49 research outputs found

    Determination of technology based gains of students during informal education

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    Design studios have a multi-layered and integrative structure that involves different thinking and learning approaches. Outcomes are quite numerous and diverse in terms of the students. Therefore, various seminars, workshops, and many other events are organized by universities for this purpose in the education process. These activities help students to be successful in both the educational process and the business life. In this process, developing and changing technology has entered into education processes and has become a part of education. Thus, over time, the use of technology, as well as traditional methods, has become a necessity in architectural education institutions. Lessons with digital technologies have been added to current course contents. For students, these technologies are used as subsidiary tools in making the presentations. The international research and design seminar and workshop activity was held in Kyrenia on May 6-13, 2018, was organised by the Girne American University (GAU) Department of Interior Architecture and the International Centre for Heritage Studies for the first time. The event was carried out in collaboration with the University of Florence, the Sapienza University of Rome, the Özyeğin University and the Department of Antiquities and Museums (TRNC). The workshop consists of 11 scientific committee members1, 7 scientific coordinators2, 5 organization committee members3 and 16 studio trainers4, who observed and led the process and studies during 8 days. The workshop trainers consist of 16 faculty member and PhD students totally, 13 of whom are from these universities and 35 of whom are from the Karadeniz Technical University. The aim of this study is to measure and evaluate the technological achievements provided to the students through this international workshop activity. The survey technique was used to find out what extent students benefit from the technology while expressing their projects and to question the achievements based on the technology through the workshop activity. The survey was conducted with 36 students who participated in this event. In the direction of the survey results, the most effective factors and variables were determined to put forward the technology achievements on the students. At the end of the study, the achievements of the students from the workshop activity, one of the informal training methods, were examined. SPSS 23.0 program was used for the statistical analyzes, which is based on the data of the survey.Publisher versio

    Anion-Sensitive Regions of L-Type CaV1.2 Calcium Channels Expressed in HEK293 Cells

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    L-type calcium currents (ICa) are influenced by changes in extracellular chloride, but sites of anion effects have not been identified. Our experiments showed that CaV1.2 currents expressed in HEK293 cells are strongly inhibited by replacing extracellular chloride with gluconate or perchlorate. Variance-mean analysis of ICa and cell-attached patch single channel recordings indicate that gluconate-induced inhibition is due to intracellular anion effects on Ca2+ channel open probability, not conductance. Inhibition of CaV1.2 currents produced by replacing chloride with gluconate was reduced from ∼75%–80% to ∼50% by omitting β subunits but unaffected by omitting α2δ subunits. Similarly, gluconate inhibition was reduced to ∼50% by deleting an α1 subunit N-terminal region of 15 residues critical for β subunit interactions regulating open probability. Omitting β subunits with this mutant α1 subunit did not further diminish inhibition. Gluconate inhibition was unchanged with expression of different β subunits. Truncating the C terminus at AA1665 reduced gluconate inhibition from ∼75%–80% to ∼50% whereas truncating it at AA1700 had no effect. Neutralizing arginines at AA1696 and 1697 by replacement with glutamines reduced gluconate inhibition to ∼60% indicating these residues are particularly important for anion effects. Expressing CaV1.2 channels that lacked both N and C termini reduced gluconate inhibition to ∼25% consistent with additive interactions between the two tail regions. Our results suggest that modest changes in intracellular anion concentration can produce significant effects on CaV1.2 currents mediated by changes in channel open probability involving β subunit interactions with the N terminus and a short C terminal region

    G protein-coupled receptor-mediated calcium signaling in astrocytes

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    Astrocytes express a large variety of G~protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) which mediate the transduction of extracellular signals into intracellular calcium responses. This transduction is provided by a complex network of biochemical reactions which mobilizes a wealth of possible calcium-mobilizing second messenger molecules. Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate is probably the best known of these molecules whose enzymes for its production and degradation are nonetheless calcium-dependent. We present a biophysical modeling approach based on the assumption of Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics, to effectively describe GPCR-mediated astrocytic calcium signals. Our model is then used to study different mechanisms at play in stimulus encoding by shape and frequency of calcium oscillations in astrocytes.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, 3 appendices (book chapter

    A Network Model of Local Field Potential Activity in Essential Tremor and the Impact of Deep Brain Stimulation

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    Essential tremor (ET), a movement disorder characterised by an uncontrollable shaking of the affected body part, is often professed to be the most common movement disorder, affecting up to one percent of adults over 40 years of age. The precise cause of ET is unknown, however pathological oscillations of a network of a number of brain regions are implicated in leading to the disorder. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a clinical therapy used to alleviate the symptoms of a number of movement disorders. DBS involves the surgical implantation of electrodes into specific nuclei in the brain. For ET the targeted region is the ventralis intermedius (Vim) nucleus of the thalamus. Though DBS is effective for treating ET, the mechanism through which the therapeutic effect is obtained is not understood. To elucidate the mechanism underlying the pathological network activity and the effect of DBS on such activity, we take a computational modelling approach combined with electrophysiological data. The pathological brain activity was recorded intra-operatively via implanted DBS electrodes, whilst simultaneously recording muscle activity of the affected limbs. We modelled the network hypothesised to underlie ET using the Wilson-Cowan approach. The modelled network exhibited oscillatory behaviour within the tremor frequency range, as did our electrophysiological data. By applying a DBS-like input we suppressed these oscillations. This study shows that the dynamics of the ET network support oscillations at the tremor frequency and the application of a DBS-like input disrupts this activity, which could be one mechanism underlying the therapeutic benefit

    Monte Carlo Capabilities of the SCALE Code System

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    SCALE is a widely used suite of tools for nuclear systems modeling and simulation that provides comprehensive, verified and validated, user-friendly capabilities for criticality safety, reactor physics, radiation shielding, and sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. For more than 30 years, regulators, licensees, and research institutions around the world have used SCALE for nuclear safety analysis and design. SCALE provides a “plug-and-play” framework that includes three deterministic and three Monte Carlo radiation transport solvers that can be selected based on the desired solution, including hybrid deterministic/Monte Carlo simulations. SCALE includes the latest nuclear data libraries for continuous-energy and multigroup radiation transport as well as activation, depletion, and decay calculations. SCALE’s graphical user interfaces assist with accurate system modeling, visualization, and convenient access to desired results. SCALE 6.2, to be released in 2014, will provide several new capabilities and significant improvements in many existing features, especially with expanded continuous-energy Monte Carlo capabilities for criticality safety, shielding, depletion, and sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. An overview of the Monte Carlo capabilities of SCALE is provided here, with emphasis on new features for SCALE 6.2


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    87th Congress of the European-Atherosclerosis-Society (EAS) -- MAY 26-29, 2019 -- Maastricht, NETHERLANDSWOS: 000482110800616European Atherosclerosis So

    Amaurosis after spine surgery: survey of the literature and discussion of one case

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    Postoperative vision loss (POVL) associated with spine surgery is a well known, albeit very rare complication. POVL incidence after spinal surgery ranges from 0.028 to 0.2%; however, due to the increase in number and duration of annual complex spinal operations, the incidence may increase. Origin and pathogenesis of POVL remain frequently unknown. A 73-year-old patient presented with lumbar disc herniation with associated neurological deficits after conservative pre-treatment at a peripheral hospital. Known comorbidities included arterial hypertension, moderate arterial sclerosis, diabetes mellitus type 2, mildly elevated blood lipids and treated prostate gland cancer. During lumbar spine surgery in modified prone position the patient presented with an acute episode of severe hypotension, which required treatment with catecholamines and Trendelenburg positioning. Three hours postoperatively, a visual loss in the right eye occurred, resulting in a complete amaurosis. Antihypertensive medication, arteriosclerosis and intraoperative hypotension are possible causes for the POVL. Intraoperative administration of catecholamines and Trendelenburg positioning for treatment of systemic hypotension might further compromise ocular perfusion. In patients with comorbidities compromising arterial blood pressure, blood circulation and microcirculation, POVL must be considered as a severe postoperative complication. It is recommended to inform patients about such complications and obtain preoperative informed consent regarding POVL. Any recent modification of antihypertensive medication must be reported and analysed for potential intraoperative hemodynamic consequences, prior to spine surgery in prone position