65 research outputs found

    Involvement of integrin-linked kinase in capillary/tube-like network formation of human vascular endothelial cells

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    Angiogenesis is a complex process involving an ECM and vascular endothelial cells (EC), and is regulated by various angiogenic factors including VEGF. The ability to form a capillary/tube-like network is a specialized function of EC. Therefore, in vitro angiogenesis was assessed by a capillary/tube-like network formation assay. There are three angiogenic parameters: capillary length, number of capillaries, and relative capillary area per field. We evaluated capillary length per field in the assay. VEGF promoted capillary/tube-like network formation of EC in a type I collagen gel matrix in vitro. Moreover, we demonstrated the involvement of ILK in a VEGF signaling pathway mediating capillary/tube-like network formation of EC using dominant-negative, kinase deficient ILK. This is a straightforward assay to monitor responses of human vascular endothelial cells

    Randomised study of adjuvant chemotherapy for completely resected p-stage I–IIIA non-small cell lung cancer

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    We evaluated the therapeutic usefulness of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with completely resected non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We also examined the relation between DNA ploidy pattern and the response to chemotherapy. A total of 267 patients with NSCLC (pathologically documented stage I, II, or IIIA) underwent complete resection, and DNA ploidy pattern was analysed. Patients with stage I disease (n=172) were randomly assigned to receive surgery alone (group A) or surgery followed by adjuvant chemotherapy (UFT (oral anti-cancer drug, a combination of Uracil and Tegaful) 400 mg day−1 for 1 year after surgery; group B). Stage II or IIIA disease patients (n=95) were randomly assigned to surgery alone (group C) or surgery followed by chemotherapy (two 28-day courses of cisplatin 80 mg m−2 on day 1 plus vindesine 3 mg m−2 on days 1 and 8, followed by UFT 400 mg day−1 for at least 1 year; group D). Eight-year overall survival rate in patients with stage I disease was 74.2% (95% confidence interval (CI): 64.4–84.0%) in group B and 57.6% (95% CI: 46.4–68.8%) in group A (P=0.045 by log-rank test). In patients with stage II and IIIA disease, no difference was found between groups C and D. Analysis according to DNA ploidy pattern revealed no difference between the groups. Postoperative chemotherapy with UFT was suggested to be useful in patients with completely resected stage I NSCLC. No difference was seen in relation to DNA pattern in any treatment group

    Combining Clinical, Pathological, and Demographic Factors Refines Prognosis of Lung Cancer: A Population-Based Study

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    In the treatment of lung cancer, an accurate estimation of patient clinical outcome is essential for choosing an appropriate course of therapy. It is important to develop a prognostic stratification model which combines clinical, pathological and demographic factors for individualized clinical decision making.A total of 234,412 patients diagnosed with adenocarcinomas or squamous cell carcinomas of the lung or bronchus between 1988 and 2006 were retrieved from the SEER database to construct a prognostic model. A model was developed by estimating a Cox proportional hazards model on 500 bootstrapped samples. Two models, one using stage alone and another comprehensive model using additional covariates, were constructed. The comprehensive model consistently outperformed the model using stage alone in prognostic stratification and on Harrell's C, Nagelkerke's R(2), and Brier Scores in the whole patient population as well as in specific treatment modalities. Specifically, the comprehensive model generated different prognostic groups with distinct post-operative survival (log-rank P<0.001) within surgical stage IA and IB patients in Kaplan-Meier analyses. Two additional patient cohorts (n = 1,991) were used as an external validation, with the comprehensive model again outperforming the model using stage alone with regards to prognostic stratification and the three evaluated metrics.These results demonstrate the feasibility of constructing a precise prognostic model combining multiple clinical, pathologic, and demographic factors. The comprehensive model significantly improves individualized prognosis upon AJCC tumor staging and is robust across a range of treatment modalities, the spectrum of patient risk, and in novel patient cohorts

    Identification of Y-Box Binding Protein 1 As a Core Regulator of MEK/ERK Pathway-Dependent Gene Signatures in Colorectal Cancer Cells

