11 research outputs found

    Sequences of complete human cytomegalovirus genomes from infected cell cultures and clinical specimens

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    We have assessed two approaches to sequencing complete human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) genomes (236 kbp) in DNA extracted from infected cell cultures (strains 3157, HAN13, HAN20 and HAN38) or clinical specimens (strains JP and 3301). The first approach involved amplifying genomes from the DNA samples as overlapping PCR products, sequencing these by the Sanger method, acquiring reads from a capillary instrument and assembling these using the Staden programs. The second approach involved generating sequence data from the DNA samples by using an Illumina Genome Analyzer (IGA), processing the filtered reads by reference-independent (de novo) assembly, utilizing the resulting sequence to direct reference-dependent assembly of the same data and finishing by limited PCR sequencing. Both approaches were successful. In particular, the investigation demonstrated the utility of IGA data for efficiently sequencing genomes from clinical samples containing as little as 3 % HCMV DNA. Analysis of the genome sequences obtained showed that each of the strains grown in cell culture was a mutant. Certain of the mutations were shared among strains from independent clinical sources, thus suggesting that they may have arisen in a common ancestor during natural infection. Moreover, one of the strains (JP) sequenced directly from a clinical specimen was mutated in two genes, one of which encodes a proposed immune-evasion function, viral interleukin-10. These observations imply that HCMV mutants exist in human infections

    Sequential mutations associated with adaptation of human cytomegalovirus to growth in cell culture

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    Mutations that occurred during adaptation of human cytomegalovirus to cell culture were monitored by isolating four strains from clinical samples, passaging them in various cell types and sequencing ten complete virus genomes from the final passages. Mutational dynamics were assessed by targeted sequencing of intermediate passages and the original clinical samples. Gene RL13 and the UL128 locus (UL128L, consisting of genes UL128, UL130 and UL131A) mutated in all strains. Mutations in RL13 occurred in fibroblast, epithelial and endothelial cells, whereas those in UL128L were limited to fibroblasts and detected later than those in RL13. In addition, a region containing genes UL145, UL144, UL142, UL141 and UL140 mutated in three strains. All strains exhibited numerous mutations in other regions of the genome, with a preponderance in parts of the inverted repeats. An investigation was carried out on the kinetic growth yields of viruses derived from selected passages that were predominantly non-mutated in RL13 and UL128L (RL13+UL128L+), or that were largely mutated in RL13 (RL13−UL128L+) or both RL13 and UL128L (RL13−UL128L−). RL13−UL128L− viruses produced greater yields of infectious progeny than RL13−UL128L+ viruses, and RL13−UL128L+ viruses produced greater yields than RL13+UL128L+ viruses. These results suggest strongly that RL13 and UL128L exert at least partially independent suppressive effects on growth in fibroblasts. As all isolates proved genetically unstable in all cell types tested, caution is advised in choosing and monitoring strains for experimental studies of vulnerable functions, particularly those involved in cell tropism, immune evasion or growth temperance

    Pre-examination factors affecting molecular diagnostic test results and interpretation: A case-based approach

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    © 2016.Background: Multiple organizations produce guidance documents that provide opportunities to harmonize quality practices for diagnostic testing. The International Organization for Standardization ISO 15189 standard addresses requirements for quality in management and technical aspects of the clinical laboratory. One technical aspect addresses the complexities of the pre-examination phase prior to diagnostic testing. Methods: The Committee for Molecular Diagnostics of the International Federation for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (also known as, IFCC C-MD) conducted a survey of international molecular laboratories and determined ISO 15189 to be the most referenced guidance document. In this review, the IFCC C-MD provides case-based examples illustrating the value of select pre-examination processes as these processes relate to molecular diagnostic testing. Case-based examples in infectious disease, oncology, inherited disease and pharmacogenomics address the utility of: 1) providing information to patients and users, 2) designing requisition forms, 3) obtaining informed consent and 4) maintaining sample integrity prior to testing. Conclusions: The pre-examination phase requires extensive and consistent communication between the laboratory, the healthcare provider and the end user. The clinical vignettes presented in this paper illustrate the value of applying select ISO 15189 recommendations for general laboratory to the more specialized area of Molecular Diagnostics

    Toward harmonization of clinical molecular diagnostic reports: Findings of an international survey

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    The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 15189 standard provides recommendations for the postexamination reporting phase to enhance quality in clinical laboratories. The purpose of this study was to encourage a broad discussion on current reporting practices for molecular diagnostic tests by conducting a global survey of such practices. The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine's Committee for Molecular Diagnostics (IFCC C-MD) surveyed laboratories on selected ISO 15189 recommendations and topics. The survey addressed the following aspects: (1) laboratory demographics, (2) report format, (3) result reporting/layout, (4) comments in report and (5) interpretation and clinical decision-making information. Additionally, participants indicated categories needing standardization. Sixteen responses from laboratories located in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America and South America were received. Several categories yielded 100% agreement between laboratories, whereas other categories had less than or equal to 50% concordance. Participants scored "nomenclature" and "description of methodologies" as the two most frequently cited aspects needing standardization. The postexamination phase requires extensive and consistent communication between the laboratory, the healthcare provider and the end user. Surveyed laboratories were most likely to follow explicit ISO 15189 recommendations vs. recommendations when the term(s) "where appropriate or where applicable" was used. Interpretation and reporting of critical values varied among participants. Although the outcome of this study may not fully represent the practices of all molecular testing laboratories in countries around the world, the survey identified and specified several recommendations that are requirements for harmonized reporting in molecular diagnostics

    Periodontal attachment loss in HIV-infected patients is associated with the major histocompatibility complex 8.1 haplotype (HLA-A1,B8,DR3)

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    Periodontal attachment loss is mediated by overproduction of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin (IL)-1, and appears to have a genetic component. The 8.1 major histocompatibility complex (MHC) ancestral haplotype (HLA-A1,B8,TNFA-308(2),DR3) is associated with elevated TNF production and predisposes carriers to several autoimmune/immunopathological disorders, including rapid progression of HIV disease, but not early onset periodontal disease in healthy individuals. Rather a high proportion of subjects with severe periodontal disease carry allele 2 at IL-1A-889 and IL-1B+3953. We predicted that genetic associations may be different or clearer in HIV patients, as they often show elevated production of TNF and IL-1 and periodontal attachment loss. Hence periodontal parameters and IL-1 polymorphisms were assessed in HIV-positive subjects expressing HLA-B8 with or without other markers of the 8.1 haplotype. Of 16 HLA-B8 subjects, 13 demonstrated elevated probing pocket depth and clinical attachment loss. The difference was statistically significant and did not correlate with smoking, age, CD4 T-cell counts, HIV viral load or levels of dental plaque. As TNFA-308 (allele 2) was present in four non-B8 subjects who had minimal attachment loss, it may not mediate the effect of the 8.1 haplotype. Moreover, polymorphisms at IL-1A-889 and IL-1B+3953 did not significantly affect periodontal parameters. Thus a central MHC gene characteristic of the 8.1 haplotype was the clearest determinant of periodontal attachment loss in HIV-infected individuals.xm