19 research outputs found

    Physiochemical data from marine post-smolt RAS 2016-2017

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    Physichemical raw data upon Temperature, pH, Redox, Salinity, Oxygen, TAN, Ammonium, Nitrite, Nitrate,CO2, and Alcalinity in a marine RAS 2-5th. production cycle. To be used as supporting data for microbial community studies performed with microbial deep sequencing in the same period at the sampling sites; production water, biofilter biofilm, production tank wall biofilm and fish skin

    Amplicon data from marine post-smolt 2016-2017

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    Microbial monitoring of marine post-post smolt RAS by 16S amplicon analysis Samples from biofilter biofilm, production water, tank wall and fish skin. Sampling time notation C for cycle and W for week in cycle Appendix: data sorted by relative abundance and origin of tax

    Amplicon data from marine post-smolt 2016-2017

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    Microbial monitoring of marine post-post smolt RAS by 16S amplicon analysisSamples from biofilter biofilm, production water, tank wall and fish skin. Sampling time notation C for cycle and W for week in cycleAppendix: data sorted by relative abundance and origin of taxaTHIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Physiochemical data from marine post-smolt RAS 2016-2017

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    Data for temperature, pH, redox, salinity, oxygen, TAN, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, CO2 and alkalinity in the production water of a marine post smolt recycling aquaculture system (RAS), measured over four production cycles in the operating year 2016-2017. Together with a microbiome dataset from the same period, a deeper understanding of the holistic aspects of the RAS facility was investigated, aiming for increased biosecurity and fish health.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Fish pathogens 16S rRNA database

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    Microbes recognized as fish pathogens, opportunist or otherwise given a role in fish health according to the book "Fish pathogens" by Austin and Austin 2007, were included in this 16S RNA database. The given species were search for in GenBank, and the variety of sequences affiliating to one species was included, given that a specie gather sequences with >97% 16S RNA similarity (https://www.ezbiocloud.net/taxonomy), and that one specie may have several different operons. Emerging fish pathogens since 2007 were also included, based on "in house" knowledge and search on the internett. Totally 293 different species were included and their 6733 corresponding sequences. We collected this database as to align it towards microbial 16S rRNA libraries from land based aquaculture systems, to identify close relatives to fish pathogen microbes

    Pearson correlation data of 535 OTUs from a marine post-smolt RAS.

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    In total 535 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were defined during microbiome analysis of 105 samples from a marine post-smolt recirculating aquaculture system. The survey lasted over a period of one year, covering four production cycles, and the sampling sites included were production water, biofilter biofilm carriers, wall biofilm, fish skin and fish skin ulcers. Here we make public Pearson correlation of all the OTUs defined, bringing information about microbes that did appear simultaneously in the different samples, as based upon their relative abundance (%) in the system. The data are presented in cvs files, both as organised after OTU number, but also organised after strength of correlation. The obtained data will be linked to a Data in Brief publication, that will present extracted data from the Mendeley data files.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Amplicon data from marine post-smolt 2016-2017

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    Microbial monitoring of marine post-post smolt RAS by 16S amplicon analysis Samples from biofilter biofilm, production water, tank wall and fish skin. Sampling time notation C for cycle and W for week in cycle Appendix: data sorted by relative abundance and origin of tax

    High-order Boussinesq-type model for integrated nearshore dynamics

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    A two-dimensional high-order Boussinesq-type model was derived to simulate wave propagation and relevant processes in the nearshore zone. Because of its enhanced nonlinear character, the model can describe more accurately the amplitude dispersion compared to its weakly nonlinear counterpart. Extension to the surf zone was accomplished using the eddy-viscosity concept for simulating breaking waves. Swash-zone dynamics were simulated by applying a modified narrow-slot technique. Bottom friction and subgrid turbulent mixing were also incorporated. The model can estimate the wave-induced current field, including the undertow effect. The numerical model relied on a generalized multistep predictor-corrector scheme, and the waves were generated using the source function method. Both the one-horizontal-dimensional (1DH) and two-horizontal-dimensional (2DH) versions were validated against a variety of experimental tests, including regular and irregular wave propagation and breaking on plane beaches and submerged shoals. Breaking and run-up of a solitary wave were also modeled. Furthermore, a wave overtopping test was also included. Oblique long-crested irregular wave incidence and a test including a rip channel were simulated to check the model's performance. The agreement, in general, is satisfactory, and most of the nearshore phenomena were accurately reproduced

    Boussinesq-type modeling of sediment transport and coastal morphology

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    A two horizontal dimensional compound model is developed to simulate coastal sediment transport and bed morphology evolution due to wave action. The wave module is a higher-order Boussinesq-type model. The bed load in the surf zone is computed from an advanced semi-empirical formula while the suspended load can be calculated through the solution of the advection-diffusion equation for the sediment or alternatively from a simplified formula. The estimation of the sediment transport in the swash zone is based on the ballistic theory. The unified sediment transport module is valid under combined waves and currents including the wave asymmetry and phase-lag effects. The bathymetry is updated through the sediment conservation equation and the morphological accelerator factor technique accounts for extended simulation time. The model is validated against a number of short-term tests in one horizontal dimension. The response is generally good with most of the morphological features being reproduced in the cross-shore direction. A comparison between various sediment transport formulae and a sensitivity analysis are also performed illustrating the need for inclusion of the phase-lag effects