22,680 research outputs found

    Interlaced particle systems and tilings of the Aztec diamond

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    Motivated by the problem of domino tilings of the Aztec diamond, a weighted particle system is defined on NN lines, with line jj containing jj particles. The particles are restricted to lattice points from 0 to NN, and particles on successive lines are subject to an interlacing constraint. It is shown that marginal distributions for this particle system can be computed exactly. This in turn is used to give unified derivations of a number of fundamental properties of the tiling problem, for example the evaluation of the number of distinct configurations and the relation to the GUE minor process. An interlaced particle system associated with the domino tiling of a certain half Aztec diamond is similarly defined and analyzed.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Edge scaling limits for a family of non-Hermitian random matrix ensembles

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    A family of random matrix ensembles interpolating between the GUE and the Ginibre ensemble of n×nn\times n matrices with iid centered complex Gaussian entries is considered. The asymptotic spectral distribution in these models is uniform in an ellipse in the complex plane, which collapses to an interval of the real line as the degree of non-Hermiticity diminishes. Scaling limit theorems are proven for the eigenvalue point process at the rightmost edge of the spectrum, and it is shown that a non-trivial transition occurs between Poisson and Airy point process statistics when the ratio of the axes of the supporting ellipse is of order n1/3n^{-1/3}. In this regime, the family of limiting probability distributions of the maximum of the real parts of the eigenvalues interpolates between the Gumbel and Tracy-Widom distributions.Comment: 44 page

    Quasiperiodic localized oscillating solutions in the discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with alternating on-site potential

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    We present what we believe to be the first known example of an exact quasiperiodic localized stable solution with spatially symmetric large-amplitude oscillations in a non-integrable Hamiltonian lattice model. The model is a one-dimensional discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with alternating on-site energies, modelling e.g. an array of optical waveguides with alternating widths. The solution bifurcates from a stationary discrete gap soliton, and in a regime of large oscillations its intensity oscillates periodically between having one peak at the central site, and two symmetric peaks at the neighboring sites with a dip in the middle. Such solutions, termed 'pulsons', are found to exist in continuous families ranging arbitrarily close both to the anticontinuous and continuous limits. Furthermore, it is shown that they may be linearly stable also in a regime of large oscillations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. E. Revised version: change of title, added Figs. 1(b),(c), 4 new references + minor clarification

    Two-Electron Photon Emission From Metallic Quantum Wells

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    Unusual emission of visible light is observed in scanning tunneling microscopy of the quantum well system Na on Cu(111). Photons are emitted at energies exceeding the energy of the tunneling electrons. Model calculations of two-electron processes which lead to quantum well transitions reproduce the experimental fluorescence spectra, the quantum yield, and the power-law variation of the intensity with the excitation current.Comment: revised version, as published; 4 pages, 3 figure

    Liquid-liquid interfacial tension of electrolyte solutions

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    It is theoretically shown that the excess liquid-liquid interfacial tension between two electrolyte solutions as a function of the ionic strength I behaves asymptotically as O(- I^0.5) for small I and as O(+- I) for large I. The former regime is dominated by the electrostatic potential due to an unequal partitioning of ions between the two liquids whereas the latter regime is related to a finite interfacial thickness. The crossover between the two asymptotic regimes depends sensitively on material parameters suggesting that, depending on the actual system under investigation, the experimentally accessible range of ionic strengths can correspond to either the small or the large ionic strength regime. In the limiting case of a liquid-gas surface where ion partitioning is absent, the image chage interaction can dominate the surface tension for small ionic strength I such that an Onsager-Samaras limiting law O(- I ln(I)) is expected. The proposed picture is consistent with more elaborate models and published measurements.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Polynuclear growth model, GOE2^2 and random matrix with deterministic source

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    We present a random matrix interpretation of the distribution functions which have appeared in the study of the one-dimensional polynuclear growth (PNG) model with external sources. It is shown that the distribution, GOE2^2, which is defined as the square of the GOE Tracy-Widom distribution, can be obtained as the scaled largest eigenvalue distribution of a special case of a random matrix model with a deterministic source, which have been studied in a different context previously. Compared to the original interpretation of the GOE2^2 as ``the square of GOE'', ours has an advantage that it can also describe the transition from the GUE Tracy-Widom distribution to the GOE2^2. We further demonstrate that our random matrix interpretation can be obtained naturally by noting the similarity of the topology between a certain non-colliding Brownian motion model and the multi-layer PNG model with an external source. This provides us with a multi-matrix model interpretation of the multi-point height distributions of the PNG model with an external source.Comment: 27pages, 4 figure

    Aperiodic tumbling of microrods advected in a microchannel flow

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    We report on an experimental investigation of the tumbling of microrods in the shear flow of a microchannel (40 x 2.5 x 0.4 mm). The rods are 20 to 30 microns long and their diameters are of the order of 1 micron. Images of the centre-of-mass motion and the orientational dynamics of the rods are recorded using a microscope equipped with a CCD camera. A motorised microscope stage is used to track individual rods as they move along the channel. Automated image analysis determines the position and orientation of a tracked rods in each video frame. We find different behaviours, depending on the particle shape, its initial position, and orientation. First, we observe periodic as well as aperiodic tumbling. Second, the data show that different tumbling trajectories exhibit different sensitivities to external perturbations. These observations can be explained by slight asymmetries of the rods. Third we observe that after some time, initially periodic trajectories lose their phase. We attribute this to drift of the centre of mass of the rod from one to another stream line of the channel flow.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, as accepted for publicatio

    KPZ equation in one dimension and line ensembles

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    For suitably discretized versions of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in one space dimension exact scaling functions are available, amongst them the stationary two-point function. We explain one central piece from the technology through which such results are obtained, namely the method of line ensembles with purely entropic repulsion.Comment: Proceedings STATPHYS22, Bangalore, 200

    Prospects for cooling nanomechanical motion by coupling to a superconducting microwave resonator

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    Recent theoretical work has shown that radiation pressure effects can in principle cool a mechanical degree of freedom to its ground state. In this paper, we apply this theory to our realization of an opto-mechanical system in which the motion of mechanical oscillator modulates the resonance frequency of a superconducting microwave circuit. We present experimental data demonstrating the large mechanical quality factors possible with metallic, nanomechanical beams at 20 mK. Further measurements also show damping and cooling effects on the mechanical oscillator due to the microwave radiation field. These data motivate the prospects for employing this dynamical backaction technique to cool a mechanical mode entirely to its quantum ground state.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure