359 research outputs found

    Retransformation of a male sterile barnase line with the barstar gene as an efficient alternative method to identify male sterile-restorer combinations for heterosis breeding

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    We report in this study, an improved method for identifying male sterile-restorer combinations using the barnase-barstar system of pollination control for heterosis breeding in crop plants, as an alternative to the conventional line Ă— tester cross method. In this strategy, a transgenic male sterile barnase line was retransformed with appropriate barstar constructs. Double transformants carrying both the barnase and barstar genes were identified and screened for their male fertility status. Using this strategy, 66-90% of fertile retransformants (restored events) were obtained in Brassica juncea using two different barstar constructs. Restored events were analysed for their pollen viability and copy number of the barstar gene. Around 90% of the restored events showed high pollen viability and ~30% contained single copy integrations of the barstar gene. These observations were significantly different from those made in our earlier studies using line (barnase) × tester (barstar) crosses, wherein only two viable male sterile–restorer combinations were identified by screening 88 different cross-combinations. The retransformation strategy not only generated several independent restorers for a given male sterile line from a single transformation experiment but also identified potential restorers in the T0 generation itself leading to significant savings in time, cost and labour. Single copy restored plants with high pollen viability were selfed to segregate male sterile (barnase) and restorer (barstar) lines in the T1 progeny which could subsequently be diversified into appropriate combiners for heterosis breeding. This strategy will be particularly useful for crop plants where poor transformation frequencies and/or lengthy transformation protocols are a major limitation

    Partographic analysis of labour by modified WHO partograph in tertiary care centre

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    Background: The partograph is a simple, inexpensive tool to provide a continuous pictorial overview of labor. The goal of this study is to use partograph to monitor labor, initiate uterine activity that is sufficient to produce cervical changes, fetal descent while avoiding uterine hyperstimulation, hypostimulation and fetal distress and provide timely surgical intervention where required. Methods: A hospital-based observational study involving prospective review of partographs for births that occurred in 2020 was conducted in 2 hospitals including SVP Hospital and V.S hospital Ahmedabad. A partographic analysis of labour was done in randomly selected 200 patients using modified WHO partogram. The study population was divided into Primigravida (96) and Multigravida (104) term patients. partograph recording were commenced at 4 cm dilatation. close maternal and fetal monitoring was done throughout the labour and partogram was plotted to detect any deviation from normal course.Results: Patients were grouped into primigravida and multigravida and based on partogram finding divided into mode of delivery. 22 of total 96 primigravida underwent caesarean section and 74 delivered vaginally. 8 of total 104 multigravida underwent caesarean section and 96 delivered vaginally. Out of 200 newborn only 11 had Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes.Conclusion: The WHO modified partograph is highly effective in reducing both maternal and neonatal morbidity. It aids in assessing the progress of labour and to identify when intervention is necessary. It is effective in preventing prolonged labour, obstructed labour, reducing operative intervention and improving neonatal outcome

    Role of dinoprostone gel in induction of labour

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    Background: Labour induction is one of the most common intervention in obstetric practice. A simple application of PGE2 intracervical gel can ripen the cervix effectively and improve Bishop’s score there by helping in successful vaginal delivery. Considering its good performance, the dinoprostone slow-release vaginal insert is the first choice for elective induction of labour in postdate pregnancy and in patients with term pregnancy of premature rupture of membranes.Methods: This was a single year retrospective study conducted in a tertiary care center of western India from May 2019 to May 2020.Results: In group I women who delivered within 24 hours were included, in group II women who required re-instillation were included. The most common indication for induction in both the groups was past dates (accounting for 36.1% in group I and 47.3% in group II). The success rate in group I was 68.1% while in group II was 36.8%.  The rate of cesarean delivery in group I was 25.9%, while in Group II, it was 60.1%. Negligible maternal and neonatal complications were seen in both the groups.  Conclusions: The study showed that intracervical application of prostaglandin E2 is an effective, safe and acceptable method for induction of labor in women with unfavorable cervix and indications for induction. All these effects were achieved without increasing maternal and neonatal morbidity

    Maternal and perinatal outcome in severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia: a study of 120 cases at a tertiary health care center in Western India

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    Background: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are a leading cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity worldwide. Pre-eclampsia accounts for the majority of referrals in a tertiary care center as it stands one of the major causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. It complicates 6-10% of all pregnancies. In India, they account for the third most important cause of maternal mortality. Patients with PIH are at a greater risk of abruptio placenta, cerebrovascular events, organ failure and DIC. Fetuses are at a greater risk of IUGR, preterm birth, small for gestational age and IUD. This study aimed to determine the maternal and perinatal outcomes of hospitalized pregnant cases with severe preeclampsia and eclampsia.Methods: This was a single year retrospective study conducted in a tertiary care center of Western India from May 2019 to May 2020. Maternal and perinatal outcomes were analyzed among the severe preeclampsia and eclampsia groups.Results: A total 52 (43.33%) of the cases were in the age group of 21-25 years, 64 (53.33%) were primigravidae and the majority were referred from peripheral hospitals. Liver function tests were deranged in 26.68% of the patients and 32.5% had abnormal renal function. Labetalol was the most commonly used antihypertensive and magnesium sulphate was the anticonvulsant used in all the cases. Lower segment caesarean section was the mode of delivery in 62 (51.67%) of the cases. Commonest maternal complication was atonic PPH (12.5%). There was one maternal mortality due to aspiration pneumonia. 85 (70.83%) of the babies needed NICU admission. There were 5 (4.16%) perinatal deaths.Conclusions: Accessible health care and health education and awareness regarding antenatal check-ups for all women will lead to early detection of severe preeclampsia. Prompt treatment and management of its complications will certainly improve the maternal and fetal outcome

    Effect of casirivimab-imdevimab on mild COVID-19 patients with diabetes in reducing oxygen supplementation at 28 days: an observational study

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    Background: Monoclonal antibody therapy is one of the most promising treatments for COVID-19 infection. Casirivimab-imdevimab is a monoclonal antibody cocktail which is approved for high-risk patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 infection. The aim of the study was to determine the safety and efficacy of casirivimab-imdevimab on diabetic patients with COVID-19.Methods: This was an observational study conducted on diabetic patients admitted with mild to moderate COVID-19 infection. The patients were divided into 2 groups. While 101 patients were administered with casirivimab-imdevimab (test group), 100 of them were provided with standard treatment (control group). Regular follow-ups ensued for 10 days during the period of their hospitalization and finally on the 28th day through a telephonic enquiry. Apart from this, safety of administering the drug was assessed in all patients who belonged to the test group.Results: One of the patients who were administered casirivimab-imdevimab developed anaphylactic reaction. Three fourth of the patients who participated in the study were vaccinated and the oxygen requirement up to 10 days of admission was significantly lower in the vaccinated group (p=0.018). Oxygen requirement, mechanical ventilation and death up to 10 days of admission were less for patients who were administered monoclonal antibody, but it was not statistically significant. Oxygen requirement, and death after 10 days up to 28 days were also less for patients who were administered monoclonal antibody, even though not statistically significant.Conclusions: Casirivimab-imdevimab was not found to be beneficial in diabetic patients with mild COVID-19. More studies with higher sample size are required to prove the clinical benefit of casirivimab-imdevimab beyond doubt

    Measuring Black Hole Spin by the Continuum-Fitting Method: Effect of Deviations from the Novikov-Thorne Disc Model

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    The X-ray spectra of accretion discs of eight stellar-mass black holes have been analyzed to date using the thermal continuum fitting method, and the spectral fits have been used to estimate the spin parameters of the black holes. However, the underlying model used in this method of estimating spin is the general relativistic thin-disc model of Novikov & Thorne, which is only valid for razor-thin discs. We therefore expect errors in the measured values of spin due to inadequacies in the theoretical model. We investigate this issue by computing spectra of numerically calculated models of thin accretion discs around black holes, obtained via three-dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations. We apply the continuum fitting method to these computed spectra to estimate the black hole spins and check how closely the values match the actual spin used in the GRMHD simulations. We find that the error in the dimensionless spin parameter is up to about 0.2 for a non-spinning black hole, depending on the inclination. For black holes with spins of 0.7, 0.9 and 0.98, the errors are up to about 0.1, 0.03 and 0.01 respectively. These errors are comparable to or smaller than those arising from current levels of observational uncertainty. Furthermore, we estimate that the GRMHD simulated discs from which these error estimates are obtained correspond to effective disc luminosities of about 0.4-0.7 Eddington, and that the errors will be smaller for discs with luminosities of 0.3 Eddington or less, which are used in the continuum-fitting method. We thus conclude that use of the Novikov-Thorne thin-disc model does not presently limit the accuracy of the continuum-fitting method of measuring black hole spin.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. v2: fixed typo in author name, updated acknowledgment

    Comparative mapping of Brassica juncea and Arabidopsis thaliana using Intron Polymorphism (IP) markers: homoeologous relationships, diversification and evolution of the A, B and C Brassica genomes

