96 research outputs found

    Integrated monitoring of nature restoration along ecotones, the example of the Yser Estuary

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    Within the framework of LIFE, one of the larger nature restoration projects in Flanders was realized on the right bank of the estuarine part of the Yser. General aim of the initiative was to restore or create beach-dune-salt marsh ecotones with salt-fresh, dynamic-stable, wet-dry and mud-sand ecotones. In order to reach this goal, several large buildings and roads were broken down, an entire tidal dock was restructured and some 500,000m³ of dredging material was removed to restore or create intertidal and coastal dune habitats and their connecting ecotones. Measures were taken to avoid abrupt topographical transitions along potential ecological gradients. It was decided to begin monitoring (2001-2004) from the very start of the restoration process (1999-2003). Monitoring was multidisciplinary and realized in a partnership between several scientific institutes (Ghent University, Catholic University of Louvain, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences and Institute of Nature Conservation with facility support of VLIZ). Monitoring included the most relevant abiotic conditions such as sedimentation and erosion, topography and ground water fluctuations, and biological response variables, i.e. flora and vegetation, terrestrial arthropods, benthic macrofauna and birds. It was decided to include two monitoring levels, an area-covering monitoring of the entire nature reserve (ca. 128ha) and a detailed monitoring of changes along transects perpendicular to the main ecological gradients. In this paper we present some results of the first three years of monitoring

    Increasing Respiratory Effort With 100% Oxygen During Resuscitation of Preterm Rabbits at Birth

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    Background: Spontaneous breathing is essential for successful non-invasive respiratory support delivered by a facemask at birth. As hypoxia is a potent inhibitor of spontaneous breathing, initiating respiratory support with a high fraction of inspired O2 may reduce the risk of hypoxia and increase respiratory effort at birth. Methods: Preterm rabbit kittens (29 days gestation, term ~32 days) were delivered and randomized to receive continuous positive airway pressure with either 21% (n = 12) or 100% O2 (n = 8) via a facemask. If apnea occurred, intermittent positive pressure ventilation (iPPV) was applied with either 21% or 100% O2 in kittens who started in 21% O2, and remained at 100% O2 for kittens who started the experiment in 100% O2. Respiratory rate (breaths per minute, bpm) and variability in inter-breath interval (%) were measured from esophageal pressure recordings and functional residual capacity (FRC) was measured from synchrotron phase-contrast X-ray images. Results: Initially, kittens receiving 21% O2 had a significantly lower respiratory rate and higher variability in inter-breath interval, indicating a less stable breathing pattern than kittens starting in 100% O2 [median (IQR) respiratory rate: 16 (4–28) vs. 38 (29–46) bpm, p = 0.001; variability in inter-breath interval: 33.3% (17.2–50.1%) vs. 27.5% (18.6–36.3%), p = 0.009]. Apnea that required iPPV, was more frequently observed in kittens in whom resuscitation was started with 21% compared to 100% O2 (11/12 vs. 1/8, p = 0.001). After recovering from apnea, respiratory rate was significantly lower and variability in inter-breath interval was significantly higher in kittens who received iPPV with 21% compared to 100% O2. FRC was not different between study groups at both timepoints. Conclusion: Initiating resuscitation with 100% O2 resulted in increased respiratory activity and stability, thereby reducing the risk of apnea and need for iPPV after birth. Further studies in human preterm infants are mandatory to confirm the benefit of this approach in terms of oxygenation. In addition, the ability to avoid hyperoxia after initiation of resuscitation with 100% oxygen, using a titration protocol based on oxygen saturation, needs to be clarified

    Implementation of Delayed Cord Clamping for 3 Min During Term Cesarean Sections Does Not Influence Maternal Blood Loss

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    Background: To assess maternal safety outcomes after a local protocol adjustment to change the interval of cord clamping to 3 min after term cesarean section.Design, Setting, and Patients: A retrospective cohort study in a tertiary referral hospital (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam). We included pregnant women who gave birth at term after cesarean section. A cohort (Nov 2016–Oct 2017) prior to the protocol implementation was compared to a cohort after its implementation (Nov 2017–Nov 2018). The study population covered 789 women (n = 376 pre-cohort; n = 413 post-cohort).Interventions: Implementation of a local protocol changing the interval of cord clamping to 3 min in all term births.Main outcome measures: Primary outcomes were the estimated maternal blood loss and the occurrence of postpartum hemorrhage (blood loss >1,000 ml). Secondary outcomes included both maternal as well as neonatal outcomes.Results: Estimated maternal blood loss was not significantly different between the pre-cohort and post-cohort (400 mL [300–600] vs. 400 mL [300–600], p = 0.52). The incidence of postpartum hemorrhage (26 [6.9%] vs. 35 (8.5%), OR 1.24, 95% CI 0.73–2.11) and maternal blood transfusion (9 [2%] vs. 13 (3%), OR 1.33, 95% CI 0.56–3.14) were not different. Hemoglobin change was significantly higher in the post-cohort (−0.8 mmol/L [−1.3 to −0.5] vs. −0.9 mmol/L [−1.4 to −0.6], p = 0.01). In the post-cohort, neonatal hematocrit levels were higher (51 vs. 55%, p = 0.004) and need for phototherapy was increased (OR 1.95, 95% CI 0.99–3.84).Conclusion: Implementation of delayed cord clamping for 3 min in term cesarean sections was not associated with increased maternal bleeding complications

    Increased end-expiratory pressures improve lung function in near-term newborn rabbits with elevated airway liquid volume at birth

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    Approximately 53% of near-term newborns admitted to intensive care experience respiratory distress. These newborns are commonly delivered by cesarean section and have elevated airway liquid volumes at birth, which can cause respiratory morbidity. We investigated the effect of providing respiratory support with a positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 8 cmH(2)O on lung function in newborn rabbit kittens with elevated airway liquid volumes at birth. Near-term rabbits (30 days; term = 32 days) with airway liquid volumes that corresponded to vaginal delivery (similar to 7 mL/kg, control, n = 11) or cesarean section (similar to 37 mL/kg; elevated liquid (EL), n = 11] were mechanically ventilated (tidal volume= 8 mL/kg). The PEEP was changed after lung aeration from 0 to 8 to 0 cmH(2)O (control, n = 6; EL, n = 6), and in a separate group of kittens, PEEP was changed after lung aeration from 8 to 0 to 8 cmH(2)O (control, n = 5; EL, n = 5). Lung function (ventilator parameters, compliance, lung gas volumes, and distribution of gas within the lung) was evaluated using plethysmography and synchrotron-based phase-contrast X-ray imaging. EL kittens initially receiving 0 cmH(2)O PEEP had reduced functional residual capacities and lung compliance, requiring higher inflation pressures to aerate the lung compared with control kittens. Commencing ventilation with 8 cmH(2)O PEEP mitigated the adverse effects of EL, increasing lung compliance, functional residual capacity, and the uniformity and distribution of lung aeration, but did not normalize aeration of the distal airways. Respiratory support with PEEP supports lung function in near-term newborn rabbits with elevated airway liquid volumes at birth who are at a greater risk of suffering respiratory distress.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Term babies born by cesarean section have elevated airway liquid volumes, which predisposes them to respiratory distress. Treatments targeting molecular mechanisms to clear lung liquid are ineffective for term newborn respiratory distress. We showed that respiratory support with an end-expiratory pressure supports lung function in near-term rabbits with elevated airway liquid volumes at birth. This study provides further physiological understanding of lung function in newborns with elevated airway liquid volumes at risk of respiratory distress.Developmen

    Spontaneous breathing approach in mild congenital diaphragmatic hernia: A resuscitation algorithm

