10 research outputs found

    Estudios computacionales de propiedades físico-químicas en análisis de calidad de aceites de maíz y maní

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    Oils are commonly used in cooking as a frying medium which has been constantly subjected to different levels of heating. In this work, we have considered the most commonly used oils namely peanut oil and corn oil. Quality analyses of corn and peanut oils were made by relating macroscopic properties (ultrasonic velocity, viscosity, and density) to microscopic parameters (intermolecular free length, adiabatic compressibility etc.,) by subjecting them to six cycles of heating (190 ˚C). Variation in the mentioned property indexes, the degree of degradation and reusability for the next heating cycle that could be used in the food industry and processing were monitored. Using Newton-Laplace and Wood’s equation, the adiabatic compressibility, acoustic impedance, and intermolecular free length of the oil were estimated from the experimental data. Ultrasonic velocity was observed linearly as related to viscosity with the dependency factor (R2 = 0.932). With the aid of experiential data, the physical thermodynamic parameters, particularly particle size, packing factor, chemical potential, and L-J potential were computed. A high correlation factor was observed by fitting ultrasonic velocity, viscosity, and density to Parthasarathy and Bakshi, and Rodenbush equations. In the study, ultrasonic velocity, a macroscopic parameter, could be decoded to determine the microscopic variations in oil subjected to different temperatures in an industrial application.Los aceites se utilizan comúnmente en la cocina como un medio para freír y se someten de forma continua a diferentes niveles de calentamiento. En este trabajo, hemos considerado dos de los aceites comunmente utilizados, como los de maní y maíz. Los análisis de calidad de los aceites de maíz y maní se han realizado relacionando propiedades macroscópicas (velocidad ultrasónica, viscosidad y densidad) con parámetros microscópicos (longitud libre intermolecular, compresibilidad adiabática, etc.) sometiéndolo a seis ciclos de calentamiento (190 ºC). La variación en las propiedades mencionadas indica el grado de degradación y su reutilización para el siguiente ciclo de calentamiento que podría ser lo usado en la industria y procesamiento de alimentos. Se utiliza la ecuación de Newton-Laplace y Wood, y a partir de los datos experimentales se estimaron la compresibilidad adiabática, la impedancia acústica y la longitud libre intermolecular de los aceites. La velocidad ultrasónica se observó estar linealmente relacionada con la viscosidad con el factor de dependencia (R2 = 0,932). Con la ayuda de los datos experimentales, se calcularon los parámetros termodinámicos físicos como el tamaño de partícula, factor de empaquetamiento, potencial químico y potencial L-J. Se observó un factor de correlación alto ajustando la velocidad, viscosidad y densidad ultrasónicas a las ecuaciones de Parthasarathy y Bakshi y Rodenbush. En el estudio, la velocidad ultrasónica, un parámetro macroscópico, podría decodificarse para determinar las variaciones microscópicas en el aceite sometido a diferentes temperaturas en una solicitud industrial

    Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: A Review on the Province of Its Compounds, Properties and Biological Applications

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    Materials science and technology, with the advent of nanotechnology, has brought about innumerable nanomaterials and multi-functional materials, with intriguing yet profound properties, into the scientific realm. Even a minor functionalization of a nanomaterial brings about vast changes in its properties that could be potentially utilized in various applications, particularly for biological applications, as one of the primary needs at present is for point-of-care devices that can provide swifter, accurate, reliable, and reproducible results for the detection of various physiological conditions, or as elements that could increase the resolution of current bio-imaging procedures. In this regard, iron oxide nanoparticles, a major class of metal oxide nanoparticles, have been sweepingly synthesized, characterized, and studied for their essential properties; there are 14 polymorphs that have been reported so far in the literature. With such a background, this review’s primary focus is the discussion of the different synthesis methods along with their structural, optical, magnetic, rheological and phase transformation properties. Subsequently, the review has been extrapolated to summarize the effective use of these nanoparticles as contrast agents in bio-imaging, therapeutic agents making use of its immune-toxicity and subsequent usage in hyperthermia for the treatment of cancer, electron transfer agents in copious electrochemical based enzymatic or non-enzymatic biosensors and bactericidal coatings over biomaterials to reduce the biofilm formation significantly

    Room temperature chemiresistive gas sensors: challenges and strategies—a mini review

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