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    Background: Extensive mapping efforts are currently underway for the establishment of comparative genomics between the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana and various Brassica species. Most of these studies have deployed RFLP markers, the use of which is a laborious and time-consuming process. We therefore tested the efficacy of PCR-based Intron Polymorphism (IP) markers to analyze genome-wide synteny between the oilseed crop, Brassica juncea (AABB genome) and A. thaliana and analyzed the arrangement of 24 (previously described) genomic block segments in the A, B and C Brassica genomes to study the evolutionary events contributing to karyotype variations in the three diploid Brassica genomes. Results: IP markers were highly efficient and generated easily discernable polymorphisms on agarose gels. Comparative analysis of the segmental organization of the A and B genomes of B. juncea (present study) with the A and B genomes of B. napus and B. nigra respectively (described earlier), revealed a high degree of colinearity suggesting minimal macro-level changes after polyploidization. The ancestral block arrangements that remained unaltered during evolution and the karyotype rearrangements that originated in the Oleracea lineage after its divergence from Rapa lineage were identified. Genomic rearrangements leading to the gain or loss of one chromosome each between the A-B and A-C lineages were deciphered. Complete homoeology in terms of block organization was found between three linkage groups (LG) each for the A-B and A-C genomes. Based on the homoeology shared between the A, B and C genomes, a new nomenclature for the B genome LGs was assigned to establish uniformity in the international Brassica LG nomenclature code. Conclusion: IP markers were highly effective in generating comparative relationships between Arabidopsis and various Brassica species. Comparative genomics between the three Brassica lineages established the major rearrangements, translocations and fusions pivotal to karyotype diversification between the A, B and C genomes of Brassica species. The inter-relationships established between the Brassica lineages vis-&#224;-vis Arabidopsis would facilitate the identification and isolation of candidate genes contributing to traits of agronomic value in crop Brassicas and the development of unified tools for Brassica genomics

    Acute kidney injury and its outcome in obstetrics

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    Background: Acute kidney injury occurring during pregnancy, labour, delivery, and/or postpartum period. Proper management of AKI (acute kidney injury) is challenging because (i) both maternal and fetal health must be considered and (ii) the cardiovascular and renal adaptations of pregnancy add to the complexity for management.Methods: The objective of this study was to study association and contributing factors in AKI, a retrospective study of 20 cases of AKI complicating pregnancies carried out in department of obstetrics and gynecology, SVPIMSR over a period of 12 months and results were studied and analysed. Etiological factors, associated liver pathology, coagulation abnormality, thrombocytopenia, sepsis, recovery status and fetomaternal outcome were studied and tabulated. AKI was analysed in terms of maximal stage of renal injury attained as per risk, injury, failure, loss of function, and end-stage renal disease (RIFLE) criteria.Results: The incidence of ARF (acute renal failure) in pregnancy was about 0.3%. Hypertensive disorders were the major causative factor. Amongst the 20 cases, 8 cases were referred from outside and two of them died. Total 5 of 20 cases required hemodialysis and two of them had partial recovery.Conclusions: AKI complicating pregnancies are not uncommon. If recognized and treated promptly, recovery is assured in majority of cases. Early identification and prompt management of pre-eclampsia and sepsis can prevent majority of cases. Ultrasonography revelation of placenta previa or abruption helps in early management eventually decreases the chances of bleeding which is one of the causes of AKI (pre-renal cause)

    A study of gestational diabetes mellitus and fetal outcome in a tertiary care center

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    Background: Modern desk-bound lifestyle and unhealthy dietary changes have brought a rise in the prevalence of obesity and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). It is associated with severe hazards to the mother and the baby. It is mandatory that early diagnosis ensues and timely and congruous management is undertaken.Methods: In this observational study, 1250 women were included. A standardized questionnaire was formed and their details were noted. Tests for glucose levels, complete blood picture, urine examination were performed. An oral glucose tolerance test was performed on all the patients. Neonatal outcomes in terms of birth weight and the presence of complications were noted.Results: A total 201 (16.1%) of all women were having gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Most mothers were in the 25-30 age group. The majority of the women had a BMI between 26-30. 21.9% of babies were having weight >3.5 kgs. 11.4% of babies were <2.5 kgs. Out of 201 neonates, 90 babies were having complications. Major complications in neonates were macrosomia and respiratory distress. Therefore, early diagnosis, glycemic control, and timely and congruous management are advantageous to both mother and baby.Conclusions: GDM complicating the pregnancy results in a higher prevalence of complications in the mother and the neonate. Therefore, appropriate control of the sugar level in mothers is necessary and it decreases the morbidity and mortality rates in the babies as well as the mothers.

    A comparative study of vaginal misoprostol versus oral misoprostol for induction of labour

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    Background: Induction of labour defined as artificial initiation of uterine contractions before the onset of spontaneous labour, after the period of viability, by any methods. The successful outcome depends on the Bishop Score, maternal age and parity. Authors compared the most preferred two routes; vaginal and oral for induction and outcome, adverse events and side effects were noted.Methods: This was a prospective comparative study carried out at SVPIMSR, Ahmedabad, from January 2019 to June 2019, Gujarat, 100 patients who required induction were randomly divided in two groups- Group A received 25µg oral misoprostol, Group B - received 25µg vaginal misoprostol repeated 4 hourly up to maximum five doses in both groups. The induction to delivery interval, mode of delivery, maternal and neonatal outcome and complications were observed.Results: The mean induction to delivery interval was less in vaginal group than oral (18.7 hours in vaginal versus 22.4 hours in oral). Vaginal delivery and caesarean section rates were comparable in both groups. 60% patients in Group A required more than two doses as compared to 36% in Group B. No major complications or adverse events were observed.Conclusions: Both oral misoprostol in a dose of 25μg and vaginal misoprostol 25μg every four hours, to a maximum of five doses, have safety and efficacy for induction. With The vaginal route, delivery occurs in less time and few doses required as compared to oral
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