9,046 research outputs found

    Efficient Methods for Generating Digital Charts

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    Near shore hydrographic surveying conducted for engineering works require high accuracy and high throughput because the results from these surveys serve as inputs in the engineering work cycle for cost estimates, design and construction purposes. Increasingly, this engineering work cycle is driven by the integrated process of computer-aided-engineering. Hence, the traditional end product of the hydrographic survey ā€” the paper depth chart ā€” can no longer satisfy the digital demands of many engineering organisations. A new product ā€”the digital database, with the digital chart as a by-product of this digital database ā€” is therefore urgently needed. This paper explains how inexpensive microcomputerbased digital charts can be generated from conventional analogue/digital hydrographic systems

    Resonant x-ray scattering study on multiferroic BiMnO3

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    Resonant x-ray scattering is performed near the Mn K-absorption edge for an epitaxial thin film of BiMnO3. The azimuthal angle dependence of the resonant (003) peak (in monoclinic indices) is measured with different photon polarizations; for the Ļƒā†’Ļ€ā€²\sigma\to\pi' channel a 3-fold symmetric oscillation is observed in the intensity variation, while the Ļƒā†’Ļƒā€²\sigma\to\sigma' scattering intensity remains constant. These features are accounted for in terms of the peculiar ordering of the manganese 3d orbitals in BiMnO3. It is demonstrated that the resonant peak persists up to 770 K with an anomaly around 440 K; these high and low temperatures coincide with the structural transition temperatures, seen in bulk, with and without a symmetry change, respectively. A possible relationship of the orbital order with the ferroelectricity of the system is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Factors that influence muscle shear modulus during passive stretch

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    Although elastography has been increasingly used for evaluating muscle shear modulus associated with age, sex, musculoskeletal, and neurological conditions, its physiological meaning is largely unknown. This knowledge gap may hinder data interpretation, limiting the potential of using elastography to gain insights into muscle biomechanics in health and disease. We derived a mathematical model from a widely-accepted Hill-type passive forceā€“length relationship to gain insight about the physiological meaning of resting shear modulus of skeletal muscles under passive stretching, and validated the model by comparing against the ex-vivo animal data reported in our recent work (Koo et al. 2013). The model suggested that resting shear modulus of a slack muscle is a function of specific tension and parameters that govern the normalized passive muscle forceā€“length relationship as well as the degree of muscle anisotropy. The model also suggested that although the slope of the linear shear modulusā€“passive force relationship is primarily related to muscle anatomical cross-sectional area (i.e. the smaller the muscle cross-sectional area, the more the increase in shear modulus to result in the same passive muscle force), it is also governed by the normalized passive muscle forceā€“length relationship and the degree of muscle anisotropy. Taken together, although muscle shear modulus under passive stretching has a strong linear relationship with passive muscle force, its actual value appears to be affected by muscleā€™s mechanical, material, and architectural properties. This should be taken into consideration when interpreting the muscle shear modulus values

    Molecular Gas during the Post-Starburst Phase: Low Gas Fractions in Green Valley Seyfert Post-Starburst Galaxies

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    Post-starbursts (PSBs) are candidate for rapidly transitioning from star-bursting to quiescent galaxies. We study the molecular gas evolution of PSBs at z ~ 0.03 - 0.2. We undertook new CO (2-1) observations of 22 Seyfert PSBs candidates using the ARO Submillimeter Telescope. This sample complements previous samples of PSBs by including green valley PSBs with Seyfert-like emission, allowing us to analyze for the first time the molecular gas properties of 116 PSBs with a variety of AGN properties. The distribution of molecular gas to stellar mass fractions in PSBs is significantly different than normal star-forming galaxies in the COLD GASS survey. The combined samples of PSBs with Seyfert-like emission line ratios have a gas fraction distribution which is even more significantly different and is broader (~ 0.03-0.3). Most of them have lower gas fractions than normal star-forming galaxies. We find a highly significant correlation between the WISE 12 micron to 4.6 micron flux ratios and molecular gas fractions in both PSBs and normal galaxies. We detect molecular gas in 27% of our Seyfert PSBs. Taking into account the upper limits, the mean and the dispersion of the distribution of the gas fraction in our Seyfert PSB sample are much smaller (mean = 0.025, std dev. = 0.018) than previous samples of Seyfert PSBs or PSBs in general (mean ~ 0.1 - 0.2, std dev. ~ 0.1 - 0.2).Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures accepted in MNRA

    Magnetic Properties of the Novel Low-Dimensional Cuprate Na5RbCu4(AsO4)4Cl2

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    The magnetic properties of a new compound, Na5RbCu4(AsO4)4Cl2 are reported. The material has a layered structure comprised of square Cu4O4 tetramers. The Cu ions are divalent and the system behaves as a low-dimensional S=1/2 antiferromagnet. Spin exchange in Na5RbCu4(AsO4)4Cl2 appears to be quasi-two-dimensional and non-frustrated. Measurements of the bulk magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity are consistent with low-dimensional magnetism. The compound has an interesting, low-entropy, magnetic transition at T = 17 K.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Coarsening Dynamics of an Antiferromagnetic XY model on the Kagome Lattice: Breakdown of the Critical Dynamic Scaling

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    We find a breakdown of the critical dynamic scaling in the coarsening dynamics of an antiferromagnetic {\em XY} model on the kagome lattice when the system is quenched from disordered states into the Kosterlitz-Thouless ({\em KT}) phases at low temperatures. There exist multiple growing length scales: the length scales of the average separation between fractional vortices are found to be {\em not} proportional to the length scales of the quasi-ordered domains. They are instead related through a nontrivial power-law relation. The length scale of the quasi-ordered domains (as determined from optimal collapse of the correlation functions for the order parameter expā”[3iĪø(r)]\exp[3 i \theta (r)]) does not follow a simple power law growth but exhibits an anomalous growth with time-dependent effective growth exponent. The breakdown of the critical dynamic scaling is accompanied by unusual relaxation dynamics in the decay of fractional (3Īø3\theta) vortices, where the decay of the vortex numbers is characterized by an exponential function of logarithmic powers in time.Comment: 13 pages, 26 figure

    Substructural Identification of Flexural Rigidity for Beam-Like Structures

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    This study proposes a novel substructural identification method based on the Bernoulli-Euler beam theory with a single variable optimization scheme to estimate the flexural rigidity of a beam-like structure such as a bridge deck, which is one of the major structural integrity indices of a structure. In ordinary bridges, the boundary condition of a superstructure can be significantly altered by aging and environmental variations, and the actual boundary conditions are generally unknown or difficult to be estimated correctly. To efficiently bypass the problems related to boundary conditions, a substructural identification method is proposed to evaluate the flexural rigidity regardless of the actual boundary conditions by isolating an identification region within the internal substructure. The proposed method is very simple and effective as it utilizes the single variable optimization based on the transfer function formulated utilizing Bernoulli Euler beam theory for the inverse analysis to obtain the flexural rigidity. This novel method is also rigorously investigated by applying it for estimating the flexural rigidity of a simply supported beam model with different boundary conditions, a concrete plate-girder bridge model with different length of an internal substructure, a cantilever-type wind turbine tower structure with different type of excitation, and a steel box-girder bridge model with internal structural damages.This research was financially supported by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) of the Korea government (code 12 Technology Innovation E09)
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