35 research outputs found

    Prime ideals in nilpotent Iwasawa algebras

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    Let G be a nilpotent complete p-valued group of finite rank and let k be a field of characteristic p. We prove that every faithful prime ideal of the Iwasawa algebra kG is controlled by the centre of G, and use this to show that the prime spectrum of kG is a disjoint union of commutative strata. We also show that every prime ideal of kG is completely prime. The key ingredient in the proof is the construction of a non-commutative valuation on certain filtered simple Artinian rings

    Gamma-invariant ideals in Iwasawa algebras

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    Let kG be the completed group algebra of a uniform pro-p group G with coefficients in a field k of characteristic p. We study right ideals I in kG that are invariant under the action of another uniform pro-p group Gamma. We prove that if I is non-zero then an irreducible component of the characteristic support of kG/I must be contained in a certain finite union of rational linear subspaces of Spec gr kG. The minimal codimension of these subspaces gives a lower bound on the homological height of I in terms of the action of a certain Lie algebra on G/G^p. If we take Gamma to be G acting on itself by conjugation, then Gamma-invariant right ideals of kG are precisely the two-sided ideals of kG, and we obtain a non-trivial lower bound on the homological height of a possible non-zero two-sided ideal. For example, when G is open in SL_n(\Zp) this lower bound equals 2n - 2. This gives a significant improvement of the results of Ardakov, Wei and Zhang on reflexive ideals in Iwasawa algebras

    D-modules on rigid analytic spaces II: Kashiwara’s equivalence

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    We prove that the category of coadmissible D-cap-modules on a smooth rigid analytic space supported on a closed smooth subvariety is naturally equivalent to the category of coadmissible D-cap-modules on the subvariety, and use this result to construct a large family of pairwise non-isomorphic simple coadmissible D-cap-modules.The first author was supported by EPSRC grant EP/L005190/1

    Equivariant D-modules on rigid analytic spaces

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    We define coadmissible equivariant D\mathcal{D}-modules on smooth rigid analytic spaces and relate them to admissible locally analytic representations of semisimple pp-adic Lie groups

    Primeness, semiprimeness and localisation in Iwasawa algebras

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    Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the completed group algebras of a compact p-adic analytic group with coefficient ring the p-adic integers or the field of p elements to be prime, semiprime and a domain. Necessary and sufficient conditions are found for the localisation at semiprime ideals related to the augmentation ideals of closed normal subgroups. Some information is obtained about the Krull and global dimensions of the localisations. The results extend and complete work of A. Neumann and J. Coates et al

    The centre of completed group algebras of pro-p groups

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    We compute the centre of the completed group algebra of an arbitrary countably based pro-p group with coefficients in double-struck F sign p or ℤp. Some other results are obtained