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    Transcriptional signatures are an indispensible source of correlative information on disease-related molecular alterations on a genome-wide level. Numerous candidate genes involved in disease and in factors of predictive, as well as of prognostic, value have been deduced from such molecular portraits, e.g. in cancer. However, mechanistic insights into the regulatory principles governing global transcriptional changes are lagging behind extensive compilations of deregulated genes. To identify regulators of transcriptome alterations, we used an integrated approach combining transcriptional profiling of colorectal cancer cell lines treated with inhibitors targeting the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)/RAS/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway, computational prediction of regulatory elements in promoters of co-regulated genes, chromatin-based and functional cellular assays. We identified commonly co-regulated, proliferation-associated target genes that respond to the MAPK pathway. We recognized E2F and NFY transcription factor binding sites as prevalent motifs in those pathway-responsive genes and confirmed the predicted regulatory role of Y-box binding protein 1 (YBX1) by reporter gene, gel shift, and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays. We also validated the MAPK-dependent gene signature in colorectal cancers and provided evidence for the association of YBX1 with poor prognosis in colorectal cancer patients. This suggests that MEK/ERK-dependent, YBX1-regulated target genes are involved in executing malignant properties

    Suppression of Her2/neu expression through ILK inhibition is regulated by a pathway involving TWIST and YB-1

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    In a previous study it was found that the therapeutic effects of QLT0267, a small molecule inhibitor of integrin-linked kinase (ILK), were influenced by Her2/neu expression. To understand how inhibition or silencing of ILK influences Her2/neu expression, Her2/neu signaling was evaluated in six Her2/neu-positive breast cancer cell lines (LCC6Her2, MCF7Her2, SKBR3, BT474, JIMT-1 and KPL-4). Treatment with QLT0267 engendered suppression (32–87%) of total Her2/neu protein in these cells. Suppression of Her2/neu was also observed following small interfering RNA-mediated silencing of ILK expression. Time course studies suggest that ILK inhibition or silencing caused transient decreases in P-AKTser473, which were not temporally related to Her2/neu downregulation. Attenuation of ILK activity or expression was, however, associated with decreases in YB-1 (Y-box binding protein-1) protein and transcript levels. YB-1 is a known transcriptional regulator of Her2/neu expression, and in this study it is demonstrated that inhibition of ILK activity using QLT0267 decreased YB-1 promoter activity by 50.6%. ILK inhibition was associated with changes in YB-1 localization, as reflected by localization of cytoplasmic YB-1 into stress granules. ILK inhibition also suppressed TWIST (a regulator of YB-1 expression) protein expression. To confirm the role of ILK on YB-1 and TWIST, cells were engineered to overexpress ILK. This was associated with a fourfold increase in the level of YB-1 in the nucleus, and a 2- and 1.5-fold increase in TWIST and Her2/neu protein levels, respectively. Taken together, these data indicate that ILK regulates the expression of Her2/neu through TWIST and YB-1, lending support to the use of ILK inhibitors in the treatment of aggressive Her2/neu-positive tumors

    Induction of human IgE synthesis in B cells by a basophilic cell line, KU812

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    Induction of human IgE synthesis in B cells requires, in addition to IL-4 or IL-13, a second signal provided by CD40 ligand (CD40L) on activated Th2-type CD4+ T cells that do not or weakly express Fas ligand (FasL). Mast cells and basophils also produce IL-4 or IL-13 and express CD40L after immunologic or pharmacologic stimulation, although it is unknown whether these cells express FasL. This study investigated the capacity of KU812 cells, a human basophilic cell line, to produce IL-4 and IL-13, to express CD40L and FasL, and to induce IgE and IgG4 synthesis in human normal B cells. Upon stimulation of KU812 cells with either phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or ionomycin (Iono), IL-4, but not IL-13, was produced in response to Iono, while IL-13, but not IL-4, was inducible by PMA. Moreover, both the time courses of IL-4 and IL-13 production and their amounts secreted were different; IL-4 production was transient, IL-13 production gradually increased, and IL-13 was heavily secreted as compared with IL-4. The combination of PMA and Iono (PMA/Iono) induced higher production of IL-4 or IL-13 than did Iono or PMA alone. KU812 cell-derived IL-4 and IL-13 had the ability to cause CD23 expression on B cells. PMA/Iono also up-regulated CD40L expression and induced a very low level expression of FasL. KU812 cells that had been activated by PMA/Iono followed by fixation could induce IgE and IgG4 synthesis in B cells in the presence of recombinant IL-4 or IL-13. This contact-dependent induction of IgE was completely abrogated by adding anti-CD40L MoAb or soluble CD40, whereas anti-FasL antibody did not significantly affect IgE production. These results indicate that activated KU812 cells produce biologically active IL-4 and IL-13, express functional CD40L, and exhibit weak induction of FasL, thereby supporting sufficient IgE production by B cells