25,231 research outputs found

    The effects of a counter-current interstitial flow on a discharging hourglass

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    This work experimentally investigates the effects of an interstitial fluid on the discharge of granular material within an hourglass. The experiments include observations of the flow patterns, measurements of the discharge rates, and pressure variations for a range of different fluid viscosities, particle densities and diameters, and hourglass geometries. The results are classified into three regimes: (i) granular flows with negligible interstitial fluid effects; (ii) flows affected by the presence of the interstitial fluid; and (iii) a no-flow region in which particles arch across the orifice and do not discharge. Within the fluid-affected region, the flows were visually classified as lubricated and air-coupled flows, oscillatory flows, channeling flows in which the flow preferentially rises along the sidewalls, and fluidized flows in which the upward flow suspends the particles. The discharge rates depends on the Archimedes number, the ratio of the effective hopper diameter to the particle diameter, and hourglass geometry. The hopper-discharge experiments, as well as experiments found in the literature, demonstrate that the presence of the interstitial fluid is important when the nondimensional ratio (N) of the single-particle terminal velocity to the hopper discharge velocity is less than 10. Flow ceased in all experiments in which the particle diameter was greater than 25% of the effective hopper diameter regardless of the interstitial fluid

    The accumulation of orotic acid by a pyrimidineless mutant of Neurospora

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    The discovery of orotic acid (1,2-carboxyuracil) in cow's milk by Biscaro and Belloni (1), followed by its identification and synthesis (2-4), led to a number of speculations as to its biological origin and significance (,3,5,6). A definite connection of orotic acid with the biosynthesis of nucleic acid pyrimidines is provided by the finding that orotic acid (7) as well as thymine (8,9) can supplement or replace the folic acid required by certain microorganisms. As suggested by Chattaway (7), it would appear that folic acid has a function in the biosynthesis of pyrimidines. Furthermore, this function is probably concerned in some step prior to the appearance of orotic acid in the biosynthetic series. More recently it was shown by Loring and Pierce (10) that orotic acid could be substituted for uracil in satisfying the growth requirements of some pyrimidineless mutants of the mold Neurospora. Investigations of orotic acid in this laboratory have led to a new method of synthesis of the compound (11) and to some suggestions concerning its relation to the biosynthesis of nucleic acids in Neurospora (12). The results of the present work are in accord with the previous suggestions and provide further evidence on the biological origin and function of orotic acid

    Selection bias in the M_BH-sigma and M_BH-L correlations and its consequences

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    It is common to estimate black hole abundances by using a measured correlation between black hole mass and another more easily measured observable such as the velocity dispersion or luminosity of the surrounding bulge. The correlation is used to transform the distribution of the observable into an estimate of the distribution of black hole masses. However, different observables provide different estimates: the Mbh-sigma relation predicts fewer massive black holes than does the Mbh-L relation. This is because the sigma-L relation in black hole samples currently available is inconsistent with that in the SDSS sample, from which the distributions of L or sigma are based: the black hole samples have smaller L for a given sigma or have larger sigma for a given L. This is true whether L is estimated in the optical or in the NIR. If this is a selection rather than physical effect, then the Mbh-sigma and Mbh-L relations currently in the literature are also biased from their true values. We provide a framework for describing the effect of this bias. We then combine it with a model of the bias to make an estimate of the true intrinsic relations. While we do not claim to have understood the source of the bias, our simple model is able to reproduce the observed trends. If we have correctly modeled the selection effect, then our analysis suggests that the bias in the relation is likely to be small, whereas the relation is biased towards predicting more massive black holes for a given luminosity. In addition, it is likely that the Mbh-L relation is entirely a consequence of more fundamental relations between Mbh and sigma, and between sigma and L. The intrinsic relation we find suggests that at fixed luminosity, older galaxies tend to host more massive black holes.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by ApJ. We have added a figure showing that a similar bias is also seen in the K-band. A new appendix describes the BH samples as well as the fits used in the main tex

    Rice Fields Chemical and Physical Properties and the Implications on Breeding Strategie

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    Soil related constraints are major limiting factors in crop production in the Sahel. The objective of this study was to assess the properties of farmer's fields soil and irrigation water in Niger and the implications in rice improvement. Composite soil samples were collected from irrigated and non-irrigated fields. Sample of irrigation water was also collected. Physical and chemical analyses were performed in the laboratory. The results showed that most of rice fields were clayey and the non irrigated ones were mostly sandy. The soils were acidic and saline, the electrical conductivity ranged from 2.2 to 16.5 decisiemens per meter. The T-test showed that total dissolved salt, sodium adsorption ratio, cation exchange capacity, and organic matter percentage were significantly higher in irrigated fields than non-irrigated fields. The irrigated soils pH varied from 3.2 to 6.8, the electrical conductivity was greater than 4, and the sodium adsorption ratio was below 13 while the exchangeable sodium percentage was below 15. The irrigation water samples varied in term of ion content from site to site. The total sodium quantity estimated to be deposited varied from 87 kg/ha/year to 218 kg/ha/year. Rice fields' soils are saline and are getting worsened by irrigation water that contains salt. Therefore, the development of rice varieties that could withstand osmotic and ionic salt stress is necessary for sustainable production in the Sahel ecozone

    Role of OH-stretch/torsion coupling and quantum yield effects in the first OH overtone spectrum of cis-cis HOONO

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    A joint theoretical and experimental investigation is undertaken to study the effects of OH-stretch/HOON torsion coupling and of quantum yield on the previously reported first overtone action spectrum of cis-cis HOONO (peroxynitrous acid). The minimum energy path along the HOON dihedral angle is computed at the coupled cluster singles and doubles with perturbative triples level with correlation consistent polarized quadruple zeta basis set, at the structure optimized using the triple zeta basis set (CCSD(T)/cc-pVQZ//CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ). The two-dimensional ab initio potential energy and dipole moment surfaces for cis-cis HOONO are calculated as functions of the HOON torsion and OH bond length about the minimum energy path at the CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ and QCISD/AUG-cc-pVTZ (QCISD—quadratic configuration interaction with single and double excitation and AUG-augmented with diffuse functions) level of theory/basis, respectively. The OH-stretch vibration depends strongly on the torsional angle, and the torsional potential possesses a broad shelf at ~90°, the cis-perp conformation. The calculated electronic energies and dipoles are fit to simple functional forms and absorption spectra in the region of the OH fundamental and first overtone are calculated from these surfaces. While the experimental and calculated spectra of the OH fundamental band are in good agreement, significant differences in the intensity patterns are observed between the calculated absorption spectrum and the measured action spectrum in the 2nuOH region. These differences are attributed to the fact that several of the experimentally accessible states do not have sufficient energy to dissociate to OH+NO2 and therefore are not detectable in an action spectrum. Scaling of the intensities of transitions to these states, assuming D0=82.0 kJ/mol, is shown to produce a spectrum that is in good agreement with the measured action spectrum. Based on this agreement, we assign two of the features in the spectrum to Delta n=0 transitions (where n is the HOON torsion quantum number) that are blue shifted relative to the origin band, while the large peak near 7000 cm^–1 is assigned to a series of Delta n=+1 transitions, with predominant contributions from torsionally excited states with substantial cis-perp character. The direct absorption spectrum of cis-cis HOONO (6300–6850 cm^–1) is recorded by cavity ringdown spectroscopy in a discharge flow cell. A single band of HOONO is observed at 6370 cm^–1 and is assigned as the origin of the first OH overtone of cis-cis HOONO. These results imply that the origin band is suppressed by over an order of magnitude in the action spectrum, due to a reduced quantum yield. The striking differences between absorption and action spectra are correctly predicted by the calculations
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