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    BackgroundInfants with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) and expected mild pulmonary hypoplasia have an estimated survival rate of 90%. Current guidelines for delivery room management do not consider the individual patient's disease severity, but an individualized approach with spontaneous breathing instead of routine mechanical ventilation could be beneficial for the mildest cases. We developed a resuscitation algorithm for this individualized approach serving two purposes: improving the success rate by structuring the approach and providing a guideline for other centers.MethodsAn initial algorithm was discussed with all local stakeholders. Afterwards, the resulting algorithm was refined using input from international experts.ResultsEligible CDH infants: left-sided defect, observed to expected lung-to-head ratio ≥50%, gestational age at birth ≥37.0 weeks, and no major associated structural or genetic abnormalities. To facilitate fetal-to-neonatal transition, we propose to start stabilization with non-invasive respiratory support and to adjust this individually.ConclusionsInfants with mild CDH might benefit from an individualized approach for neonatal resuscitation. Herein, we present an algorithm that could serve as guidance for centers implementing this

    Optimising the future Belgian offshore wind farm monitoring programme

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    Six years of monitoring triggered a reflection on how to best continue with the monitoring programme. The basic monitoring has to be rationalised at the level of the likelihood of impact detection, the meaningfulness of impact size and representativeness of the findings. Targeted monitoring should continue to disentangle processes behind the observed impact, for instance the overarching artificial reef effect created by wind farms. The major challenge however remains to achieve a reliable assessment of the cumulative impacts. Continuing consultation and collaboration within the Belgian offshore wind farm monitoring team and with foreign marine scientists and managers will ensure an optimisation of the future monitoring programme

    Yeast : the soul of beer’s aroma—a review of flavour-active esters and higher alcohols produced by the brewing yeast

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    Among the most important factors influencing beer quality is the presence of well-adjusted amounts of higher alcohols and esters. Thus, a heavy body of literature focuses on these substances and on the parameters influencing their production by the brewing yeast. Additionally, the complex metabolic pathways involved in their synthesis require special attention. More than a century of data, mainly in genetic and proteomic fields, has built up enough information to describe in detail each step in the pathway for the synthesis of higher alcohols and their esters, but there is still place for more. Higher alcohols are formed either by anabolism or catabolism (Ehrlich pathway) of amino acids. Esters are formed by enzymatic condensation of organic acids and alcohols. The current paper reviews the up-to-date knowledge in the pathways involving the synthesis of higher alcohols and esters by brewing yeasts. Fermentation parameters affecting yeast response during biosynthesis of these aromatic substances are also fully reviewed.Eduardo Pires gratefully acknowledges the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) for the PhD fellowship support (SFRH/BD/61777/2009). The financial contributions of the EU FP7 project Ecoefficient Biodegradable Composite Advanced Packaging (EcoBioCAP, grant agreement no. 265669) as well as of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (project GACR P503/12/1424) are also gratefully acknowledged. The authors thank the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MSM 6046137305) for their financial support

    Mechanisms of stretch-mediated skin expansion at single-cell resolution.

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    The ability of the skin to grow in response to stretching has been exploited in reconstructive surgery1. Although the response of epidermal cells to stretching has been studied in vitro2,3, it remains unclear how mechanical forces affect their behaviour in vivo. Here we develop a mouse model in which the consequences of stretching on skin epidermis can be studied at single-cell resolution. Using a multidisciplinary approach that combines clonal analysis with quantitative modelling and single-cell RNA sequencing, we show that stretching induces skin expansion by creating a transient bias in the renewal activity of epidermal stem cells, while a second subpopulation of basal progenitors remains committed to differentiation. Transcriptional and chromatin profiling identifies how cell states and gene-regulatory networks are modulated by stretching. Using pharmacological inhibitors and mouse mutants, we define the step-by-step mechanisms that control stretch-mediated tissue expansion at single-cell resolution in vivo.Wellcome Trust Royal Societ
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