704 research outputs found

    An Isomonodromy Cluster of Two Regular Singularities

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    We consider a linear 2×22\times2 matrix ODE with two coalescing regular singularities. This coalescence is restricted with an isomonodromy condition with respect to the distance between the merging singularities in a way consistent with the ODE. In particular, a zero-distance limit for the ODE exists. The monodromy group of the limiting ODE is calculated in terms of the original one. This coalescing process generates a limit for the corresponding nonlinear systems of isomonodromy deformations. In our main example the latter limit reads as P6P5P_6\to P_5, where PnP_n is the nn-th Painlev\'e equation. We also discuss some general problems which arise while studying the above-mentioned limits for the Painlev\'e equations.Comment: 44 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum simulators, continuous-time automata, and translationally invariant systems

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    The general problem of finding the ground state energy of lattice Hamiltonians is known to be very hard, even for a quantum computer. We show here that this is the case even for translationally invariant systems. We also show that a quantum computer can be built in a 1D chain with a fixed, translationally invariant Hamitonian consisting of nearest--neighbor interactions only. The result of the computation is obtained after a prescribed time with high probability.Comment: partily rewritten and important references include

    Minimum construction of two-qubit quantum operations

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    Optimal construction of quantum operations is a fundamental problem in the realization of quantum computation. We here introduce a newly discovered quantum gate, B, that can implement any arbitrary two-qubit quantum operation with minimal number of both two- and single-qubit gates. We show this by giving an analytic circuit that implements a generic nonlocal two-qubit operation from just two applications of the B gate. We also demonstrate that for the highly scalable Josephson junction charge qubits, the B gate is also more easily and quickly generated than the CNOT gate for physically feasible parameters.Comment: 4 page

    Preparing ground states of quantum many-body systems on a quantum computer

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    Preparing the ground state of a system of interacting classical particles is an NP-hard problem. Thus, there is in general no better algorithm to solve this problem than exhaustively going through all N configurations of the system to determine the one with lowest energy, requiring a running time proportional to N. A quantum computer, if it could be built, could solve this problem in time sqrt(N). Here, we present a powerful extension of this result to the case of interacting quantum particles, demonstrating that a quantum computer can prepare the ground state of a quantum system as efficiently as it does for classical systems.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Ettingshausen effect due to Majorana modes

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    The presence of Majorana zero-energy modes at vortex cores in a topological superconductor implies that each vortex carries an extra entropy s0s_0, given by (kB/2)ln2(k_{B}/2)\ln 2, that is independent of temperature. By utilizing this special property of Majorana modes, the edges of a topological superconductor can be cooled (or heated) by the motion of the vortices across the edges. As vortices flow in the transverse direction with respect to an external imposed supercurrent, due to the Lorentz force, a thermoelectric effect analogous to the Ettingshausen effect is expected to occur between opposing edges. We propose an experiment to observe this thermoelectric effect, which could directly probe the intrinsic entropy of Majorana zero-energy modes.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Necessary Condition for the Quantum Adiabatic Approximation

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    A gapped quantum system that is adiabatically perturbed remains approximately in its eigenstate after the evolution. We prove that, for constant gap, general quantum processes that approximately prepare the final eigenstate require a minimum time proportional to the ratio of the length of the eigenstate path to the gap. Thus, no rigorous adiabatic condition can yield a smaller cost. We also give a necessary condition for the adiabatic approximation that depends on local properties of the path, which is appropriate when the gap varies.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Non-Abelian statistics as a Berry phase in exactly solvable models

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    We demonstrate how to directly study non-Abelian statistics for a wide class of exactly solvable many-body quantum systems. By employing exact eigenstates to simulate the adiabatic transport of a model's quasiparticles, the resulting Berry phase provides a direct demonstration of their non-Abelian statistics. We apply this technique to Kitaev's honeycomb lattice model and explicitly demonstrate the existence of non-Abelian Ising anyons confirming the previous conjectures. Finally, we present the manipulations needed to transport and detect the statistics of these quasiparticles in the laboratory. Various physically realistic system sizes are considered and exact predictions for such experiments are provided.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. To appear in New Journal of Physic

    Anatomy of fermionic entanglement and criticality in Kitaev spin liquids

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    We analyze in detail the effect of nontrivial band topology on the area-law behavior of the entanglement entropy in Kitaev's honeycomb model. By mapping the translationally invariant 2D spin model onto 1D fermionic subsystems, we identify those subsystems responsible for universal entanglement contributions in the gapped phases and those responsible for critical entanglement scaling in the gapless phases. For the gapped phases, we analytically show how the topological edge states contribute to the entanglement entropy and provide a universal lower bound for it. For the gapless semimetallic phases and topological phase transitions, the identification of the critical subsystems shows that they fall always into the Ising or the XY universality classes. As our study concerns the fermionic degrees of freedom in the honeycomb model, qualitatively similar results are expected to apply also to generic topological insulators and superconductors

    Parafermionic edge zero modes in Z_n-invariant spin chains

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    A sign of topological order in a gapped one-dimensional quantum chain is the existence of edge zero modes. These occur in the Z_2-invariant Ising/Majorana chain, where they can be understood using free-fermion techniques. Here I discuss their presence in spin chains with Z_n symmetry, and prove that for appropriate coupling they are exact, even in this strongly interacting system. These modes are naturally expressed in terms of parafermions, generalizations of fermions to the Z_n case. I show that parafermionic edge zero modes do not occur in the usual ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic cases, but rather only when the interactions are chiral, so that spatial-parity and time-reversal symmetries are broken.Comment: 22 pages. v2: small changes, added reference

    Electromagnetic and gravitational responses and anomalies in topological insulators and superconductors

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    One of the defining properties of the conventional three-dimensional ("Z2\mathbb{Z}_2-", or "spin-orbit"-) topological insulator is its characteristic magnetoelectric effect, as described by axion electrodynamics. In this paper, we discuss an analogue of such a magnetoelectric effect in the thermal (or gravitational) and the magnetic dipole responses in all symmetry classes which admit topologically non-trivial insulators or superconductors to exist in three dimensions. In particular, for topological superconductors (or superfluids) with time-reversal symmetry which lack SU(2) spin rotation symmetry (e.g. due to spin-orbit interactions), such as the B phase of 3^3He, the thermal response is the only probe which can detect the non-trivial topological character through transport. We show that, for such topological superconductors, applying a temperature gradient produces a thermal- (or mass-) surface current perpendicular to the thermal gradient. Such charge, thermal, or magnetic dipole responses provide a definition of topological insulators and superconductors beyond the single-particle picture. Moreover we find, for a significant part of the 'ten-fold' list of topological insulators found in previous work in the absence of interactions, that in general dimensions the effective field theory describing the space-time responses is governed by a field theory anomaly. Since anomalies are known to be insensitive to whether the underlying fermions are interacting or not, this shows that the classification of these topological insulators is robust to adiabatic deformations by interparticle interactions in general dimensionality. In particular, this applies to symmetry classes DIII, CI, and AIII in three spatial dimensions, and to symmetry classes D and C in two spatial dimensions.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure