21,377 research outputs found

    Results on High p_T Particle Production from the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC

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    Transverse momentum (p_T) spectra of neutral pions and charged hadrons measured in Au+Au and d+Au collisions at sqrt{s_NN}=200 GeV by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC are compared to p+p reference spectra at the same sqrt{s_NN}. In central Au+Au collisions a factor 4-5 suppression for neutral pions and charged hadrons with p_T > 5 GeV/c is found relative to the p+p reference scaled by the nuclear overlap function . In contrast, such a suppression of high p_T particles is absent in d+Au collisions.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN 2003), Moscow, Russia, 17-21 Jun 2003 (4 pages, 3 figures), V1: error fixed in caption of Fig.

    Measurement of light mesons at RHIC by the PHENIX experiment

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    The PHENIX experiment at RHIC has measured a variety of light neutral mesons (π0\pi^{0}, KS0_{S}^{0}, η\eta, ω\omega, η\eta^{\prime}, ϕ\phi) via multi-particle decay channels over a wide range of transverse momentum. A review of the recent results on the production rates of light mesons in p+p and their nuclear modification factors in d+Au, Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at different energies is presented.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, talk given at Hard Probes 2008 conference in La Toja, Spain. submitted to EPJ

    No Eigenvalue in Finite Quantum Electrodynamics

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    We re-examine Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) with massless electron as a finite quantum field theory as advocated by Gell-Mann-Low, Baker-Johnson, Adler, Jackiw and others. We analyze the Dyson-Schwinger equation satisfied by the massless electron in finite QED and conclude that the theory admits no nontrivial eigenvalue for the fine structure constant.Comment: 13 pages, Late

    Statistical thermodynamics for a non-commutative special relativity: Emergence of a generalized quantum dynamics

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    There ought to exist a description of quantum field theory which does not depend on an external classical time. To achieve this goal, in a recent paper we have proposed a non-commutative special relativity in which space-time and matter degrees of freedom are treated as classical matrices with arbitrary commutation relations, and a space-time line element is defined using a trace. In the present paper, following the theory of Trace Dynamics, we construct a statistical thermodynamics for the non-commutative special relativity, and show that one arrives at a generalized quantum dynamics in which space and time are non-classical and have an operator status. In a future work, we will show how standard quantum theory on a classical space-time background is recovered from here.Comment: 21 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1106.091

    Direct photons measured by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC

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    Results from the PHENIX experiment at RHIC on direct photon production in p+p, d+Au, and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV are presented. In p+p collisions, direct photon production at high p_T behaves as expected from perturbative QCD calculations. The p+p measurement serves as a baseline for direct photon production in Au+Au collisions. In d+Au collisions, no effects of cold nuclear matter are found within the large uncertainty of the measurement. In Au+Au collisions, the production of high p_T direct photons scales as expected for particle production in hard scatterings. This supports jet quenching models, which attribute the suppression of high p_T hadrons to the energy loss of fast partons in the medium produced in the collision. Low p_T direct photons, measured via e+e- pairs with small invariant mass, are possibly related to the production of thermal direct photons.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of the Hot Quarks 2006 Workshop for young scientists on the physics of ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions, Villasimius, Sardinia, Italy, May 15--20, 200

    The Social Value of Mortality Risk Reduction: VSL vs. The Social Welfare Function Approach

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    We examine how different welfarist frameworks evaluate the social value of mortality risk reduction. These frameworks include classical, distributively unweighted cost–benefit analysis—i.e., the “value per statistical life” (VSL) approach—and various social welfare functions (SWFs). The SWFs are either utilitarian or prioritarian, applied to policy choice under risk in either an “ex post” or “ex ante” manner. We examine the conditions on individual utility and on the SWF under which these frameworks display sensitivity to wealth and to baseline risk. Moreover, we discuss whether these frameworks satisfy related properties that have received some attention in the literature, namely equal value of risk reduction, preference for risk equity, and catastrophe aversion. We show that the particular manner in which VSL ranks risk-reduction measures is not necessarily shared by other welfarist frameworks

