpc distance) in width, consistent with the shock width derived from the Sedov solution. The spectrum is fitted with a thin thermal plasma of kT = 0.24 keV in non-equilibrium ionization (NEI), typical for a young SNR. The non-thermal filaments are likely thin sheets with the scale widths of ~ 4 arcsec (0.04 pc) and ~ 20 arcsec (0.2 pc) at upstream and downstream, respectively. The spectra of the filaments are fitted with a power-law function of index 2.1--2.3, with no significant variation from position to position. In a standard diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) model, the extremely small scale length in upstream requires the magnetic field nearly perpendicular to the shock normal. The injection efficiency (eta) from thermal to non-thermal electrons around the shock front is estimated to be ~ 1e-3 under the assumption that the magnetic field in upstream is 10 micro G. In the filaments, the energy densities of the magnetic field and non-thermal electrons are similar to each other, and both are slightly smaller than that of thermal electrons. in the same order for each other. These results suggest that the acceleration occur in more compact region with larger efficiency than previous studies.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ, the paper with full resolution images in http://www-cr.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/member/bamba/Paper/SN1006.pd

    Two-divisibility of the coefficients of certain weakly holomorphic modular forms

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    We study a canonical basis for spaces of weakly holomorphic modular forms of weights 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, and 26 on the full modular group. We prove a relation between the Fourier coefficients of modular forms in this canonical basis and a generalized Ramanujan tau-function, and use this to prove that these Fourier coefficients are often highly divisible by 2.Comment: Corrected typos. To appear in the Ramanujan Journa

    Diffuse Hard X-ray Sources Discovered with the ASCA Galactic Plane Survey

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    We found diffuse hard X-ray sources, G11.0+0.0, G25.5+0.0, and G26.6-0.1 in the ASCA Galactic plane survey data. The X-ray spectra are featureless with no emission line, and are fitted with both models of a thin thermal plasma in non-equilibrium ionization and a power-law function. The source distances are estimated to be 1-8 kpc, using the best-fit NH values on the assumption that the mean density in the line of sight is 1 H cm^-3. The source sizes and luminosities are then 4.5-27 pc and (0.8-23)x10^33 ergs/s. Although the source sizes are typical to supernova remnants (SNR) with young to intermediate ages, the X-ray luminosity, plasma temperature, and weak emission lines in the spectra are all unusual. This suggests that these objects are either shell-like SNRs dominated by X-ray synchrotron emission, like SN 1006, or, alternatively, plerionic SNRs. The total number of these classes of SNRs in our Galaxy is also estimated.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures; to appear in Ap

    Spatially-resolved Thermal Continuum Absorption against the Supernova Remnant W49B

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    We present sub-arcminute resolution imaging of the Galactic supernova remnant W49B at 74 MHz (25") and 327 MHz (6"), the former being the lowest frequency at which the source has been resolved. While the 327 MHz image shows a shell-like morphology similar to that seen at higher frequencies, the 74 MHz image is considerably different, with the southwest region of the remnant almost completely attenuated. The implied 74 MHz optical depth (~ 1.6) is much higher than the intrinsic absorption levels seen inside two other relatively young remnants, Cas A and the Crab Nebula, nor are natural variations in the relativistic electron energy spectra expected at such levels. The geometry of the absorption is also inconsistent with intrinsic absorption. We attribute the absorption to extrinsic free-free absorption by a intervening cloud of thermal electrons. Its presence has already been inferred from the low-frequency turnover in the integrated continuum spectrum and from the detection of radio recombination lines toward the remnant. Our observations confirm the basic conclusions of those measurements, and our observations have resolved the absorber into a complex of classical HII regions surrounded either partially or fully by low-density HII gas. We identify this low-density gas as an extended HII region envelope (EHE), whose statistical properties were inferred from low resolution meter- and centimeter-wavelength recombination line observations. Comparison of our radio images with HI and H_2CO observations show that the intervening thermal gas is likely associated with neutral and molecular material as well.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX with AASTeX-5, 5 figures in 7 PostScript files; accepted for publication in the Ap

    Generalized Swiss-cheese cosmologies: Mass scales

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    We generalize the Swiss-cheese cosmologies so as to include nonzero linear momenta of the associated boundary surfaces. The evolution of mass scales in these generalized cosmologies is studied for a variety of models for the background without having to specify any details within the local inhomogeneities. We find that the final effective gravitational mass and size of the evolving inhomogeneities depends on their linear momenta but these properties are essentially unaffected by the details of the background model.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, revtex4, Published form (with minor corrections

    Nazi Punks Folk Off: Leisure, Nationalism, Cultural Identity and the Consumption of Metal and Folk Music

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    Far-right activists have attempted to infiltrate and use popular music scenes to propagate their racialised ideologies. This paper explores attempts by the far right to co-opt two particular music scenes: black metal and English folk. Discourse tracing is used to explore online debates about boundaries, belonging and exclusion in the two scenes, and to compare such online debates with ethnographic work and previous research. It is argued that both scenes have differently resisted the far right through the policing of boundaries and communicative choices, but both scenes are compromised by their relationship to myths of whiteness and the instrumentality of the pop music industry

    Development of high performance parasport prosthetic limbs: a proposed framework and case study

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    Sport with a disability has progressed from undertaking physical activity for recreation to one of a high performance environment at competitions such as the Paralympic Games. There is currently limited information and guidance to help inform stakeholders as to how to develop the high performance technology of elite athletes who possess limb absence. In this manuscript, a conceptual framework for high performance prosthetic limb creation is presented. This utilises a synthesis between contemporary product design theory and a review of existing case studies. This proposed framework is then applied to a case study. Ultimately, the framework provides an indicative guide to the creation of prosthetic limbs that emphasise technological performance enhancement over that of mere sporting participation

    Experimental study of fusion neutron and proton yields produced by petawatt-laser-irradiated D2-3He or CD4-3He clustering gases

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    We report on experiments in which the Texas Petawatt laser irradiated a mixture of deuterium or deuterated methane clusters and helium-3 gas, generating three types of nuclear fusion reactions: D(d, 3He)n, D(d, t)p and 3He(d, p)4He. We measured the yields of fusion neutrons and protons from these reactions and found them to agree with yields based on a simple cylindrical plasma model using known cross sections and measured plasma parameters. Within our measurement errors, the fusion products were isotropically distributed. Plasma temperatures, important for the cross sections, were determined by two independent methods: (1) deuterium ion time-of-flight, and (2) utilizing the ratio of neutron yield to proton yield from D(d, 3He)n and 3He(d, p)4He reactions, respectively. This experiment produced the highest ion temperature ever achieved with laser-irradiated deuterium clusters.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure