6 research outputs found


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    Background: Eczema is most common chronic relapsing skin disease seen in infancy and childhood. It is slightly more common in boys than girls. According to Ayurveda, Vicharchika is a major problem in skin diseases. Despite of great advance in dermatology and the advent of powerful antibiotics, antifungal as well as steroids, Eczema continues to defy the best effect of dermatologists. These modern medicines also have serious side effects like liver and kidney failure, bone marrow depletion etc. Long term use of tropical steroids may result in skin atrophy, stria, and telangiectasia. Hence it is the need of the hour to find out safe and effective medicine for Vicharchika and here comes the role of Ayurveda. The special treatment therapy of Ayurveda provides long lasting results by treating the disease and preventing reoccurrence. Finally gives a better quality of life. In Ayurveda, Shodhana, Shamana and Nidana parivarjana are the principle treatment for any disease. Shaman chikitsa is more preferable than Shodhana chikitsa in pediatrics age group, because children’s have mridu and sukumar body constitution. The selected drug compounds, i.e. Patoladi kashaya and Karanjadi lepa are well indicated for Kushta and both act as Shaman dravyas in Kustha. Aims and objectives: To study the efficacy of Patoladi kashaya, Karanjadi lepa and Placebo in Vicharchika. To find out economical therapy for Vicharchika with minimum or no side effects. Material and methods: Total 60 patients having signs and symptoms of Vicharchika were selected randomly from OPD and IPD of Kaumarbhritya, S. V. Ayurvedic hospital, Tirupati and enrolled equally in two groups (n=30). Patients of Group A were administered with Patoladi Kashaya and Karanjadi lepa (according to age), Group B were with Placebo Kashaya and Lepa for 1 month. Patients were assessed at 15th day, 30th day, 45th day and 60th day. ANOVA test was applied for significance. Results: Group A shows better result than Group B in both subjective and objective parameters especially in Kandu, Rukshata, Vaivarnya and Pidika. Conclusion: Patoladi kashaya orally and Karanjadi Lepa externally is very effective management of Vicharchika

    The Effect of Mulaka Beejadi Lepa and Pruthu Nimba Panchaka Churna in the Management of Vicharchika W.S.R. to Eczema 

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    According to Ayurveda, Vicharchika is a major problem in skin diseases.  All Kusthas are having Tridoshaja origin.The disease Vicharchika to a greater extent resembles eczema/dermatitis.  Despite of great advance in dermatology and the advent of powerful antibiotics, antifungal as well as steroids, Eczema continues to defy the best effect of dermatologists. Hence it is the need of the hour to find out safe and effective medicine for Vicharchika and here comes the role of Ayurveda. The involvement of Vata results in dry, blackish lesion of eczema, itching in those affected areas is due to Kapha and Pitta is responsible for Srava. In classical texts, Ayurveda Acharyas emphasizes shodhana and shamana therapy as the line of treatment at various contexts. So, the study aimed to evaluate efficacy of Mulaka beejadi lepa and Pruthu nimba panchaka churna in vicharchika, 30 children aged 3-16years who were fulfilling the inclusion criteria and diagnostic criteria were selected from Kaumarabhritya OPD and IPD of S.V.Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Tirupati.  Patients were given Mulaka beejadi lepa as external application  and vati prepared with Pruthu nimba panchaka churna 250mg BID  in 3-10years age group and 500mg BID in 11-16yrs age group children for 30days and called for follow up after 15days to note any recurrence.The cases were recorded as per the case Pro forma and observations were recorded. Symptoms were scored and statistically analysed for any change before and after treatment. Mulaka Beejadi lepa as external application and Pruthu Nimba panchaka churna internally are very effective in the management of vicharchika. &nbsp

    Effect of Takradhara in Children with Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

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    ADHD is a complex neurobehavioral psychosomatic disorder, which affects millions of children and often persists into adulthood. According to the 4th edition, American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV criteria), the core symptoms of ADHD are 1) inattention 2) hyperactivity and 3) impulsivity. In Ayurveda it occurs due to vibramsha of Dhee (rational thinking), Dhriti (intellect / retaining power of the mind), Smriti (memory) which results into improper contact of the senses with their objectives and give rise to inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. In modern sciences, treatment predominantly relies on prescribing stimu­lant medications and psychosocial therapy. Stimulant drugs used to treat ADHD are associated with side effects like cardiovascular events etc. Therefore Ayurvedic literature explains many treatment modalities which are safe and effective in various disorders, among which Shirodhara (Takra processed with Brahmi, Jatamamsi, Vacha and Aswagandha) is a procedure which is widely used in psychosomatic disorders and there is a need to standardize this procedure as a safest treatment in children. Hence an effort is made to study the effect of Takradhara in Attention- Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.So to evaluate the effect of Takradhara in ADHD, 40 children aged 7 – 12years who were fulfilling the inclusion criteria and diagnostic criteria were selected from Kaumarabhritya OPD and IPD of S.V.Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Tirupati. Takradhara was done for 14 days and then again repeated after every two months for 3 consecutive sittings. The cases were recorded as per the case sheet and observations were recorded. Symptoms were scored and statistically analyzed for any change before and after treatment. In the group statistically highly significant change (p = <0.001) was observed in the symptoms of ADHD.Â

    A Conceptual Review of Manas in Relation to Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) In Children

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    According to World Health Organization, mental disorders are to increase by 50% in 2020, on the international level one of the main causes of morbidity in children. Children constitute about 40% of our population and in Indian studies the reported rate of psychopathology among children is 5-15%. The statistical studies show that ADHD has the highest incidence among all the other developmental disorders. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often persists into adulthood. It includes a combination of problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. ADHD is estimated to affect about 6 to 7 % of children aged 12 and under when diagnosed via the DSM-IV criteria. While treatment won't cure ADHD, it can help a great deal with symptoms. Treatment typically involves medications and behavioral interventions. In Ayurveda, the symptoms of ADHD can be correlated with the derangement in functioning of Manas and few with the lakshanas of Manasa vikaras. Thus it is worthwhile to understand the functioning of Manas in the context of the disease ADHD, which will be of prime- importance in understanding its psychopathology. Ayurvedic approach to the disease is definitely psychosomatic in natur

     Efficacy of Durvadya Taila and Laghu Manjisthadi Kwatha in Vicharchika (Eczema) in Children

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    Vicharchika is a type of Kshudra kustha often encountered by Ayurvedic Pediatric OPDs characterized by symptoms namely Kandu (itching), Srava (discharge), Pidaka (vesicles), and Shyava Varna (discoloration). The involvement of Vata results in dry, blackish lesions of eczema, itching in the affected areas is due to Kapha whereas Pitta is responsible for Srava. Vicharchika has a greater resemblance with Eczema. Ayurveda classics emphasize Shodhana and Shamana therapy as the line of treatment at various places in the management of Kustha. In children Shamana therapy is preferred over Shodhana therapy. So, a clinical study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Durvadya Taila and Laghu Manjisthadi Kwatha in Vicharchika in children aged 5-16years was conducted considering inclusive and exclusive criteria. Patients were given Durvadya Taila for external application and Laghu Manjisthadi Kwatha internally for 45days twice a day and called for follow up after 15 days of completion of treatment. Among 30 patients, maximum patients were having moderate improvement i.e. 86.67%, 6.67% of patients showed complete remission and 6.67% showed mild improvement. The clinical study clearly concludes that Durvadya Taila and Laghu Manjisthadi Kwatha are safe and effective in the Management of Vicharchika in children

    Anti-Microbial activity of Talakeshwara Ras

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    Rasa Shastra, one of the Pharmaco-therapeutic branches of Ayurveda where metals, minerals, poisonous plants and animal products are used after proper processing for internal administration. Talakeshwara Ras is one of Khalvi rasayanas where Emblica officinalis (Dhatri) and minerals Arsenic tri sulphide (Haratala) & Borax (Tankana) are the ingredients. It is indicated for Sarva Kushta at one Masha (1 gm) dose. Anti -Microbial activity of Talakeshwara Ras was done with an intention to evaluate its efficacy against gram positive and gram negative bacilli. So an honest attempt has been made to put forth the "Anti - Microbial activity of Talakeshwara Ras" which had its anti microbial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa