1,717 research outputs found

    Reconstructing Generalized Exponential Laws by Self-Similar Exponential Approximants

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    We apply the technique of self-similar exponential approximants based on successive truncations of continued exponentials to reconstruct functional laws of the quasi-exponential class from the knowledge of only a few terms of their power series. Comparison with the standard Pad\'e approximants shows that, in general, the self-similar exponential approximants provide significantly better reconstructions.Comment: Revtex file, 21 pages, 21 figure

    Lattice effects on the spin dynamics in antiferromagnetic molecular rings

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    We investigate spin dynamics in antiferromagnetic (AF) molecular rings at finite temperature in the presence of spin-phonon (s-p) interaction. We derive a general expression for the spin susceptibility in the weak s-p coupling limit and then we focus on the low-frequency behavior, in order to discuss a possible microscopic mechanism for nuclear relaxation in this class of magnetic materials. To lowest order in a perturbative expansion, we find that the susceptibility takes a Lorentzian profile and all spin operators (SxS^x, Sy,SzS^y, S^z) contribute to spin dynamics at wave vectors q0q\ne 0. Spin anisotropies and local s-p coupling play a key role in the proposed mechanism. Our results prove that small changes in the spatial symmetry of the ring induce qualitative changes in the spin dynamics at the nuclear frequency, providing a novel mechanism for nuclear relaxation. Possible experiments are proposed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. to appear in PR

    Electron spin relaxation in semiconducting carbon nanotubes: the role of hyperfine interaction

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    A theory of electron spin relaxation in semiconducting carbon nanotubes is developed based on the hyperfine interaction with disordered nuclei spins I=1/2 of 13^{13}C isotopes. It is shown that strong radial confinement of electrons enhances the electron-nuclear overlap and subsequently electron spin relaxation (via the hyperfine interaction) in the carbon nanotubes. The analysis also reveals an unusual temperature dependence of longitudinal (spin-flip) and transversal (dephasing) relaxation times: the relaxation becomes weaker with the increasing temperature as a consequence of the particularities in the electron density of states inherent in one-dimensional structures. Numerical estimations indicate relatively high efficiency of this relaxation mechanism compared to the similar processes in bulk diamond. However, the anticipated spin relaxation time of the order of 1 s in CNTs is still much longer than those found in conventional semiconductor structures.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Low energy electronic states and triplet pairing in layered cobaltates

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    The structure of the low-energy electronic states in layered cobaltates is considered starting from the Mott insulating limit. We argue that the coherent part of the wave-functions and the Fermi-surface topology at low doping are strongly influenced by spin-orbit coupling of the correlated electrons on the t2gt_{2g} level. An effective t-J model based on mixed spin-orbital states is radically different from that for the cuprates, and supports unconventional, pseudospin-triplet pairing.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Temperature and magnetic field dependent longitudinal spin relaxation in nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in diamond

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    We present an experimental study of the longitudinal electron-spin relaxation time (T1) of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV) ensembles in diamond. T1 was studied as a function of temperature from 5 to 475 K and magnetic field from 0 to 630 G for several samples with various NV and nitrogen concentrations. Our studies reveal three processes responsible for T1 relaxation. Above room temperature, a two-phonon Raman process dominates, and below, we observe an Orbach-type process with an activation energy, 73(4) meV, which closely matches the local vibrational modes of the NV center. At yet lower temperatures, sample dependent cross relaxation processes dominate, resulting in temperature independent values of T1, from ms to minutes. The value of T1 in this limit depends sensitively on magnetic field and can be tuned by more than an order of magnitude.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, and 3 pages of supplemental material with additional figure

    Spin Transition in the Half-Filled Landau Level

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    The transition from partial to complete spin polarization of two-dimensional electrons at half filling of the lowest Landau level has been studied using resistively-detected nuclear magnetic resonance (RDNMR). The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time is observed to be density independent in the partially polarized phase but to increase sharply at the transition to full polarization. At low temperatures the RDNMR signal exhibits a strong maximum near the critical density.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figures. As published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 086801 (2007

    NMR and NQR study of pressure-induced superconductivity and the origin of critical-temperature enhancement in the spin-ladder cuprate Sr2_2Ca12_{12}Cu24_{24}O41_{41}

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    Pressure-induced superconductivity was studied for a spin-ladder cuprate Sr2_2Ca12_{12}Cu24_{24}O41_{41} using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) under pressures up to the optimal pressure 3.8 GPa. Pressure application leads to a transitional change from a spin-gapped state to a Fermi-liquid state at temperatures higher than TcT_c. The relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 shows activated-type behavior at an onset pressure, whereas Korringa-like behavior becomes predominant at the optimal pressure, suggesting that an increase in the density of states (DOS) at the Fermi energy leads to enhancement of TcT_c. Nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) spectra suggest that pressure application causes transfer of holes from the chain to the ladder sites. The transfer of holes increases DOS below the optimal pressure. A dome-shaped TcT_c versus pressure curve arises from naive balance between the transfer of holes and broadening of the band width

    Structural, orbital, and magnetic order in vanadium spinels

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    Vanadium spinels (ZnV_2O_4, MgV_2O_4, and CdV_2O_4) exhibit a sequence of structural and magnetic phase transitions, reflecting the interplay of lattice, orbital, and spin degrees of freedom. We offer a theoretical model taking into account the relativistic spin-orbit interaction, collective Jahn-Teller effect, and spin frustration. Below the structural transition, vanadium ions exhibit ferroorbital order and the magnet is best viewed as two sets of antiferromagnetic chains with a single-ion Ising anisotropy. Magnetic order, parametrized by two Ising variables, appears at a tetracritical point.Comment: v3: streamlined introductio

    On the hyperfine interaction in rare-earth Van Vleck paramagnets at high magnetic fields

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    An influence of high magnetic fields on hyperfine interaction in the rare-earth ions with non-magnetic ground state (Van Vleck ions) is theoretically investigated for the case of Tm3+Tm^{3+} ion in axial symmetrical crystal electric field (ethylsulphate crystal). It is shown that magnetic-field induced distortions of 4f4f-electron shell lead to essential changes in hyperfine magnetic field at the nucleus. The proposed theoretical model is in agreement with recent experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, submitted to J. Phys. : Cond. Mat

    Orbital disorder induced by charge fluctuations in vanadium spinels

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    Motivated by recent experiments on vanadium spinels, AAV2_2O4_4, that show an increasing degree of electronic delocalization for smaller cation sizes, we study the evolution of orbital ordering (OO) between the strong and intermediate-coupling regimes of a multi-orbital Hubbard Hamiltonian. The underlying magnetic ordering of the Mott insulating state leads to a rapid suppression of OO due to enhanced charge fluctuations along ferromagnetic bonds. Orbital double-occupancy is rather low at the transition point indicating that the system is in the crossover region between strong and intermediate-coupling regimes when the orbital degrees of freedom become disordered