    Femtoscopic results in Au+Au and p+p from PHENIX at RHIC

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    Ultra-relativistic gold-gold and proton-proton collisions are investigated in the experiments of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). In the last several years large amount of results were revealed about the matter created in these collisions. The latest PHENIX results for femtoscopy and correlations are reviewed in this paper. Bose-Einstein correlations of charged kaons in 200 GeV Au+Au collisions and of charged pions in 200 GeV p+p collisions are shown. They are both compatible with previous measurements of charged pions in gold-gold collisions, with respect to transverse mass or number of participants scaling.Comment: Talk given at the VI Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy, Kiev, September 14-18, 2010. 6 pages, 4 figures. This work was supported by the OTKA grant NK73143 and M. Csanad's Bolyai scholarshi

    Rossby waves and α\alpha-effect

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    Rossby waves drifting in the azimuthal direction are a common feature at the onset of thermal convective instability in a rapidly rotating spherical shell. They can also result from the destabilization of a Stewartson shear layer produced by differential rotation as expected in the liquid sodium experiment (DTS) working in Grenoble, France. A usual way to explain why Rossby waves can participate to the dynamo process goes back to Busse (1975). In his picture, the flow geometry is a cylindrical array of parallel rolls aligned with the rotation axis. The axial flow component (the component parallel to the rotation axis) is (i) maximum in the middle of each roll and changes its sign from one roll to the next. It is produced by the Ekman pumping at the fluid containing shell boundary. The corresponding dynamo mechanism can be explained in terms of an α\alpha-tensor with non-zero coefficients on the diagonal. In rapidly rotating objects like the Earth's core (or in a fast rotating experiment), Rossby waves occur in the limit of small Ekman number (1015\approx 10^{-15}). In that case, the main source of the axial flow component is not the Ekman pumping but rather the ``geometrical slope effect'' due to the spherical shape of the fluid containing shell. This implies that the axial flow component is (ii) maximum at the borders of the rolls and not at the centers. If assumed to be stationary, such rolls would lead to zero coefficients on the diagonal of the α\alpha-tensor, making the dynamo probably less efficient if possible at all. Actually, the rolls are drifting as a wave, and we show that this drift implies non--zero coefficients on the diagonal of the α\alpha-tensor. These new coefficients are in essence very different from the ones obtained in case (i) and cannot be interpreted in terms of the heuristic picture of Busse (1975)

    Formation Time of QGP from Thermal Photon Elliptic Flow

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    We show that the transverse momentum dependent elliptic flow v2(pT)v_2(p_T) of thermal photons is quite sensitive to the initial formation time (τ0\tau_0) of Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) for semi-central collision of gold nuclei at RHIC \cite{tau}. A smaller value of the formation time or a larger initial temperature leads to a significant increase in the thermal photon radiation from QGP phase, which has a smaller v2v_2. The elliptic flow of thermal photon is dominated by the contribution from the quark matter at intermediate and high pTp_T range and as a result sum v2v_2 decreases with smaller τ0\tau_0 for pT1.5p_T \ge 1.5 GeV. On the other hand we find that the elliptic flow parameter for hadrons depends only marginally on the value of τ0\tau_0.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures - To appear in the conference proceedings for Quark Matter 2009, March 30 - April 4, Knoxville, Tennessee, v2: minor correction

    Next-Generation Media: The Global Shift

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    For over a decade the Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program has convened its CEO-level Forum on Communications and Society (FOCAS) to address specific issues relating to the impact of communications media on societal institutions and values. These small, invitation-only roundtables have addressed educational, democratic, and international issues with the aim of making recommendations to policy-makers, businesses and other institutions to improve our society through policies and actions in the information and communications sectors.In the summer of 2006 the forum took a different turn. It is clear there is a revolution affecting every media business, every consumer or user of media, and every institution affected by media. In a word, everyone. FOCAS sought to define the paradigm changes underway in the media, and to identify some of the significant repercussions of those changes on society."Next Generation Media" was a three-day meeting among leaders from new media (e.g., Google, craigslist, and Second Life) and mainstream media (e.g., The New York Times and Time), from business, government, academia and the non-profit sector, all seeking a broad picture of where the digital revolution is taking us.This report of the meeting, concisely and deftly written by Richard Adler, a longtime consultant in the field, weaves insights and anecdotes from the roundtable into a coherent document supplemented with his own research and data to form an accessible, coherent treatment of this very topical subject.The specific goals of the 2006 forum were to examine the profound changes ahead for the media industries, advertisers, consumers and users in the new attention economy; to understand how the development and delivery of content are creating new business models for commercial and non-commercial media; and to assess the impact of these developments on global relations, citizenship and leadership.The report thus examines the growth of the Internet and its effect on a rapidly changing topic: the impact of new media on politics, business, society, culture, and governments the world over. The report also sheds light on how traditional media will need to adapt to face the competition of the next generation media.Beginning, as the Forum did, with data from Jeff Cole's Center for the Digital Future at the University of Southern California, Adler documents the increasing popularity of the Internet for information, entertainment and communication. Users are increasingly generating and contributing content to the web and connecting to social networks. They are posting comments, uploading pictures, sharing videos, blogging and vlogging, chatting through instant messages or voice over Internet (VoIP), or emailing friends, business colleagues, neighbors and even strangers. As Cole observes, "Traditional media informed people but didn't empower them." New media do.The report describes three of the Internet's most successful ventures -- Wikipedia, Second Life, and craigslist. Wikipedia is a prime example of how an Internet platform allows its users to generate content and consume it. As a result of "wiki" software technology anyone can contribute or edit existing information free of cost. Second Life, a virtual world, sells virtual real estate where subscribers, in avatar form, can conduct conversations, go to lectures, even create a business. Craigslist, a predominantly free online classified site with listings in every major city in the United States, has become so popular that it is posing a significant threat to newspapers as it competes with their classified ad revenues.As a result of these and other new media phenomena, not the least being Google and Yahoo, print publications are wrestling with new business models that could entail fundamentally restructuring the way they operate. For instance, reporters are now expected to report a story on multiple media platforms and discuss them online with readers. Newspaper publisher Gannett is exploring the incorporation of usergenerated news or "citizen-journalism" into its news pages.In an era of abundant choices marketers have an even greater challenge to figure out how best to appeal to consumers. The report explores how marketers, e.g., of Hollywood movies or pomegranate juice, are moving from traditional or mainstream media to viral and other marketing techniques.For much of the world, the mobile phone rather than the computer is the most important communications device. Users depend on their phones to send and receive messages, pictures, and download information rather than just talk. In developing countries mobile phones are having an exceptional impact, penetrating regions which are not being serviced by land lines. Thus we are seeing new uses daily for this increased connectivity, from reporting election results in emerging democracies to opposing authoritarian governments in order to bring about new democracies.Meanwhile, the report discusses the need for the United States to develop a new form of public diplomacy rather than the traditional top-down approach to communicating to foreign citizens. This topic has been a recurring theme at FOCAS conferences the past few years, this year calling for more citizen diplomacy -- that is, more person-toperson contact across borders through uses of the new media. Indeed, Peter Hirshberg suggested that American leaders should listen more to the outside world to effectively manage what he called "Brand America."Finally, after acknowledging the detrimental effects that new technologies can bring about, the report discusses what role those technologies could play in expanding freedom and opportunity for the next generation. As a conclusion, FOCAS co-chair Marc Nathanson proposed adding a ninth goal to the United Nations Millennium Goals, namely, "to provide access to appropriate new technologies.