22,143 research outputs found

    Extreme ultraviolet emission lines of Ni XII in laboratory and solar spectra

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    Wavelengths for emission lines arising from 3s23p5-3s3p6 and 3s23p5-3s23p43d transitions in Ni XII have been measured in extreme ultraviolet spectra of the Joint European Torus(JET) tokamak. The 3s23p5 2P1/2-3s23p4(3P)3d 2D3/2 line is found to lie at 152.90 ± 0.02 A, a significant improvement over the previous experimental determination of 152.95 ± 0.5 A. This new wavelength is in good agreement with a solar identification at 152.84 ± 0.06 A, confirming the presence of this line in the solar spectrum. The Ni XII feature at 152.15 A may be a result only of the 3s23p5 2P3/2-3s23p4(3P)3d 2D5/2 transition, rather than a blend of this line with 3s23p5 2P3/2-3s23p (3P)3d 2P1/2, as previously suggested. Unidentified emission lines at 295.32 and 317.61 A in solar flare spectra from the Skylab mission are tentatively identified as the 3s23p5 2P3/2-3s3p6 2S1/2 and 3s23p5 2P1/2-3s3p6 2S1/2 transitions in Ni XII, which have laboratory wavelengths of 295.33 and 317.50 A, respectively. Additional support for these identifications is provided by the line intensity ratio for the solar features, which shows good agreement between theory and observation

    Coherent Time Evolution and Boundary Conditions of Two-Photon Quantum Walks

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    Multi-photon quantum walks in integrated optics are an attractive controlled quantum system, that can mimic less readily accessible quantum systems and exhibit behavior that cannot in general be accurately replicated by classical light without an exponential overhead in resources. The ability to observe time evolution of such systems is important for characterising multi-particle quantum dynamics---notably this includes the effects of boundary conditions for walks in spaces of finite size. Here we demonstrate the coherent evolution of quantum walks of two indistinguishable photons using planar arrays of 21 evanescently coupled waveguides fabricated in silicon oxynitride technology. We compare three time evolutions, that follow closely a model assuming unitary evolution, corresponding to three different lengths of the array---in each case we observe quantum interference features that violate classical predictions. The longest array includes reflecting boundary conditions.Comment: 7 pages,7 figure

    Spectroscopic signatures related to a sunquake

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    © 2015. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.. The presence of flare-related acoustic emission (sunquakes (SQs)) in some flares, and only in specific locations within the flaring environment, represents a severe challenge to our current understanding of flare energy transport processes. In an attempt to contribute to understanding the origins of SQs we present a comparison of new spectral observations from Hinode's EUV imaging Spectrometer (EIS) and the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) of the chromosphere, transition region, and corona above an SQ, and compare them to the spectra observed in a part of the flaring region with no acoustic signature. Evidence for the SQ is determined using both time-distance and acoustic holography methods, and we find that unlike many previous SQ detections, the signal is rather dispersed, but that the time-distance and 6 and 7 mHz sources converge at the same spatial location. We also see some evidence for different evolution at different frequencies, with an earlier peak at 7 mHz than at 6 mHz. Using EIS and IRIS spectroscopic measurements we find that in this location, at the time of the 7 mHz peak the spectral emission is significantly more intense, shows larger velocity shifts and substantially broader profiles than in the location with no SQ, and there is a good correlation between blueshifted, hot coronal, hard X-ray (HXR), and redshifted chromospheric emission, consistent with the idea of a strong downward motion driven by rapid heating by nonthermal electrons and the formation of chromospheric shocks. Exploiting the diagnostic potential of the Mg ii triplet lines, we also find evidence for a single large temperature increase deep in the atmosphere, which is consistent with this scenario. The time of the 6 mHz and time-distance peak signal coincides with a secondary peak in the energy release process, but in this case we find no evidence of HXR emission in the quake location, instead finding very broad spectral lines, strongly shifted to the red, indicating the possible presence of a significant flux of downward propagating Alfvén waves

    Infrared properties of serendipitous X-ray quasars

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    Near infrared measurements were obtained of 30 quasars originally found serendipitously as X-ray sources in fields of other objects. The observations show that the infrared characteristics of these quasars do not differ significantly from those of quasars selected by other criteria. Because this X-ray selected sample is subject to different selection biases than previous radio and optical surveys, this conclusion is useful in validating previous inferences regarding the infrared colors of 'typical' quasars

    Orbits and origins of the young stars in the central parsec of the galaxy

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    We present new proper motions from the 10 m Keck telescopes for a puzzling population of massive, young stars located within a parsec of the supermassive black hole at the Galactic Center. Our proper motion measurements have uncertainties of only 0.07 mas yr^(−1) (3 km s^(−1) ), which is ≳7 times better than previous proper motion measurements for these stars, and enables us to measure accelerations as low as 0.2 mas yr^(−2) (7 km s^(−1) yr^(−1) ). These measurements, along with stellar line-of-sight velocities from the literature, constrain the true orbit of each individual star and allow us to directly test the hypothesis that the massive stars reside in two stellar disks as has been previously proposed. Analysis of the stellar orbits reveals only one disk of young stars using a method that is capable of detecting disks containing at least 7 stars. The detected disk contains 50% (38 of 73) of the young stars, is inclined by ~115° from the plane of the sky, and is oriented at a position angle of ∼100° East of North. The on-disk and off-disk populations have similar K-band luminosity functions and radial distributions that decrease at larger radii as ∝ r^(−2). The disk has an out-of-the-disk velocity dispersion of 28±6 km s^(−1) , which corresponds to a half-opening angle of 7°±2° , and several candidate disk members have eccentricities greater than 0.2. Our findings suggest that the young stars may have formed in situ but in a more complex geometry than a simple thin circular disk

    Technical pre-analytical effects on the clinical biochemistry of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

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    Clinical biochemistry has long been utilized in human and veterinary medicine as a vital diagnostic tool, but despite occasional studies showing its usefulness in monitoring health status in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), it has not yet been widely utilized within the aquaculture industry. This is due, in part, to a lack of an agreed protocol for collection and processing of blood prior to analysis. Moreover, while the analytical phase of clinical biochemistry is well controlled, there is a growing understanding that technical pre-analytical variables can influence analyte concentrations or activities. In addition, post-analytical interpretation of treatment effects is variable in the literature, thus making the true effect of sample treatment hard to evaluate. Therefore, a number of pre-analytical treatments have been investigated to examine their effect on analyte concentrations and activities. In addition, reference ranges for salmon plasma biochemical analytes have been established to inform veterinary practitioners and the aquaculture industry of the importance of clinical biochemistry in health and disease monitoring. Furthermore, a standardized protocol for blood collection has been proposed