952 research outputs found

    Universal Magnetic Fluctuations with a Field Induced Length Scale

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    We calculate the probability density function for the order parameter fluctuations in the low temperature phase of the 2D-XY model of magnetism near the line of critical points. A finite correlation length, \xi, is introduced with a small magnetic field, h, and an accurate expression for \xi(h) is developed by treating non-linear contributions to the field energy using a Hartree approximation. We find analytically a series of universal non-Gaussian distributions with a finite size scaling form and present a Gumbel-like function that gives the PDF to an excellent approximation. We propose the Gumbel exponent, a(h), as an indirect measure of the length scale of correlations in a wide range of complex systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Dilution effects in Ho2−x_{2-x}Yx_xSn2_2O7_7: from the Spin Ice to the single-ion magnet

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    A study of the modifications of the magnetic properties of Ho2−x_{2-x}Yx_xSn2_2O7_7 upon varying the concentration of diamagnetic Y3+^{3+} ions is presented. Magnetization and specific heat measurements show that the Spin Ice ground-state is only weakly affected by doping for x≀0.3x\leq 0.3, even if non-negligible changes in the crystal field at Ho3+^{3+} occur. In this low doping range ÎŒ\muSR relaxation measurements evidence a modification in the low-temperature dynamics with respect to the one observed in the pure Spin Ice. For x→2x\to 2, or at high temperature, the dynamics involve fluctuations among Ho3+^{3+} crystal field levels which give rise to a characteristic peak in 119^{119}Sn nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate. In this doping limit also the changes in Ho3+^{3+} magnetic moment suggest a variation of the crystal field parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, proceedings of HFM2008 Conferenc

    Finite size scaling in the 2D XY-model and generalized universality

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    In recent works (BHP), a generalized universality has been proposed, linking phenomena as dissimilar as 2D magnetism and turbulence. To test these ideas, we performed a MC study of the 2D XY-model. We found that the shape of the probability distribution function for the magnetization M is non Gaussian and independent of the system size --in the range of the lattice sizes studied-- below the Kosterlitz-Thoules temperature. However, the shape of these distributions does depend on the temperature, contrarily to the BHP's claim. This behavior is successfully explained by using an extended finite-size scaling analysis and the existence of bounds for M.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. Details of changes: 1. We emphasized in the abstract the range of validity of our results. 2. In the last paragraph the temperature dependence of the PDF was slightly re-formulate

    Statistics of extremal intensities for Gaussian interfaces

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    The extremal Fourier intensities are studied for stationary Edwards-Wilkinson-type, Gaussian, interfaces with power-law dispersion. We calculate the probability distribution of the maximal intensity and find that, generically, it does not coincide with the distribution of the integrated power spectrum (i.e. roughness of the surface), nor does it obey any of the known extreme statistics limit distributions. The Fisher-Tippett-Gumbel limit distribution is, however, recovered in three cases: (i) in the non-dispersive (white noise) limit, (ii) for high dimensions, and (iii) when only short-wavelength modes are kept. In the last two cases the limit distribution emerges in novel scenarios.Comment: 15 pages, including 7 ps figure

    Universal Fluctuations of the Danube Water Level: a Link with Turbulence, Criticality and Company Growth

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    A global quantity, regardless of its precise nature, will often fluctuate according to a Gaussian limit distribution. However, in highly correlated systems, other limit distributions are possible. We have previously calculated one such distribution and have argued that this function should apply specifically, and in many instances, to global quantities that define a steady state. Here we demonstrate, for the first time, the relevance of this prediction to natural phenomena. The river level fluctuations of the Danube are observed to obey our prediction, which immediately establishes a generic statistical connection between turbulence, criticality and company growth statistics.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Low-temperature muon spin rotation studies of the monopole charges and currents in Y doped Ho2Ti2O7

