864 research outputs found

    Upotreba N,N-dietil-p-fenilenediamin sulfata za spektrofotometrijsko određivanje lijekova iz skupine fenola i amina

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    Spectrophotometric methods are proposed for the determination of drugs containing a phenol group salbutamol sulphate (SLB), ritodrine hydrochloride (RTD), isoxsuprine hydrochloride (IXP) and drugs containing an aromatic amine group dapsone hydrochloride (DAP), sulfamethoxazole (SFM) and sulfadiazine (SFD) in pharmaceutical dosage forms. The methods are based on coupling of N,N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine sulphate with the drugs in the presence of KIO4 to give a green colored product (λmax at 670 nm) and a red colored product (λmax at 550 nm), respectively. Linear relationships with good correlation coefficients (0.99860.9996) were found between absorbance and the corresponding concentration of drugs in the range 17, 222, 117, 1.512, 225, and 221 μg mL1 for SLB, RTD, IXP, DAP, SFM and SFD, respectively. Variable parameters such as temperature, reaction time and concentration of the reactants were analyzed and optimized. The RSD of intra-day and inter-day studies was in the range of 0.21.0 and 0.41.0 %, respectively. No interference was observed from common pharmaceutical adjuvants. The reliability and performance of the proposed methods was validated statistically; percentage recovery ranged from 99.5 ± 0.1 to 99.9 ± 0.3 %. Limits of detection were 0.14, 0.21, 0.51, 0.44, 0.33 and 0.37 µg mL1 for SLB, RTD, IXP, DAP, SFM, and SFD, respectively.U radu je predložena spektrofotometrijska metoda za određivanje lijekova s fenolnom skupinom salbutamol sulfat (SLB), ritodrin hidroklorid (RTD), izoksuprin hidroklorid (IXP) i lijekova s aromatskom amino skupinom dapson hidroklorid (DAP), sulfametoksazol (SFM) i sulfadiazin (SFD) u farmaceutskim dozirnim pripravcima. Metode se temelje na reakciji ljekovitih tvari s N,N-dietil-p-fenilendiamin sulfatom u prisutnosti KIO4, pri čemu nastaje zeleni (λmax pri 670 nm), odnosno crveni produkt (λmax pri 550 nm). Apsorbancije linerano ovise o koncentrancijama lijekova uz visok koeficijent korelacije (0,99860,9996) u koncentracijskom području 17, 222, 117, 1,512, 225 i 221 μg mL1 za SLB, RTD, IXP, DAP, SFM i SFD. Analizirani su i optimirani promjenjivi parametri kao što su temperatura, reakcijsko vrijeme i koncentracija reaktanata. Repetibilnost i intermedijarna preciznost iznosile su 0,21,0, odnosno 0,41,0 %. Nije primjećena nikakva interferencija s uobičajenim farmaceutskim pomoćnim sredstvima. Pouzdanost i izvedbene značajke predložene metode validirane su statistički. Povrat analitičke metode bio je od 99,5 ± 0,1 do 99,9 ± 0,3 %. Granice detekcije bile su 0,14, 0,21, 0,51, 0,44, 0,33 i 0,37 µg mL1 za SLB, RTD, IXP, DAP, SFM, odnosno SFD

    Mineral Composition of Marine Macroalgae from Mandapam Coastal Regions; Southeast Coast of India

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    The present study focused on the trace metal and mineral composition analysis of various seaweeds such as Chlorophyceae (Cladophora glomerata, Ulva reticulata, Halimeda macroloba, H.tuna), Phaeophyceae (Dictyota dichotoma, Padina pavonica) Rhodophyceae (Gracilaria crassa, Gelidiella acerosa, Hypnea musciformis) collected from Mandapam coastal regions, Southeast coast of India. Among these groups of seaweeds, U. reticulata belonging to the Chlorophyceae showed the maximum contents of mineral elements such as chromium, copper, and magnesium. H.tuna observed the minimum level of mineral content such as cobalt, iron, magnesium, manganese, nickel, lead and zinc

    Application of Laser in Machine Tool and Metrology Measurements, Calibration and Testing

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    First record of Coelastrella vacuolata (Chlorophyta: Scenedesmaceae) in Tuticorin coast, Gulf of Mannar

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    Present study was aimed to isolate marine green algae from the sea water samples of Tuticorin coast, Gulf of Mannar. The collected seawater was maintained in Walne’s medium with optimum conditions (pH: 8.2-8.7, light intensity: 1000 Lux, salinity: 35 ppt and temperature: 18-25 °C and) for obtaining maximum growth. Then the mixed culture was purified by streak plate method and monoalgal sample was isolated. Monoalgal sample was identified as Coelastrella vacuolata by Light Microscope (LM), Fluorescent Microscope (FM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) based on its morphology. It was further confirmed by the molecular identification by 18s rDNA sequencing. Cells were observed either in isolated or in the colony and the size was ranged from 7 to 11 µ. It is the first record for the presence of C. vacuolata in the seawater of Tuticorin coast, Gulf of Mannar

    Entropic bounds on semiclassical measures for quantized one-dimensional maps

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    Quantum ergodicity asserts that almost all infinite sequences of eigenstates of a quantized ergodic system are equidistributed in the phase space. On the other hand, there are might exist exceptional sequences which converge to different (non-Liouville) classical invariant measures. By the remarkable result of N. Anantharaman and S. Nonnenmacher math-ph/0610019, arXiv:0704.1564 (with H. Koch), for Anosov geodesic flows the metric entropy of any semiclassical measure must be bounded from below. The result seems to be optimal for uniformly expanding systems, but not in general case, where it might become even trivial if the curvature of the Riemannian manifold is strongly non-uniform. It has been conjectured by the same authors, that in fact, a stronger bound (valid in general case) should hold. In the present work we consider such entropic bounds using the model of quantized one-dimensional maps. For a certain class of non-uniformly expanding maps we prove Anantharaman-Nonnenmacher conjecture. Furthermore, for these maps we are able to construct some explicit sequences of eigenstates which saturate the bound. This demonstrates that the conjectured bound is actually optimal in that case.Comment: 38 pages, 4 figure

    National inventory of emergency departments in Singapore

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    Background: Emergency departments (EDs) are the basic units of emergency care. We performed a national inventory of all Singapore EDs and describe their characteristics and capabilities. Methods: Singapore EDs accessible to the general public 24/7 were surveyed using the National ED Inventories instrument ( http://www.emnet-nedi.org). ED staff members were asked about ED characteristics with reference to calendar year 2007. Results: Fourteen EDs participated (100% response). All EDs were located in hospitals, and most (92%) were independent departments. One was a psychiatric ED; the rest were general EDs. Among general EDs, all had a contiguous layout, with medical and surgical care provided in one area. All but two EDs saw both adults and children; one ED was adult-only, and the other saw only children. Six were in the public sector and seven in private health-care institutions, with public EDs seeing the majority (78%) of ED patients. Each private ED had an annual patient census of 60,000. They received 98% of ambulances and had an inpatient admission rate of 30%. Two public EDs reported being overcapacity; no private EDs did. For both public and private EDs, availability of consultant resources in EDs was high, while technological resources varied. Conclusion: Characteristics and capabilities of Singapore EDs varied and were largely dependent on whether they are in public or private hospitals. This initial inventory establishes a benchmark to further monitor the development of emergency care in Singapore

    The constitution and structure of manganese-gallium alloys

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