127 research outputs found

    Extraction of electrons from quantized vortex lines

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    If electrons are trapped in vortex lines of rotating He II, they can emerge into the vapor phase without overcoming any detectable energy barrier. This observation of the extraction of electrons from straight vortex lines above 1.1°K agrees very well with the evaporation of electrons from vortex rings studied by Surko and Reif below 0.7°

    Effects of spatial dispersion in near-field radiative heat transfer between two parallel metallic surfaces

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    We study the heat transfer between two parallel metallic semi-infinite media with a gap in the nanometer-scale range. We show that the near-field radiative heat flux saturates at distances smaller than the metal skin depth when using a local dielectric constant and investigate the origin of this effect. The effect of non-local corrections is analysed using the Lindhard-Mermin and Boltzmann-Mermin models. We find that local and non-local models yield the same heat fluxes for gaps larger than 2 nm. Finally, we explain the saturation observed in a recent experiment as a manifestation of the skin depth and show that heat is mainly dissipated by eddy currents in metallic bodies.Comment: Version without figures (8 figures in the complete version


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    Use the URI link below to search the Marine Institute Data Discovery Catalogue for datasets relevant to this report.In the southwest of Ireland and the Celtic Sea (ICES Divisions VIIaS, g & j), herring are an important commercial species to the pelagic and polyvalent fleet. The local fleet is composed of dry hold polyvalent vessels and a small number of purpose built RSW (Refrigerated seawater) vessels. The stock is composed of both autumn and winter spawning components and the fishery targets pre-spawning and spawning aggregations. The Irish commercial fishery has historically taken place within 1-20nmi (nautical miles) of the coast and focused on aggregated schools within the spawning cycle. In recent years the larger RSW vessels have actively targeted offshore summer feeding aggregations in the south Celtic Sea. In VIIj, the fishery traditionally begins in early October and is concentrated within several miles of the shore including many bays and inlets. The VIIaS fishery peaks towards the year end in December, but may be active from mid October depending on location. In VIIg, along the south coast herring are targeted from October to January at a number of known spawning sites and surrounding areas. Overall, the protracted spawning period of the two components extends from October through to January, with annual variation of up to 3 weeks. Spawning occurs in successive waves in a number of well known locations including large scale grounds and small discreet spawning beds. The geographical confines of the annual 21 day survey have been modified in recent years to include areas to the south of the main winter spawning grounds in an effort to identify the whereabouts of winter spawning fish before the annual inshore spawning migration. Spatial resolution of acoustic transects has been increased over the entire south coast survey area. The acoustic component of the survey has been further complimented by detailed hydrographic and marine mammal and seabird work programs first initiated during this survey in 2004

    Cavitation pressure in liquid helium

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    Recent experiments have suggested that, at low enough temperature, the homogeneous nucleation of bubbles occurs in liquid helium near the calculated spinodal limit. This was done in pure superfluid helium 4 and in pure normal liquid helium 3. However, in such experiments, where the negative pressure is produced by focusing an acoustic wave in the bulk liquid, the local amplitude of the instantaneous pressure or density is not directly measurable. In this article, we present a series of measurements as a function of the static pressure in the experimental cell. They allowed us to obtain an upper bound for the cavitation pressure P_cav (at low temperature, P_cav < -2.4 bar in helium 3, P_cav < -8.0 bar in helium 4). From a more precise study of the acoustic transducer characteristics, we also obtained a lower bound (at low temperature, P_cav > -3.0 bar in helium 3, P_cav > - 10.4 bar in helium 4). In this article we thus present quantitative evidence that cavitation occurs at low temperature near the calculated spinodal limit (-3.1 bar in helium 3 and -9.5 bar in helium 4). Further information is also obtained on the comparison between the two helium isotopes. We finally discuss the magnitude of nonlinear effects in the focusing of a sound wave in liquid helium, where the pressure dependence of the compressibility is large.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Experimental characterisation of textile compaction response: A benchmark exercise

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    This paper reports the results of an international benchmark exercise on the measurement of fibre bed compaction behaviour. The aim was to identify aspects of the test method critical to obtain reliable results and to arrive at a recommended test procedure for fibre bed compaction measurements. A glass fibre 2/2 twill weave and a biaxial (±45°) glass fibre non-crimp fabric (NCF) were tested in dry and wet conditions. All participants used the same testing procedure but were allowed to use the testing frame, the fixture and sample geometry of their choice. The results showed a large scatter in the maximum compaction stress between participants at the given target thickness, with coefficients of variation ranging from 38% to 58%. Statistical analysis of data indicated that wetting of the specimen significantly affected the scatter in results for the woven fabric, but not for the NCF. This is related to the fibre mobility in the architectures in both fabrics. As isolating the effect of other test parameters on the results was not possible, no statistically significant effect of other test parameters could be proven. The high sensitivity of the recorded compaction pressure near the minimum specimen thickness to changes in specimen thickness suggests that small uncertainties in thickness can result in large variations in the maximum value of the compaction stress. Hence, it is suspected that the thickness measurement technique used may have an effect on the scatter


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    On passe d'abord en revue certaines méthodes modernes de production et de détection d'ondes acoustiques de fréquences atteignant 7 x 1010 Hz. On décrit ensuite brièvement l'absorption de ces ondes dans différents cristaux. Enfin, on discute quelques méthodes qui pourraient permettre de détecter des ondes acoustiques non cohérentes de fréquences supérieures à 1011 Hz. Il n'est pas question ici des cristaux paramagnétiques, étudiés par Joffrin dans ce même fascicule.Here we will first review some of the modern methods which have been used for the generation and detection of acoustic waves at frequencies up to 7 x 1010 cps. Secondly, we will briefly describe the absorption of these waves in various crystals. Finally a few methods are discussed, which might be useful to generate and detect incoherent acoustic waves at frequencies above 1011 cps. Not included here are paramagnetic crystal, already covered by Joffrin elsewhere in this issue


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