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    In the ground state of Ho2Ti2O7 spin ice, the disorder of the magnetic moments follows the same rules as the proton disorder in water ice. Excitations take the form of magnetic monopoles that interact via a magnetic Coulomb interaction. Muon spin rotation has been used to probe the low-temperature magnetic behaviour in single crystal Ho2−xYxTi2O7 (x = 0, 0.1, 1, 1.6 and 2). At very low temperatures, a linear field dependence for the relaxation rate of the muon precession λ(B), that in some previous experiments on Dy2Ti2O7 spin ice has been associated with monopole currents, is observed in samples with x = 0, and 0.1. A signal from the magnetic fields penetrating into the silver sample plate due to the magnetization of the crystals is observed for all the samples containing Ho allowing us to study the unusual magnetic dynamics of Y doped spin ice

    Anisotropic Release of the Residual Zero-point Entropy in the Spin Ice Compound Dy2Ti2O7: Kagome-ice Behavior

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    We report the specific heat and entropy of single crystals of the spin ice compound Dy2Ti2O7 at temperatures down to 0.35 K. We apply magnetic fields along the four characteristic directions: [100], [110], [111] and [112]. Because of Ising anisotropy, we observe anisotropic release of the residual zero-point entropy, attributable to the difference in frustration dimensionality. In the high magnetic field along these four directions, the residual entropy is almost fully released and the activation entropy reaches Rln2. However, in the intermediate field region, the entropy in fields along the [111] direction is different from those for the other three field directions. For the [111] direction the frustration structure changes from that of three-dimensional(3D) pyrochlore to that of two-dimensional(2D) Kagome-like lattice with constraint due to the ice rule, leading to different values of zero-point entropy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Low Temperature Spin Freezing in Dy2Ti2O7 Spin Ice

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    We report a study of the low temperature bulk magnetic properties of the spin ice compound Dy2Ti2O7 with particular attention to the (T < 4 K) spin freezing transition. While this transition is superficially similar to that in a spin glass, there are important qualitative differences from spin glass behavior: the freezing temperature increases slightly with applied magnetic field, and the distribution of spin relaxation times remains extremely narrow down to the lowest temperatures. Furthermore, the characteristic spin relaxation time increases faster than exponentially down to the lowest temperatures studied. These results indicate that spin-freezing in spin ice materials represents a novel form of magnetic glassiness associated with the unusual nature of geometrical frustration in these materials.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Dynamic behavior of magnetic avalanches in the spin-ice compound Dy2_2Ti2_2O7_7

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    Avalanches of the magnetization, that is to say an abrupt reversal of the magnetization at a given field, have been previously reported in the spin-ice compound Dy2_{2}Ti2_{2}O7_{7}. This out-of-equilibrium process, induced by magneto-thermal heating, is quite usual in low temperature magnetization studies. A key point is to determine the physical origin of the avalanche process. In particular, in spin-ice compounds, the origin of the avalanches might be related to the monopole physics inherent to the system. We have performed a detailed study of the avalanche phenomena in three single crystals, with the field oriented along the [111] direction, perpendicular to [111] and along the [100] directions. We have measured the changing magnetization during the avalanches and conclude that avalanches in spin ice are quite slow compared to the avalanches reported in other systems such as molecular magnets. Our measurements show that the avalanches trigger after a delay of about 500 ms and that the reversal of the magnetization then occurs in a few hundreds of milliseconds. These features suggest an unusual propagation of the reversal, which might be due to the monopole motion. The avalanche fields seem to be reproducible in a given direction for different samples, but they strongly depend on the initial state of magnetization and on how the initial state was achieved.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Temperature dependent fluctuations in the two-dimensional XY model

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    We present a detailed investigation of the probability density function (PDF) of order parameter fluctuations in the finite two-dimensional XY (2dXY) model. In the low temperature critical phase of this model, the PDF approaches a universal non-Gaussian limit distribution in the limit T-->0. Our analysis resolves the question of temperature dependence of the PDF in this regime, for which conflicting results have been reported. We show analytically that a weak temperature dependence results from the inclusion of multiple loop graphs in a previously-derived graphical expansion. This is confirmed by numerical simulations on two controlled approximations to the 2dXY model: the Harmonic and ``Harmonic XY'' models. The Harmonic model has no Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii (KTB) transition and the PDF becomes progressively less skewed with increasing temperature until it closely approximates a Gaussian function above T ~ 4\pi. Near to that temperature we find some evidence of a phase transition, although our observations appear to exclude a thermodynamic singularity.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures and 1 tabl
