427 research outputs found

    Role of Metaphor in Forming Military Discourse Terminology (by Material of English Periodicals)

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    The article is devoted to the study of metaphor as a cognitive mechanism for the creation of a new term, based on the integration and reinvention of knowledge in the light of background information and new field of special knowledge. The material is the English articles devoted to the military. The important role of the process of metaphorization in the formation of modern English terminology of military discourse is established. Appeal to the study of military terminology is important due to its intensive development in conditions of modern technological progress and significance of issues related to the military sphere. The main areas-sources of lexical borrowings used for the formation of metaphorical terms of military discourse are identified. Actualized indications of borrowed lexical units are considered. The most productive thematic areas of the metaphorical terms formation are revealed. The unevenness of metaphorical nomination in thematic groups reflects the dynamics of the emergence of new concepts within the thematic groups, and, consequently, the value relevance of the thematic groups for the military team. It is proved that formation of military terminology metaphor is based on the principles of anthropometrical, consistency, selectivity and relevance, giving an idea of the system of value orientations of specialist in studied area

    Game Technique of Intertextuality in Yu. Buyda’s Book of Stories “Prussian Bride”

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    The game possibilities of intertextuality technique is explored. It is reported that the intertextual parallels are present in literary texts in an explicit or in latent form, while case-exposed names, stories, system of characters, motives and quotes are subject to be harping on. It is emphasized that revealing the intertextuality requires knowledge of linguistic and extralinguistic nature, etymology, knowledge of folklore, knowledge of world literature. It is revealed that Yu. Buyda’s intertextual connections serve as a means of actualization of occasional meanings and their deployment to multi-level and multi-layered game. The author proves that the generated meanings, as a rule, contrast on the basis of “high” - “low”/”everyday” or shifted to the sphere of material-bodily bottom, which is the basis of creating a comic effect. The specificity of the comic in creativity of Yu. Buyda is characterized: laughter, comic are inseparably border on the tragic, allowing recreation of archaic picture of the world where these polar for rationalistic thinking entities constituted a single, undifferentiated whole. It is shown that the use of intertextuality moves the tragic tone of the story into comic. It is proved that intertextuality in the texts of this writer is a special phenomenon: it is not just a stylistic tool, but a game way of reconstructing the features of mythological thinking

    Motivation of Military Discourse Terms (on English Language Material)

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    Specifics of motivation of terminological items of military sublanguage formed in semantic way is covered. The material is the English articles devoted to the military topic. In the analyzed sublanguage there is high frequency of cases of semantic motivation, arising from a metaphorical transfer of the meaning of words of common language. The study of military terminology in the aspect of its motivation is relevant in connection with active formation of terminology of the military sublanguage in conditions of modern technological progress. The study of the phenomenon of motivation in sublanguages gives an idea about general laws of development of a specific language as the language system. The terms are considered in the light of such criteria as the presence of motivation, type of motivation, type of a motivated term and the direction of metaphorization of motivated terms. The most productive metaphorical models of military terms in the English language are determined. The cases of combination of different types of motivation within the same term are revealed. It is discovered that multi-component terms containing more than two components have a lower degree of motivation of the name. The results of comparative analysis of the types of motivated English military terms and their Russian equivalents are presented

    Intertext in Yu. Buyda’s Story “The Damn and The Chemist”

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    The story by Yu. Buyda “The Damn and The Chemist” is analysed. Multiple links of this work with the precedent texts are revealed. Intertextual parallels marked in the text by language markers are commented. It is revealed that intertextuality in the texts by Yu. Buyda affects different levels: external (explicit) and underlying (implicit). Because of this, this technique is characterized by explicitness and implicitness. In the writer’s artistic world the studied technique has a hidden projective force - it appears at the level of the whole text, organizing a complex system and participating in the generation of the plot. It is shown that the analysis of examples of intertextuality requires knowledge of linguistic and extralinguistic nature. It is proved that in Yu. Buyda’s stories intertextual links serve as a means of creation of comic effect. The author argues that the sphere of the comic in the writer’s works is close to the field of lowest people’s bodily comic. Such proximity is explained by the desire of Yu. Buyda to make an artistic image closer to archaic past, when laughter, being associated with life and death, and through them with the topographic bottom of the Earth and human productive bottom, was considered as having the regenerating ability

    Phraseological Units as a Means of Creating Comic Effect in Yu. Buyda’s Book of Stories “Prussian Bride”

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    The article considers individual author’s methods of structural and semantic transformation of phraseological units in Yu. Buyda’s book of stories. Transformations of this type in Yu. Buyga’s works include the following techniques: wedging, adding, lexical replacement, removal of idiom on the level of subtext. The essence of the game technique is to restore the original, direct meaning of the lexemes constituting a phraseological unit. This is achieved by playing out such characteristic features of phraseological units as the constancy of the lexical composition, the impermeability of the structure of phraseological units, the limited ability to combine with other elements of the text and attach dependent words. It is revealed that in the texts of Yu. Buyda this technique is implemented by introducing variables (occasional) lexical components in the updated structure of the idiom, grammatical transformations, as well as fixed order violations. As new, variable components the author uses lexemes of the same thematic area or those motivated by logical, intra-text and inter-text connections. The transformed phraseology unit actualizes the original appearance and meaning of the usual idiom. The paper shows that projecting the transformed phraseology on a contrast background created by the original unit generates a meaningful multiplicity, which is intended to create a comic effect. The discovery of new, hidden meanings is an inexhaustible source of comic. The originality of the phenomenon of language game, exploiting the technique of punish phraseology, which consists in the creation of layered polysemy, is demonstrated. The technique is not limited by the game of figurative and direct meanings of phraseology unit, but develops entire semantic series, providing several alternative game variants of interpretation

