1,798 research outputs found

    Eigenvalue Distributions of the QCD Dirac Operator

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    We compute by Monte Carlo methods the individual distributions of the kkth smallest Dirac operator eigenvalues in QCD, and compare them with recent analytical predictions. We do this for both massless and massive quarks in an SU(3) gauge theory with staggered fermions. Very precise agreement is found in all cases. As a simple by-product we also extract the microscopic spectral density of the Dirac operator in SU(3) gauge theory with dynamical massive fermions for Nf=1N_f=1 and 2, and obtain high-accuracy agreement with analytical expressions.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages, 9 postscript figures. Very minor correction

    Spectral Sum Rules of the Dirac operator and Partially Quenched Chiral Condensates

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    Exploiting Virasoro constraints on the effective finite-volume partition function, we derive generalized Leutwyler-Smilga spectral sum rules of the Dirac operator to high order. By introducing NvN_v fermion species of equal masses, we next use the Virasoro constraints to compute two (low-mass and large-mass) expansions of the partially quenched chiral condensate through the replica method of letting Nv→0N_v \to 0. The low-mass expansion can only be pushed to a certain finite order due to de Wit-'t Hooft poles, but the large-mass expansion can be carried through to arbitrarily high order. Results agree exactly with earlier results obtained through both Random Matrix Theory and the supersymmetric method.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, misprints correcte

    Looking for Effects of Topology in the Dirac Spectrum of Staggered Fermions

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    We classify SU(3) gauge field configurations in different topological sectors by the smearing technique. In each sector we compute the distribution of low lying eigenvalues of the staggered Dirac operator. In all sectors we find perfect agreement with the predictions for the sector of topological charge zero. The smallest Dirac operator eigenvalues of staggered fermions at presently realistic lattice couplings are thus insensitive to gauge field topology. On the smeared configurations, 4Μ4\nu eigenvalues go to zero in agreement with the index theorem.Comment: Poster at Lattice99(topology), 3 page

    Meson Correlation Functions in the epsilon-Regime

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    We present a numerical pilot study of the meson correlation functions in the epsilon-regime of chiral perturbation theory. Based on simulations with overlap fermions we measured the axial and pseudo-scalar correlation functions, and we discuss the implications for the leading low energy constants in the chiral Lagrangian.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, talk presented at Lattice2003(chiral

    The Replica Method and Toda Lattice Equations for QCD_3

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    We consider the epsilon-regime of QCD in 3 dimensions. It is shown that the leading term of the effective partition function satisfies a set of Toda lattice equations, recursive in the number of flavors. Taking the replica limit of these Toda equations allows us to derive the microscopic spectral correlation functions for the QCD Dirac operator in 3 dimensions. For an even number of flavors we reproduce known results derived using other techniques. In the case of an odd number of flavors the theory has a severe sign problem, and we obtain previously unknown microscopic spectral correlation functions.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    BRST Formulation of Partition Function Constraints

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    We show that constraints on the generating functional have direct BRST-extensions in terms of nilpotent operators Δ\Delta that annihilate this generating functional, and which may be of arbitrarily high order. The free energy FF in the presence of external sources thus satisfies a ``Master Equation'' which is described in terms of a tower of higher antibrackets.Comment: LaTeX, 7 page

    Sp(2)-Symmetric Lagrangian BRST Quantization

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    One Lagrangian BRST quantization principle is that of imposing correct Schwinger-Dyson equations through the BRST Ward identities. In this paper we show how to derive the analogous Sp(2)Sp(2)-symmetric quantization condition in flat coordinates from an underlying Sp(2)Sp(2)-symmetric Schwinger-Dyson BRST symmetry. We also show under what conditions this can be recast in the language of triplectic quantization.Comment: LaTeX, 19 page

    Low-lying Eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac Operator at Finite Temperature

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    We compute the low-lying spectrum of the staggered Dirac operator above and below the finite temperature phase transition in both quenched QCD and in dynamical four flavor QCD. In both cases we find, in the high temperature phase, a density with close to square root behavior, ρ(λ)∌(λ−λ0)1/2\rho(\lambda) \sim (\lambda-\lambda_0)^{1/2}. In the quenched simulations we find, in addition, a volume independent tail of small eigenvalues extending down to zero. In the dynamical simulations we also find a tail, decreasing with decreasing mass, at the small end of the spectrum. However, the tail falls off quite quickly and does not seem to extend to zero at these couplings. We find that the distribution of the smallest Dirac operator eigenvalues provides an efficient observable for an accurate determination of the location of the chiral phase transition, as first suggested by Jackson and Verbaarschot.Comment: LaTeX, 20 pages, 13 postscript figures. Reference added. To appear in Nucl. Phys.
