3 research outputs found

    Impulse Buying Behavior of Retail Consumers

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    Retail competition in Indonesia is increasingly competitive after an international retail policy can take place in Indonesia directly. The real impact, international retail dominance over national (local) retail is increasingly seen, especially seen based on sales turnover. The competition requires the right strategy. This study aims to explore retail consumer behavior in Surakarta. The result of exploration shows that the main factor of decision of retail selection is retail location (28%). Further factor of price (21%) and merchandise (15%). In addition, consumer shopping behavior shows that consumers when in shopping is not alone. Subsequent findings indicate that most consumers do not make written planning when shopping so often buy products that are outside the initial planning (impulse buying). This is further strengthened when there is promotion (41%) and product placement strategy (23%). While the results of SEM-PLS analysis, the relationship between the variables that are constructed indicated that the variable of merchandise and in-store promotion has an effect on impulse buying. Product quality and price variable do not affect impulse buying. Furthermore, money available variable is not a moderating variable between in-store promotion and impulse buying

    Apakah Prostitusi di Indonesia Dapat Dihilangkan?

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi motivasi individu untuk meninggalkan prostitusi di Indonesia. Penelitian menganalisis pengaruh kepribadian terhadap niat meninggalkan prostitusi yang dimoderasi umur, karena kepribadian sebagai variabel yang mempengaruhi niat meninggalkan prostitusi dan umur sebagai variabel moderasi belum terjelaskan dalam penelitian sebelumnya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode survei menggunakan kuesioner. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 responden, dan analisis data menggunakan SEM. Hipotesis penelitian bahwa niat meninggalkan prostitusi dapat diprediksi melalui ciri-ciri kepribadian (conscientiousness dan extraversion), dan tidak dapat diprediksi melalui ciri-ciri kepribadian (openess, agreeableness, dan neurotcism), sebelum dimoderasi umur. Setelah dimoderasi umur, niat meninggalkan prostitusi pada kelompok umur muda, niat meninggalkan prostitusi tidak dapat diprediksi oleh ciri-ciri kepribadian (openess, agreeableness, neurotcism, conscientiousness dan extraversion). Pada kelompok umur tua, niat meninggalkan prostitusi dapat diprediksi melalui ciri-ciri kepribadian (openess, agreeableness, neuroticism, conscientiousness dan extraversion)

    Impulse Buying Behavior of Retail Consumers

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    Retail competition in Indonesia is increasingly competitive after an international retail policy can take place in Indonesia directly. The real impact, international retail dominance over national (local) retail is increasingly seen, especially seen based on sales turnover. The competition requires the right strategy. This study aims to explore retail consumer behavior in Surakarta. The result of exploration shows that the main factor of decision of retail selection is retail location (28%). Further factor of price (21%) and merchandise (15%). In addition, consumer shopping behavior shows that consumers when in shopping is not alone. Subsequent findings indicate that most consumers do not make written planning when shopping so often buy products that are outside the initial planning (impulse buying). This is further strengthened when there is promotion (41%) and product placement strategy (23%). While the results of SEM-PLS analysis, the relationship between the variables that are constructed indicated that the variable of merchandise and in-store promotion has an effect on impulse buying. Product quality and price variable do not affect impulse buying. Furthermore, money available variable is not a moderating variable between in-store promotion and impulse buying