    Structural and Semantic Features and Ways of Translation of Military Discourse Terminology (on Material of English Periodicals)

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    The most productive ways of formation of modern terminology of military discourse - multicomponent combinations - are covered. Appeal to the study of military terminology is relevant due to its intensive development in conditions of modern technological progress. The basic structural formulas of multicomponent terminological combinations and most productive nuclear terms are revealed, on the basis of which the multicomponent terminological groups are formed. There are two diametrically opposite tendencies in the formation of multicomponent terminological combinations of the military discourse. One of them consists in minimizing the nomination due to adhesions or removing components of attribute group. Another trend is the progressive complication of the object nomination by adding the specific characteristics of the core. It is proved that the increase in the length of terminological combination increases its semantic capacity, but at the same time leads to the weakening of cross-media semantic valence. The impact of these terminological characteristics on features and correctness of the translation is evaluated. It is emphasized that the translator is faced with the need of elaborating a strategy in the translation of the term. The analysis showed that the main methods of translation of the terminological combinations are calques and descriptive translations and transcription / transliteration - the techniques that are used to translate single-word terms in the composition of the multicomponent combinations

    Metaphor Functioning in Military Discourse and Ways of Its Translation into Russian (on Material of English-language Periodicals)

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    On the material of the corpus of English-language texts of articles informing about military actions, armed conflicts and defence issues, the analysis of metaphors and their translation into Russian is carried out. The main types of metaphor in military discourse are identified: metaphorical phraseological units, worn out metaphors and metaphors-cliché, terminated metaphor, recent metaphor (neologisms), non-deployed speech metaphor. It is indicated that the most frequent translation techniques used for translation of metaphors in military discourse are demetaphorization, calques, remetaphorization, translation by equivalent metaphorical expression in the target language with the use of translation transformations (addition, omission, antonymy translation). The article focuses on the technique of demetaphorization, which text realizations form 50 % of the total number of cases examined. It is shown that demetaphorization may be accompanied by a combination of translation transformations (generalization, adequate substitute, descriptive translation). It is established that the choice of translation technique depends on the type of metaphor and its structure (component composition). The analysis revealed that the result of the use of demetaforization is the replacement of more expressive, pragmatically loaded lexical units of the original text with neutral equivalents, that is motivated by the norms of the language of translation: Russian military texts are characterized by lexical and stylistic uniformity and much less saturation with stylistically coloured elements in comparison with English texts. However, despite this, the use of demetaforization technique makes it possible to convey the necessary element of the original content, the preservation of which in translation is a minimum condition for providing the recipient of the expression of the translation language with a pragmatic impact, for which the sender of the original language is seeking

    Game Potential of Idioms (on Material of Book by Yu. Buyda “Prussian Bride”)

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    A method of semantic transformation of phraseological units is considered, which was presented in the book by Yu. Buyda as literalism. Game technique of literalism is restoring the original, direct meaning of the lexemes constituting a phraseological unit. This is achieved by introducing in the context of the story the literal deploying, pointing to the reality. It is revealed that the polysemy arising from the clash within the context of two meanings of a single phrase (literal and idiomatic) is a source of word play, and often provokes the creation of comic effect. As a literal deploying Yu. Buyda uses the word or phrase linked with a phraseological unit thematically, associatively and by synonymic or antonymic relations. In the writer’s works considered technique illustrates not only the method of updating the semantics of phraseological units, but also has a projective text function. On its basis, the author builds the storyline in many stories that the game intertwined, which creates certain difficulties in identifying both the technique and its gaming potential. It is shown that in most cases, to restore the logical link between the idiom and literal deploying the activation of background knowledge and committing a number of mental operations is required. The analysis is based on the following parameters of literal deploying input: its explicitness / implication, the remoteness of literal deploying from the idiom, the sequence of its input (in a preposition or postposition) and the way of representation of literal deploying

    The guard lymph nodes when choosing tactics of operational treatment of colorectal cancer

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    In this article, we analyzed the studies, that were conducted over the past 10 years to study the role of the "guard lymph node" in colorectal cancer. Researches were studied prospectively as well as retrospectively, in which "guard lymph nodes" were defined and was studied the lesion of lymph nodes 1, 2 and 3 orders. The purpose of this work is to evaluate and compare the results of operations used in collorectal cancer. Results and conclusions are presented on the basis of developed and developing countries

    ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest

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    Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) is a freely available dictionary of molecular entities focused on ‘small’ chemical compounds. The molecular entities in question are either natural products or synthetic products used to intervene in the processes of living organisms. Genome-encoded macromolecules (nucleic acids, proteins and peptides derived from proteins by cleavage) are not as a rule included in ChEBI. In addition to molecular entities, ChEBI contains groups (parts of molecular entities) and classes of entities. ChEBI includes an ontological classification, whereby the relationships between molecular entities or classes of entities and their parents and/or children are specified. ChEBI is available online at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi